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2023 Christmas Events Progress Thread (PVE)


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Well, the WOWS 2023 Christmas events are here (God help us) and there are a lot of them...


It is always tough when there are competing events going on. Usually, to be able to progress in one you sacrifice progress in others. I made good progress today in everything though. Well, when I could play for an hour or two at a time when real life wasn't interfering anyway.

Michelangelo Dockyard:

Week 1 in the books.

  • 75,000 Spotting Damage
  • Cause 800,000 Damage
  • 20 Torpedo and/or Citadel hits
  • Earn 110,000 XP
  • 3,900,000 Credits (Cruiser)
  • 3,900,000 Credits (BB - the 1 game I played in Randoms today - Roma - netted me 1.9 Million)

I bought both starter packs today (15 stages - so 10 that will give me Steel as compensation) so with the 3 phases earned in week 1 it puts me at 18/32.




Holidays In Santa City:

Good start to this one. 3 stages down and @ 5/10 on stage 4. I plan to spend the doubloons to upgrade to the Premium one and get Scharnhorst (free @ stage 10) and Stord 43 (Premium reward at end) once I finish it up (no rush to buy it).




Picked up Bungo (I got T9 Adatara in early access and had the XP on it waiting for the line to go live for the T10) and Piemonte (my 16th SS) this morning so that puts me at 545 ships. OY that is a lot of flakes to do LOL. With bonuses (17 so far) I have got 46 flakes knocked off.

Not proceeding with flakes as I normally do (high tier to low tier) but decided to get week 1 of the dockyard out of the way 1st which had me playing a mix of tiers to finish dockyard tasks easier. Now that week 1 of the dockyard is done I can go back to my normal flake routine and finish them all off (or come close) before week 2 starts. 

Only 499 more flakes to go...



Salvage For Victory (Kitakami):

Another reason to blast the flakes out is to build up Coal and Steel reserves. I am still not 100% sold on getting Kitakami but most likely (70% +/-) I will here in 2 weeks when the event starts. I have plenty of resources now but it will be nice to add to that and if/when I do get it not be as badly depleted so to speak.

I could go all Coal but most likely I will do 75-80% Coal and then use a little Steel, RB pts, and PT to finish it off so no one thing is wiped out completely.

spacer.png spacer.png


So a lot got done here day 1 but there is a lot to still do and more coming.

How did you all do today?

I am ready for a nap LOL.



Edited by AdmiralThunder
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Got it done the day it dropped, so no issues there.  Since I flat out bought the Italian gal, it all turns into steel.

I will say one thing about her, her secondaries are quite accurate for a cruiser, more so than Napoli, and she has more of them that reach out and touch things.  Her guns, while arranged odd, pack a very nice punch too (at least this has been my experience with her so far).

At this point I am just waiting on the Kitakami event to kick off.  IF I read it correctly, then I have the resources to get her outright when it hits. In a way I am glad I lost the auction for Smol B, or I would have almost 700k coal less than I do now.  Though that doesn't mean I did not want her...  Smile_sad.gif.5ebea54fd1509055251d6142d4b3c252.gif

The Santa City thing appears to be a non-issue getting done.  Currently if I were to buy 4k dubs, I can get Scharn 44 right now due to me reaching Lv 7 1/2.  I'm fine with waiting however, since I already splashed for DY gal and a bit on the side for Mega's that got me the 5 ships I did not have in the list.  It appears you'll be able to get everything just playing normally, or at least that is how it is looking to me.

Edited by Volron
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I'm happy with how easy progression in the first half of the we-swear-it's-totally-not-a-battle-pass event has been. I wish I'd been paying a little more attention to the escalating point requirements for the later stages before I plunked down the dubs for the second track, but... that's entirely on me. I should be able to log enough hours to get the rest of the goodies.

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Just by playing I got Scharn 43.  Some have complained about it being a 10k a day BXP grind, but I really haven't had a big issue with it.  Not to I am saying that I'd want this to be the "norm", oh HELL NO!


To clarify, the ones I heard complaining were thinking this would become the "new BP".  10k BXP a day to complete the daily task would not be cool.  I sure as hell would be salty.

Edited by Volron
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52 minutes ago, Volron said:

Just by playing I got Scharn 43.  Some have complained about it being a 10k a day BXP grind, but I really haven't had a big issue with it.  Not to I am saying that I'd want this to be the "norm", oh HELL NO!


To clarify, the ones I heard complaining were thinking this would become the "new BP".  10k BXP a day to complete the daily task would not be cool.  I sure as hell would be salty.

Yeah, I got it this morning. One of the easiest grinds for a "good" reward we have ever had. WG did good on this one.


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I have 24 ships left to clear the flakes from.  Started with 368. 

