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What would you Remove from the game, add to the game and ban from being ever added


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Remove Torpedo reload booster, torpedoes are bad enough without it

Add Dye capped shells, a little color is always welcome.

ban anti-air missiles, carriers might be king in the original game but on Legends it is easy to get a squad wiped unless if the entire enemy team can stay in spitting distance of each other.

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I’d remove proximity spotting while in smoke. I’d add wake homing torpedos. 
I wouldn’t ban anything. Nothing is bad enough to ban, other than players who cry about things on discord or here rather than work on their own play. 

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I wouldn't ban any weapon type. They're all balanced in their own way. Torpedoes are probably the easiest to counter when I think about it. What I'd add is a 1-2 charge heal for lower tier cruisers and DDs. Allow them to be able to recover a small amount when messing up, especially helpful for a newer player. Also I'd remove the pinging that a Submarine can do while also increasing the torpedo arm distance. I would add mandatory manual control of your secondary battery, so good aim is rewarded when captaining a secondary ship.

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Wai, wait, wait. I just thought of something to add!  
Give us the ability to set the speed and range of our torps. Make it so the shorter the range, the faster they go. Longer range would cost you a slower speed.  This would also affect the detectability of torpedos. Tge faster they are, the easier they are to spot. 

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"What would you Remove from the game, add to the game and ban from being ever added"



Oh that's easy......


Hint : one doesn't detonate and the other keeps pinging, even tho its not a router.

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Remove that island in the middle of Fault Line that is in the exact center of the B cap in domination.  It's invisible on the mini-map.  And magnetic.

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3 minutes ago, Type_93 said:

Wai, wait, wait. I just thought of something to add!  
Give us the ability to set the speed and range of our torps. Make it so the shorter the range, the faster they go. Longer range would cost you a slower speed.  This would also affect the detectability of torpedos. Tge faster they are, the easier they are to spot. 

Why do I have the sneaking suspicion this would be abused hard by shotgunning submarines? Hmm? Something about only needing maybe 3km of range instead of 12km and thus getting torps streaking in at over 100 knots to be even more impossible to dodge.

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It's difficult to seriously remove just one or two things because the game has involved with even the smallest thing being linked to how other things work.  Pull on one thread, and the entire tapestry falls apart or you end up with a hole in the game.  What I'd do is a massive reengineering of the game that would require far too much work and time for WG to even consider in the current conditions, but would redesign CVs and Subs along lines closer to more core fundamentals and less on unique mechanics, along with the related systems on other types of units.


The only thing I would feel good about banning would be any non-cosmetic mods.  This isn't a single-person game where mods that affect gameplay only affect the player themselves and are harmless to others.  I firmly believe mods that affect how a player makes decisions, plays their ships, and in any way alters the playing field towards other players is inherently unfair to other players and deviates from the core concept that players must compete through their own abilities and limitations.  


Otherwise, any changes would have to be scrutinized carefully to find out what collateral changes would have to be made to maintain the game in a good state and not cause even more problems than they solve.

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"What would you Remove from the game, add to the game and ban from being ever added"

Remove: Submarines or at the very least Homing Torpedoes

Add: 1) Radar & Sonar that DON'T see thru Islands 2) Co-op mode with 12 ships.

Ban from adding: Jet aircraft and any Missiles toting vehicles.

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I always wanted the ability to mount a lesser modification in a higher equipment modification slot. For instance, the ability to take Main Arms Mod 1 in slot one and then in slot 2, put Aux Arms Mod 1.  What I found in some high tier ships is really crappy choices in the upper slots and would rather have something more useful (and cheaper).  It would also allow far more diverse builds instead of the cookie cutter builds that you end up with. 

The camo rework needs to be reworked. That totally destroyed the usefulness of the things and torpedoed a source of revenue. Probably one of the stupidest changes made to the game. Also there should be an option to make any camo pattern available for the one use camos as permanent. Again, a no brainer and IMHO, just leaving money on the table. 

Not a fan of carriers and do not use them but always thought that bombers should have the ability to switch between HE bombs and AP bombs in a match (before launch). 

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30 minutes ago, Musket22 said:

2) Co-op mode with 12 ships.

I agree. This would give co-op the same basic structure as random battles. New players would get a better preview of what they will face as the move up in the game.

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31 minutes ago, Taylor3006 said:

I always wanted the ability to mount a lesser modification in a higher equipment modification slot. For instance, the ability to take Main Arms Mod 1 in slot one and then in slot 2, put Aux Arms Mod 1.  What I found in some high tier ships is really crappy choices in the upper slots and would rather have something more useful (and cheaper).  It would also allow far more diverse builds instead of the cookie cutter builds that you end up with. 

