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Research Bureau and Captain Movement Questions


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If I need 5 lines totally researched to unlock the Bureau do lines like the European DD line count for 2 since it splits? I've tried finding 2023 info on this stuff and I'm not having much luck.

I also just got my first commander to 21 and got me thinking. Do folks move around their special/seasoned commanders to accommodate like how ranked is currently T8 but normally I'd have Jerzy on my Gdansk, do people move their special commanders around tech trees or do they usually stay put at T10? I feel like I have more questions the longer I play.

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3 minutes ago, Jakeshuffle said:

If I need 5 lines totally researched to unlock the Bureau do lines like the European DD line count for 2 since it splits? I've tried finding 2023 info on this stuff and I'm not having much luck.

I also just got my first commander to 21 and got me thinking. Do folks move around their special/seasoned commanders to accommodate like how ranked is currently T8 but normally I'd have Jerzy on my Gdansk, do people move their special commanders around tech trees or do they usually stay put at T10? I feel like I have more questions the longer I play.

They *ought* to count, assuming the IJN DDs (or other split lines) do, since they're now fully released. I don't know for certain though, as I'm long past the five lines limit (sorry, that isn't helpful).

As to what I do with my 21 point captains, I usually assign them in the following way:

  • Assign them to whatever high tier silver ship I use most frequently (also with an eye to modes where it matters more), rather than the highest tier automatically. For me, that usually means the T10, although it's sometimes the T9 (see regrinding note later).
  • I do build them with an eye to which premiums are available, and - when I had fewer 21 pointers - I tended to concentrate on getting more for nations with plenty of available premiums. The ideal situation in this regard can sometimes be where the premiums are different classes to the silver ship that the captain is assigned to, as you can then have a build optimised for the silver ship in one class, and optimised for the premiums from other classes.
  • I don't generally move captains between silver ships, as that wastes resources; of course, moving between premiums is free.

On the general subject of captains, and the RB in general: once you unlock regrinds, it's generally a good idea to have one regrind line, that you do over and over (rather than doing multiple lines at the same time). In this case, it's helpful to have a decent captain for every ship in that line that you'll play properly. For example, my usual regrind lines are the IJN DDs (I like playing almost all of them, so don't need to free-xp as much, plus they require the least xp to complete said regrind), and - pre rework - I used to have 19 pointers on everything from about T8 and up.

On lines where you do regrind, there is perhaps an argument for putting the 21 pointer on the T9: if you aren't free-xping, this is the silver ship you'll play most, and will give the best return. Of course that then precludes their use on the T10, which may matter for competitive.

Happily, once you have your first 21 pointer, the second will happen faster (assuming that's what you do with the captain xp your first 21 pointer generates) and things tend to snowball from there, so you tend to have more options as you progress.

Incidentally, I've had plenty of reasons to call WG Pralines & Richard over the last couple of years, but adding the ability to have different captain builds for different classes on captains (and move them between premiums for free) is not one of them - this was a rare occurrence of them actually doing something that benefited players dramatically!

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2 hours ago, Jakeshuffle said:

If I need 5 lines totally researched to unlock the Bureau do lines like the European DD line count for 2 since it splits? I've tried finding 2023 info on this stuff and I'm not having much luck.

The requirement is to have 5 tech-tree tier X ships unlocked. Both Halland and Gdańsk fit that category, so that’s two of the five ships needed right there.

Just keep in mind that split lines are treated as two separate lines when you actually perform your resets to collect Research Points. When you reset, RP are assigned to each ship that is unlocked at the time of the reset. Since there are two tier V EU DDs this isn’t an issue for that line, but it is for a line like Soviet cruisers that splits later. For that example, if you reset both Petropavlovsk and A. Nevsky one right after the other at the same time you will only get one set of RP for the tier V-VII ships since that line splits at tier VIII. To get the full points for both resets you will want play through the tier VII ship prior to the second reset. You also don’t get credit for ships you skipped with early access by this same logic. For example, if you unlocked Nebraska in EA without having unlocked NY, NM, or CO you will be able to reset the line after unlocking LA, but you will not get RP for the aforementioned tier V-VII ships.