And, the old record of ships received at Christmas has been broken.  The old was 7 and it's now eight new ships by event, carte or box.....  A generous holiday so far !!!

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I have way too many ships!

With all the new ones (Santa crates + Scharn 43) I have got it has been pushed to 555 and 529 qualify for flakes. OY!

IRL keeps getting in the way plus good lord it doesn't feel like I make any headway when I do play with this many to do. I burn out and stop for a while.

But I am plugging away at it. So far I have done...

  • SuperShips = done (16)
  • T10 = done (81)
  • T9 = done (85)
  • T8 = 28
  • T7 = 17 
  • T6 = 15
  • T5 = 27
  • Total flakes done = 269
  • Flakes still to go = 260

So just a hair over 1/2 way done. T8 is up next (the 28 are 1 ship played for a dockyard task and then 27 bonuses). Back during the 8th Anniversary event I had 118 T8's and I have got a couple more since so that will be the most brutal tier.

Great having such a big fleet and gathering all the rewards and such but OY I am sick of knocking flakes off! The Anniversary and Christmas flake events are too close together.



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I'm about halfway through my T9s with the T8s beckoning. Not sure how many of the sub T8s I will be bothered to do after this.

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My strategy is to start with all my T10s (I don't have and don't want any superships, twice-a-year rewards be damned- too expensive to buy and too expensive to run), then my T9s, then go down to T5 and work my way up from there until I have ~100 flakes left, then switch to clearing flakes nation by nation to finish out. I'm down to about 80 flakes now, with only France, Great Britain, Germany, Japan, and the USSR left to go.

I'm also making decent progress in the Santa City event. Got my Scharn '43, just like everybody else, but I'm waiting to play her until after everyone else gets tired of theirs. Wow, WG really did get lazy with this one. I mean, she looks better optimized for bot-bashing than OG Scharn, but... seriously... she's got the exact same model and camo. Not a single pixel different. Just... wow. I appreciate a freebie, especially one that's not a garbage scow like the usual giveaway ships are, but we've uncovered a whole new meaning of "low effort" here.

Edited by Wrath_of_Deadguy
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Today I just finished all my snowflakes on my ships, only 110. I also finished all the dockyard missions currently available and now I am waiting for the new BP missions to be up again so I can grind for the steel to get Stalingrad.

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Week 2 dockyard done. 

  • 3 Wins
  • 60K Capt XP
  • 40 Torp/Citadel Hits
  • 1050 BB Ribbons
  • 1250 CV Ribbons
  • 1460 Cruiser Ribbons

The Potential damage task for the token is about 50% done. That can complete on its own as playing to purposefully get PD would impact BXP earnings and flakes are my priority. 

Took longer than it should have as a lot of the ships I wanted to use already had their flakes knocked off and I was sticking to flake ships. I was "multi-tasking" LOL. But got it done. Now I can get back to flakes and do them the way I want vs to get tasks done at the same time. 



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20 hours ago, Volron said:

Kitakami right around the corner, let me see how much damage she's gonna do to my resources.  Smile_hiding.gif.cdf76a0f483ae27a64003ea79a3bf5ec.gif

There's a website that will help you calculate that.

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On 12/13/2023 at 6:02 PM, BOBTHEBALL said:

There's a website that will help you calculate that.

Nah, I had a rough idea based on the information give in the news thingy.

On that note, she now sits in my port.  Oh boy, has she been nerfed badly when compared to her CBT version.  5m to get all launchers ready before you can flood the world with torpedoes.  I like that they gave her 2 different types though, 12km 95kt torpedoes for everything, 20km 74kt torpedoes for BBs and CVs.  As you'd expect though, the 12k's only do 13 n some change, with the 20k's being the heavy hitters with 23 n some change.

All in all, I am having fun with her but as some have suspected, she's purely a meme ship, plus she only has HE.  I honestly do not remember of CBT Kitakami had AP or not.

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1 hour ago, Asym said:

Alas, she is you meme ship, eh?   And, I've been playing her in Asymmetrical Battles and doing pretty good! !!

I like to wait for the world torpedoing though, I find that hilariously fun!  But that is 5m of waiting...Smile_hiding.gif.cdf76a0f483ae27a64003ea79a3bf5ec.gif

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Down to ~30 flakes now... then I think I'll fall back on some nice, brainless secondary spam for a while until snowflake frenzy is finally over and match quality goes back to normal from its present setting of "underside of an outhouse at a chili convention."

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Pretty much just working on the snowflakes for now.


Currently able to redeem 250 ships for their festive rewards.......still isn't enough to clear out the ships that gives out steel and get into the ships that gives out coal

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My 124 T8's are finally done. OY! LOL

Just T5/T6/T7 left and I used a lot of my bonuses on these tiers so have a good start. Still over 100 to go but getting there.


