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Rhode Island coming what you think which resources WG will ask?


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Rhode Island coming what you think which resources WG will ask? since it don't give any RP this Christmas I believe that she will be RP ship

I am happy that I conserve resources and don't buy anything for Christmas



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Doubs probably or maybe coal. Leaves Puerto Rico for steel open for the future.

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What did WG drain with the Kitakami event? Coal, Steel, Research Points.

They also released Lauria for steel, so coins against nuts it won't be it.

Leaves Coal and RPs. RI has a ton of gimmicks, so I don't see her being sold for coal.

My bet is we will see Rhode Island for Research Points, to drain the wallets even further.

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13 minutes ago, MBT808 said:

Doubs probably or maybe coal. Leaves Puerto Rico for steel open for the future.

Naah PR is hardly a steel material, 2x DY if she gets added as some she will be either coal or RP, as for RI IDK what her stats are but if I d have to guess prob steel

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I saw Rhode Island on a twitch stream last night. She is quite nice. CarbineCarlito is in Ireland on the EU server and he has a variety of test ships.

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23 minutes ago, Aragathor said:

My bet is we will see Rhode Island for Research Points, to drain the wallets even further.

Normally I could see that, but we already have two American BBs in the Research Bureau so I would be surprised if they shove a third in there. Coal could certainly be nice but it’s more gimmicky than most of the current offerings.

I’d actually expect steel. Yes we just got a “new” steel ship, but so far we’ve had a US BB in every available resource but steel. Georgia was coal, Ohio and Illinois are RB. If it’s releasing next patch, dockyard and salvage are out since they’re already running for the entire patch with other ships. And I’d be surprised if they do a doubloon only option. Doubloon limited early access for a couple weeks if it’s a coal ship (like they’ve done for some of the others), but not doubloon exclusive.

The only other option I could see is a web campaign like Brisbane, but again that would really only work if it’s a coal (or doubloon only) ship down the road. 

Edited by MidnightPhoenix07
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31 minutes ago, MidnightPhoenix07 said:

I’d actually expect steel. Yes we just got a “new” steel ship, but so far we’ve had a US BB in every available resource but steel. Georgia was coal, Ohio and Illinois are RB. If it’s releasing next patch, dockyard and salvage are out since they’re already running for the entire patch with other ships. And I’d be surprised if they do a doubloon only option. Doubloon limited early access for a couple weeks if it’s a coal ship (like they’ve done for some of the others), but not doubloon exclusive.

The only other option I could see is a web campaign like Brisbane, but again that would really only work if it’s a coal (or doubloon only) ship down the road. 

My bet would be steel early access, then a regular steel release a la the recent Italian BB.

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I hate steel. 2yrs in this account and still don't have enough to buy a single ship. It takes so long to aquire I've written off getting any steel ships.  

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Doubt RP unless Ohio is on the chopping block for removal soon.

Coal- wouldn't put money on it, because it looks too crazy for coal. Then again, looking at Napoli and Marceau, and they did offer Thunderer for coal, who knows.

I'd go for steel. She'd be a near perfect Americanized Bourgogne, and has the kind of insanity that matches many steel ships. Plus Scillia being around WG wouldn't want two T10 RM BBs available for steel so I'd expect Scillia coal and Rhode Island steel.

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34 minutes ago, mashed68 said:

I hate steel. 2yrs in this account and still don't have enough to buy a single ship. It takes so long to aquire I've written off getting any steel ships.  

Do you play ranked and take Battlepass in past it been good way to get steel

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55 minutes ago, mashed68 said:

I hate steel. 2yrs in this account and still don't have enough to buy a single ship. It takes so long to aquire I've written off getting any steel ships.  

I initially did the same as I just don't play constantly even though I started in Closed Beta.  I have five steel ships now.  Just never spend steel on anything at all.  Never.

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I used as much PT as possible in getting Kitakami, and the rewards from the holiday events left me enough of the remaining resources to buy at least one with each. 

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Let me tell you about steel.  My first steel ship was the Flint.  I worked my butt off to get enough steel for it.  It took forever it seemed.  I played it and was thrilled with it.  Three weeks later they nerfed it beyond recognition (IFHE).  Then, just to make sure they really screwed me, they nerfed it again (range).  Now it's a port queen.  I've never forgiven WG for it and haven't given them hardly a dime since.  I wouldn't be too concerned about getting specific ships.  You never know what they will do to them.