Edited by Nevermore135
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@Jakeshuffle"If I need 5 lines totally researched to unlock the Bureau, do lines like the European DD line count for two since it splits? I've tried finding 2023 info on this stuff, and I'm not having much luck."

If a line splits, be it your EU DD line, or for that matter, any line splits, you have to research EACH line for it to amount to two unlocked branches for the RB.  So, in your case, to get the two unlocked, you would need to research through Halland and Gdansk.  Then you have two unlocked lines.  If, on the other hand, you only research the Halland branch line, you only would get 1 RB unlock.  The same holds true for the IJN DD line (Shima and Harugumo) or US BB line (Vermont, Montana, and Louisiana - in which case you unlocked 3).

And a big thumbs up to wiki.wargaming - an excellent source of information for really all-things World of Warships.

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9 hours ago, Jakeshuffle said:

do people move their special commanders around tech trees or do they usually stay put at T10?

Depends on the player. Seasoned players who do Clan Battles or who rank out regularly have usually been around long enough to either develop multiple 21 pointers at various tiers on their chosen ships (they know which ones they do well in) or have enough elite commander XP stored up that they can move them around as needed without paying doubloons or needing to retrain them on a premium. 

Ranked is not the sort of serious business that Clan Battles is, and the standard of both your teammates' and your opponents' play can vary so much that not having a 21 pointer on the ship of choice is not a deal breaker. Your familiarity with the ship matters more, although obviously torpedo-oriented destroyers are going to want a commander with Concealment Expert etc., so at least 10 points.

9 hours ago, Jakeshuffle said:

If I need 5 lines totally researched to unlock the Bureau

You need to have unlocked five different Tier 10 tech-tree ships.  UNLOCKED, please note; you do not actually have to BUY them all in order to open the RB.

9 hours ago, Jakeshuffle said:

I feel like I have more questions the longer I play.

This is a good and healthy attitude, and an even better and healthier attitude is coming here to ask them, as you are doing. 👍

Paging @Lord_Zath, who is a far more experienced and competent player than I, and whose long-time specialty is helping out people with questions such as yours.

Edited by Ensign Cthulhu
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Guest Capt_of_Satisfaction

I use my 21 point Capt in my favorite ships with the exception of my "trainers."  I have a training ship for each Nation I'm playing, all for leveling Captains.  Mostly T7 or T8, like Mainz for example. I trained Lutjens in OPs using Mainz then as soon as he was fully 21, I moved him to Tirpitz.  I put the next highest non-21 point German Capt in his place and wash, rinse, repeat.   I love my TT Lightning so much I've trained 3 21 point Cappys in it :classic_smile:  Same with Kidd.

But one of my long-standing pet peeves is having to pay to re-spec a Captain.  I hate it.  You grind your Capt you should be able to re-spec him anytime you want.  Also, if you have a Capt in a certain TT ship, you should be able to move that Capt into that ship anytime you want without penalty.  He's trained in that ship! I know, it'll never change.   Arrrgh, drives me nuts.




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3 hours ago, Jakeshuffle said:

Yes, that's...why I had additional questions.

You're thinking in terms of "lines".  That's not how qualification is determined.  It takes five unlocked Tech Tree Tier X ships to qualify to reset lines.  Lines are important for resetting, not for qualifying.

Btw, having *any* research points lets you into the Armory RB page to spend them.


Edited by iDuckman
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6 hours ago, Capt_of_Satisfaction said:

I use my 21 point Capt in my favorite ships with the exception of my "trainers."  I have a training ship for each Nation I'm playing, all for leveling Captains.  Mostly T7 or T8, like Mainz for example. I trained Lutjens in OPs using Mainz then as soon as he was fully 21, I moved him to Tirpitz.  I put the next highest non-21 point German Capt in his place and wash, rinse, repeat.   I love my TT Lightning so much I've trained 3 21 point Cappys in it 

I use WV’44 and Georgia and Massachusetts and Ohio to produce my German and British 21 point captains.

Or I use Giulio Cesare, Roma, and Napoli for  doing the same, or to train my Netherlands cruiser captains.

With 21-point captains and an ECXP pool, the shackles of needing trainer ships and ship types for specific nations, fall right to the ground.

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