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The problem with Numancia's burst fire mode...


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Numancia's burst fire mode reads thusly:


Increases main battery gun rate of fire by allowing you to shoot a series of quick salvos at short intervals. Each salvo series is followed by a longer reload time.

Main battery AP shell damage: +25%
Maximum main battery shell dispersion: -25%
Reload time: 42s
Interval between individual shots: 1s
Number of bursts in series: 3

At first glance and without thinking about it this seems fair, a quick burst with each shell doing 25% more damage, but a matching 25% increase in dispersion.

The problem is that a 25% increase in dispersion is a 56.25% increase in the area of the ellipse, which makes it distinctly a bad trade.  This is readily apparent when you use the burst fire as your shells go wildly all over the place and the one or two hits you do get are usually less damage than a single, regular salvo would have obtained on the same target.

An 11.5% increase in dispersion would result in about a 25% increase in the area of the ellipse, and thus about a 25% reduced chance to land a given shell.

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I have numancia. The increase in dispersion at close range is almost invisible. Max range it's noticeable. The ship has a very fast torpedo reload, small conceal, and the burst. I use the heavy AP and outnumbered which is a 10% reduction on the base dispersion, outnumbered. 

At close ranges, the real effect of the dispersion is that you get less citadels, which is I feel the intended purpose of the accuracy debuff.

That said, you can pop the reload and drop someone 80k and vanish. If you like opportunity seeking ships you'll like numancia. 

That said, you will face T10 ships in this thing, and it becomes far less fun when uptiered, but that is true for almost all T8 ships. 

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Its fine, burst is there to a) ap devastate broadsides and b) start repeated fires on bbs then go dark when kiting so they dont pummel you

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shell dispersion is measured in meters in the game, larger being worse. so a -25% shell dispersion is a buff in this context. unless of course somebody wrote something stupid and meant sigma ...

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1 hour ago, Hugh_Ruka said:

so a -25% shell dispersion is a buff in this context

If WG puts the figure in red, it means it's a nerf. 

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I used it only once and even then by mistake. Not interested in funny buttons.

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2 hours ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

If WG puts the figure in red, it means it's a nerf. 

sure, but that does not match with the text. and it would not be the first time they made such a mistake ...

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30 minutes ago, Hugh_Ruka said:

sure, but that does not match with the text. and it would not be the first time they made such a mistake ...

Helstrem's specific description of his experience when using it is that the accuracy goes to crap. Therefore, it's a nerf. If it were a buff, he'd be here gushing over how amazingly tightly the shells cluster. And Subtle Octavian agrees with him.

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