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1 hour ago, VedranSeawolf359 said:

Do you play ranked and take Battlepass in past it been good way to get steel

Yes and dockyard and snowflakes have made it much easier as well. I don't ever play ranked or clan battels and I still have 51k steel. I also have the Mecklenburg, Incomparable and the Bourgogne. I wont lie I out right bough 2 dockyard ships and then got the steel for all the mission I completed plus they used to give you 1k steel along the way then give you 2k Steel in containers for finishing dockyard mission at the end.

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39 minutes ago, Captain_Rawhide said:

My first steel ship was the Flint. 

Lol me to I forgot about that I spent steel on her and a week later they took it out of Steel and made it available for coal I think . That's one of the few things that they did that really pissed me off. Other things bothered me but that's the one thing that really pissed me off.

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11 hours ago, mashed68 said:

I hate steel. 2yrs in this account and still don't have enough to buy a single ship. It takes so long to aquire I've written off getting any steel ships.  

I have a spare account (which I created more like a test account) which will turn 2yrs in February, completely F2P and I don't even play too much on it (I'd say an average of 2-3 battles per day). I have Shikishima and another 8300 steel.  These only came from Ranked and the common battlepass (which I rarely finish, given the number of games played).

My advice: try to play more Ranked and get at least 9 victories (600 steel every 2 weeks or so). If you manage to get to Silver league, even better, here you can get another 800 steel for 12 victories every sprint.

Also, you might try to play some clan battles. That's where the real steel comes. Good luck!


PS. I don't want to get you upset telling about my main account, which is less than 3 yeas old.  😀 Not entirely F2P, but close enough.

Edited by SmokinSerj
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Clan battles for steel? Hah, I wish. My previous clan - played clan battles religiously for 12 months every week. We were so bad all I managed to earn was 100 steel. 

The old daily missions were really lucrative if you played every day and completed the dailies. I calculated it at 12,000 for the year. Plus clan bonus. The free BP over the last year was equally as good with 1200 steel per month (patch) plus another 1500 if you paid for the premium BP.

Then there's the xmas snowflakes. Never, ever, sell a T8 or T9 ship, even the ships you hate. So much more steel. 

Using the resource coupon you can acquire a steel ship every year without winning a single game of ranked or a single clan battle. All you need is to be a dedicated participant in daily battles. 6 Good games in randoms, or up to 25 average co-op games. Choose your poison.

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50 minutes ago, UnderTheRadarAgain said:

Then there's the xmas snowflakes. Never, ever, sell a T8 or T9 ship, even the ships you hate. So much more steel.

Ha! I forgot about those 🙂


51 minutes ago, UnderTheRadarAgain said:

 6 Good games in randoms...

Not even those, if you stick some blue bonuses, you can do it in 3 battles.

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11 hours ago, clammboy said:

Lol me to I forgot about that I spent steel on her and a week later they took it out of Steel and made it available for coal I think .

Flint, Black and Neustrashimy were pulled from steel and reintroduced for coal after quite a wait. Black was my first steel ship, obtained shortly before the pull was announced. My only thought on the matter was "Well, this is good - when they come back, I won't have to spend steel on Flint and Neustra or coal on Black, and people without steel who want the Black will be able to save up coal for her." I was excited for the people who would now be able to get her more easily. 

12 hours ago, Captain_Rawhide said:

Let me tell you about steel.  My first steel ship was the Flint.  I worked my butt off to get enough steel for it.  It took forever it seemed.  I played it and was thrilled with it.  Three weeks later they nerfed it beyond recognition (IFHE).  Then, just to make sure they really screwed me, they nerfed it again (range).  Now it's a port queen.  I've never forgiven WG for it and haven't given them hardly a dime since.  I wouldn't be too concerned about getting specific ships.  You never know what they will do to them.

Did you hate getting fire rained on you by Smolensk parked 19km away? Because that's the other thing that got nerfed. Big time.

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With two US BBs already in the Research Bureau (Ohio & Illinois), I think Rhode Island would be added to a different resource.  My guess would be steel.


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5 minutes ago, HogHammer said:

My guess would be steel.

Coal? On second thought, maybe Kearsarge is still too recently introduced to bring in another US coal battleship. 

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24 minutes ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

Coal? On second thought, maybe Kearsarge is still too recently introduced to bring in another US coal battleship. 

Also, I would not discount a possible "dockyard" event for the Rhode Island.  

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21 minutes ago, HogHammer said:

Also, I would not discount a possible "dockyard" event for the Rhode Island.  

Assuming she is being released with the new patch, I'd have thought we would know about that by this time - especially since the Michelangelo Dockyard still has weeks to run and is going to overlap into the new patch. We'll see what happens when the patch notes come out.

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