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Down to the last dozen flakes... I went against my first instincts and drew off a couple different resource pools to nab Elli from the Salvage for Victory event (which is as far as that's going; I haven't got the scratch for any of the juicy stuff). One of the Big Gifts from the first stage of that burped up FR25, which brings my holiday ship haul up to 6 now- Elli and FR25 tonight, Collingwood and Novorossiysk from other Santa crates, Scharnhorst '43 from the Santa City track, and Agir from snowflake coal.

This is going to be quite a lucrative season- already double the number of premiums I pulled from last year's events, and I still have Stord '43, 5 Big Gifts, 3 Mega Gifts, and 3 Sad Gifts pending (at least). My total pay-in so far is the 3500 dubs I dropped to unlock the second Santa City track.

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What a slog. But the haul was worth the effort.

(16) SuperShips:

  • 200 Steel each
    • 16X200=3200
    • +10% Clan Bonus = 320
  • Total = 3520

(83) T10:

  • 1X Certificate
    • 16X $5 MEGA Crates (80)
      • T9 EU DD Velos
      • T9 US DD Halford
      • T8 BRN Sub Alliance
      • (2) 2500 Doubloons
      • 12,500 Coal
      • 100,000 Capt XP
      • (2) 2,250,000 Credits
      • (120) Assorted Blue Boosts
      • 25X NY Camo
    • 3X $1 Standard Crates (3)
      • (24) Assorted Green Boosts
      • 500 Doubloons

(87) T9:

  • 80 Steel each
    • 85X80=6960
    • +10% Clan Bonus = 696
  • Total = 7656

(125) T8:

  • 70 Steel each
    • 125X70=8750
    • +19% Clan Bonus = 875
  • Total = 9625

(81) T7:

  • 800 Coal each
    • 81X800=64,800
    • +10% Clan Bonus = 6480
  • Total = 71,280

(81) T6:

  • 750 Coal each
    • 81X750=60,750
    • +10% Clan Bonus = 60,075
  • Total = 66,825

(60) T5:

  • 700 Coal each
    • 60X700=42,000
    • +10% Clan Bonus = 4200
  • Total = 46,200



  • Ship Flakes = 533
  • Total Steel (w/ Clan Bonus) = 20,801
  • Total Coal (w/ Clan Bonus) = 184,305

Not bad and that doesn't count the stuff I got from the Santa crates I bought with the T10 certificates (that stuff is listed above). So a lot of effort but effort that was well worth it. Glad it is done though. Between this flake event and the Anniversary one we had a few months ago I have had enough of flakes for a while.








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Week 3 of the dockyard is now in the books (mostly - still need the 30K BXP token but technically done the week).

  • 10 Spot Ribbons
  • Place Top 5 6X
  • Earn 110,000 XP
  • 100 Fires and/or Floods (Cruiser)
  • 1000 Main Battery Hits (BB)
  • 650 Rocket and/or Bomb hits (CV)

I'm at 17K of the 30K BXP so that will finish up tomorrow or the next day on its own for the token without me worrying about it.

Had it all done but about 20 fires/floods in Cruisers and then the BB MBH task (had about 190) by noon but IRL got in the way and I had to bale for most of the afternoon. Got back this evening and started up and played a few BB games (Marlborough & Mecklenburg), and it was going slow, before it dawned on me "you have Illinois putz!". Swapped over and finished in a flash. DOH!!!! LOL.


Edited by AdmiralThunder
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13 minutes ago, AdmiralThunder said:

Week 3 of the dockyard is now in the books (mostly - still need the 30K BXP token but technically done the week).

  • 10 Spot Ribbons
  • Place Top 5 6X
  • Earn 110,000 XP
  • 100 Fires and/or Floods (Cruiser)
  • 1000 Main Battery Hits (BB)
  • 650 Rocket and/or Bomb hits (CV

Yea just realized base xp mission doesn't count asymmetric, so I'll be just grinding that until the end of the event. Gonna do the spots, 110k xp, and finish top 5 mission before doing the crusier/BB/CV mission because I expect it to be faster. Illinois is tempting to just speed run that task though. 

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50 minutes ago, GandalfTehGray said:

Yea just realized base xp mission doesn't count asymmetric, so I'll be just grinding that until the end of the event. Gonna do the spots, 110k xp, and finish top 5 mission before doing the crusier/BB/CV mission because I expect it to be faster. Illinois is tempting to just speed run that task though. 

Thank you, it never occured to me it wouldn't count until i checked, after reading your post. Thanks so much WG!!! 🤬☠️👎

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