I kinda like this idea. It might take some extra time & testing, but it's got potential.

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  • Remove - Submarines as implemented with all their BS mechanics + protections and especially homing torps. 
  • Ban/Never Add - Premium special ammo like WOT's gold ammo (could be nuclear shells for example in WOWS). Just no to that for this game.
  • Add - A ship Reserve in port so you can remove ships you don't play from your carousel without selling them or having to filter the display order. Ships on the Reserve List are still yours you just don't see them. Similar to the Captain Reserve.
Edited by AdmiralThunder
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I'd like a mode like Randoms (12v12, all tiers, all maps and various modes), but with only 1 tier difference and no divisions.

No, I'm not always in the mood for the "challenge" of playing bottom tier, nor for the one of being the only decent player (if that...) on my team while the other gets three. And no, playing alongside strong divisions isn't fun either: it usually just becomes a feeding frenzy on our side...and probably a toxic chat on the other.

I know there's Ranked, but it has other constraints.

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1 hour ago, AdmiralThunder said:
  • Remove - Submarines as implemented with all their BS mechanics + protections and especially homing torps. 
  • Ban/Never Add - Premium special ammo like WOT's gold ammo (could be nuclear shells for example in WOWS). Just no to that for this game.
  • Add - A ship Reserve in port so you can remove ships you don't play from your carousel without selling them or having to filter the display order. Ships on the Reserve List are still yours you just don't see them. Similar to the Captain Reserve.


I endorse these suggestions, but most emphatically the Premium ammo or any kind of purchasable combat advantage.  I'm kicking myself for not including that myself, and I think more than anything, Subs, CVs, or Missiles, that kind of thing will kill this game more certainly and finally.  May any suggestion it be implemented be lost in a catastrophic hard drive crash.


Edited by Jakob Knight
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2 hours ago, Justin_Simpleton said:

Remove that island in the middle of Fault Line that is in the exact center of the B cap in domination.  It's invisible on the mini-map.  And magnetic.


1 hour ago, AdmiralThunder said:
  • Add - A ship Reserve in port so you can remove ships you don't play from your carousel without selling them or having to filter the display order. Ships on the Reserve List are still yours you just don't see them. Similar to the Captain Reserve.


Emphatically THESE!!!

Personally ... I would like to see more maps. I find it incredibly frustrating playing the same 2 or 3 maps over and over because I'm focusing on a particular tier.

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Just now, PrairiePlayer said:

My suggestion is not a ban, but I would like to see ships sink faster.  The current BS of running into a dead ship while trying to fight the live ones is very annoying, especially because dead ships seem to linger forever.  If a ship is dead, get it out of the way. 


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1 minute ago, PrairiePlayer said:
1 minute ago, PrairiePlayer said:

My suggestion is not a ban, but I would like to see ships sink faster.  The current BS of running into a dead ship while trying to fight the live ones is very annoying, especially because dead ships seem to linger forever.  If a ship is dead, get it out of the way. 

I've found that dropping depth-charges on a sinking ship helps it sink faster.
Your mileage may vary, though.  🙂 

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I'd like to have a better sorting system in port. Easiest would be to extend the "primary ship" ribbon to different colors, red, green, blue or so. That'd let me sort ships by usage scenario or usage frequency, for instance.

I'd also love an option to edit commander names.

Finally, an option to pre-mark modules and captain skills before I earn them, so I don't need to worry about selecting the right options when the time comes.

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I would remove the ability to chat after sinking. The toxicity in this community has only gotten worse over the years. I dont play any other online games with any regularity so I dont know if its the 'new normal' now.  I do play warthunder on sat nights but the chat is very quiet but I can honestly say that for me, the toxic chat is THE single worst thing about this game. That says a lot considering how vocal I was about hating subs being added to the game!

I would also remove the ability to 'hunt down' someone after a match and berate them privately just because you dont like the way they play....again, more toxicity.

You'd almost think that WeeGee approves of this verbal abuse since its been a problem from day 1.

I'd change a few things and allowing for some MINIMAL modding of ships, within the realms of....ahem.....reality.

I'd allow for T8 and up ships to chose radar OR hydro OR (adding) Sonar which specifically targets subs but not torps. Some nationalities/ship classes would just be better suited or bonuses for use of a specific sensor.

All ships can 'make' smoke, some, like DD's are just better at it.

I'd make cruisers and DD's harder to hit with BB main guns so they dont get crushed so easily and to balance that I'd make BB's more resistant to those ships main guns.

I'd do away with the never ending supply of torps by DD's.

I'd change spotting aircraft by adding a waypoint for the spotter plane to fly around, allowing it to actively search for DD's rather than the relatively unuseful range boost.

