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Six Years In WOWS!!!

Ensign Cthulhu

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So I went back to where it all began for me - the Black Swan.

She's a changed ship now - HE only, none of the AP ammo that made her a mini-Minotaur... but with six barrels, she's still got the biggest broadside in terms of shots fired.


Yeah, I of all people WOULD get 666 XP, wouldn't I? 😈

Things I could only dream of back then are now long-ago accomplishments in my port. The newb of old has receded into the mists of time. So much has changed, but there is plenty that's still the same and I'm loving every bit of both. But new ships and mechanisms means new things to learn, and that's why I called myself ENSIGN Cthulhu back then and why I've got no plans to change that for the foreseeable future.

Looking forward to at least six more years of change and evolution. 

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32 minutes ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

So I went back to where it all began for me - the Black Swan.

She's a changed ship now - HE only, none of the AP ammo that made her a mini-Minotaur... but with six barrels, she's still got the biggest broadside in terms of shots fired.


Yeah, I of all people WOULD get 666 XP, wouldn't I? 😈

Things I could only dream of back then are now long-ago accomplishments in my port. The newb of old has receded into the mists of time. So much has changed, but there is plenty that's still the same and I'm loving every bit of both. But new ships and mechanisms means new things to learn, and that's why I called myself ENSIGN Cthulhu back then and why I've got no plans to change that for the foreseeable future.

Looking forward to at least six more years of change and evolution. 

Congratulations!  👍👍  🙂 

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Very cool.  I remember when there was only the US and IJN lines.  And an ocean map with one big cap in the center.  A lot has changed, still a fun game.

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I remember getting to t3, the st louis, all those guns, and no clue yet how to aim, where to aim, or what I was supposed to do on the map

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I arrived late (July of 21), so my Black Swan never had AP ... but I still have her, and I still play her once a day when I think to. I currently have a couple of days free premium so the XP is better than normal :classic_biggrin:


I use my econ bonuses infrequently - so I stuck a 200% on Nigel ... because I intend to get him to 21 points even if it's mostly meaningless.


As to why ... I never get any use from it, but that Quad Vickers is MY idea of what everyone should have on their yacht!



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