I'd make CV's more 'anti CV'. Which is more about lowering the AA capability of CV's than anything.

I'd make CV fighters able to defend a specific ship rather an a specific area.

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Remove: Submarines as they are.

Add: Submarines with performance parameters as historical as other ship types.

Ban: Homing munitions, be they torpedoes or missiles.

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3 hours ago, kriegerfaust said:

What would you Remove from the game, add to the game and ban from being ever added
Remove Torpedo reload booster, torpedoes are bad enough without it

Add Dye capped shells, a little color is always welcome.

ban anti-air missiles, carriers might be king in the original game but on Legends it is easy to get a squad wiped unless if the entire enemy team can stay in spitting distance of each other.

I would "remove" the phenomena of guns performing better when they're mounted on a higher-tier ship.
Essentially, if I remember some of the writings of @LittleWhiteMouse and previous discussions on the old forum with @Sailor_Moon correctly, ...
At certain tiers and on certain ships, the listed secondary-battery guns or AA guns are the same type. 
But, when those identical guns are mounted on a higher tier ship their performance is buffed by the game programming.  The projectiles literally perform better.

My solution would be research and properly model the performance of all guns used in the game according to their real-life performance.
Whatever the real-life performance is, that performance would become the performance parameter for the gun in-game.
If real-life data cannot be found, then ballistic calculations would be performed and a standard of performance would be established (for use in-game).

Going further, and in a different direction.  Radar and Hydro-acoustic-search would no longer function "through" islands. 
(This idea has been mentioned by someone else in a previous post.)

The Homing Torpedoes and the Ping mechanic, in my understanding, were created to enable Submarines to have some method of reliably engaging each other while underwater.
The pings provide valuable positioning clues to red-team ships (regarding the approximate whereabouts of the Submarine).
People who want the pings removed from the game may want to come-up with a viable alternative.

Wake-homing torpedoes were mentioned by @Type_93.

I'd want to model the acoustic environment underwater with more complexity and with a temptation to allow radar and hydro-acoustic-search to function continuously (unless incapacitated or destroyed by damage sustained).
The hydrophone and submarine surveilance could also function continuously.
But, here's where things get interesting. 
The proper modeling of the underwater environment would include phenomena which affect the effective range & detection efficiency of detection equipment.
Things like depth, thermal layers, bubbles in the water (created by explosions), noises from *loud*/*nearby* ships (compared with *quiet* or distant ships) may drown-out faint signals which might otherwise indicate the position (or at least a bearing/direction) of a "contact".
My inspiration for this comes from the computer game "Red Storm Rising", but other more modern games offer a similarly detailed & complicated approach to the cat & mouse game of the use of active and passive equipment used for locating ships on the surface and underwater.

Depth-charge airstrikes.
Currently, a lot of ships are equipped with this capability.
I'm tempted to restrict this capability to only ships which have airplane catapults and can launch a plane with enough carrying capacity for the weight of a depth-charge.
I'm also tempted to restrict this to a choice made while in Port via the equipment menu screen.  (Choose Fighter or Spotter or Depth-charge plane.)

That said, I'm also curious if it would be interesting if a CV or another plane-carrying ship which has to torpedo/bomber planes could select an alternate ordnance mode during battle so that torpedoes or bombers could (if selected by a player, like the choice of using H.E. or A.P. for guns) be loaded with depth-charges for their next sortie.

This might also be interesting if Seaplane-Tender cargo ships were introduced into the game.  Because some seaplanes or flying-boats could be equipped with depth-charges for Anti-Submarine-Warfare.


Some of what I'm proposing might elicit wailing and gnashing of teeth from some people.
I take this opportunity to point out that real-life ships had differing capabilities and were expected to work together as a team to cover for each other's weaknesses with the strengths inherent in the other ship(s).
Teamwork would, in my opinion, become more important and beneficial.
Food for thought, in my opinion.

I figure that's a good start as my first post for this topic.
Civil discussion welcome.  🙂

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Remove: submarines in their current implementation.

Add: submarines in a form that enhances the game, rather than bollixing it up.

Never add: guides missiles, and especially any form of gold ammo (I've been playing WOT a bit more lately for the Christmas stuff, and gold ammo really is a blight), possibly unless it was balanced in some way reminiscent of that in WOT Blitz i.e. you get greater pen, but at the cost of less damage (in most cases).

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i would remove  the homing capability from sub's and make them learn an actual skill .

i would include a penalty system to players who like to hide behind islands  or just sit at the back all the time 

i would also remove the ability for new players to aquire higher tire ships so easily  until they have played a minimum of 500 random battles or 1,000 co-op battles so they cant get the experience  first 


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