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What class of ship do you think is missing from the game?


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10 minutes ago, kriegerfaust said:

to avoid being redundant the Northampton class

Why we still don’t have USS Houston (CA-30) in this game after all these years is an enduring mystery.

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Actually, torpedo racks.  And their CV-like tender to launch dolphin squadrons.


Edit:  This is what made the proposal so plausible that many believed it would happen.  Mechanically, dolphins would be a skin on existing CVs and planes, just flying below the water.  ASW wasn't a thing at the time so no opposition.  But the torps carried would be even smaller than aerial torps so more of an annoyance.  Just fun, and suited for an event.


Edited by iDuckman
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If we could get the eras and technologies better aligned, the early torpedo boats would be fun, but only if airplanes come in squadrons of 1, are made of paper, and hand drop love letters... plus the launching ship would have to stop to retrieve them... etc.

Balance matters... I have little faith at this point that the implementation would be fun and engaging.  Tiers should be more era-bound with really sketchy technologies until they weren't 😉

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1 hour ago, kriegerfaust said:

What class of ship do you think is missing from the game?

The Jules Vern Nautilus Submarine Class and the Arpeggio of Blue Steel - Ars Nova I-401 Class of Submarine.
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1954) Movie Trailer

Arpeggio of Blue Steel Trailer

Also, I'd like to have Seaplane/Flying-Boat Tender ship classes in the game.

We have Cargo/Repair ships in some of the Scenario Operations.  I'd like to see a playable version of them be created, too.
Possibly combining the roles of Seaplane/Flying-Boat Tender and Repair Ship into one vessel.

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I'm approaching this from the angle of "historically significant missing ships" not necessarily "desirable for gameplay".

Essex, Akagi, and Soryu were all critical to the history of the Pacific War, with Taiho and Wasp not far behind. All are absent, although at least two of them are announced as in development. The Essex class in particular was the most numerous and very arguably the most successful capital ship class of all time.

The closest Germany came to winning either war at sea was the U-Boat campaign of World War One; The Kaiserliche Marine submarine arm has at least as strong a case for inclusion as the Kriegsmarine equivalent. Casually the best candidate would seem to be the U-91 design.

Similarly, I'll note that the miscellaneous escort ships of the Royal Navy and others contributed much more to the war effort than many more celebrated ships, but since this type isn't in the game... Consider this an honorable mention to the Flower class, I guess. 🤷

Battleships, cruisers, and destroyers are pretty well covered as-is. There are missing classes (R, Seydlitz, Florida, Neptune, etc) but these are generally pretty similar to existing classes.

Another potentially interesting topic would be "how would you implement such and such missing ships into the game in an interesting way?"

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The future should hold:

Guided missile platforms

wake homing torpedos 

nuclear subs that don’t have to replenish batteries 


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I'm confident Pre-Dreadnoughts with Manual Control for secondaries would be universally acclaimed. 

Now the question is how do you fit them within the current monetization strategy...

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30 minutes ago, Type_93 said:

nuclear subs that don’t have to replenish batteries 

The trade-off being limited ammunition?

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Class as in Montana class of US BB's or Class as in type like DD's, BB's, etc...???

I am going to answer as if class means type and say I want to see Battlecruisers added as their own tech tree lines in game and no longer have them grouped with BB's.

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2 hours ago, iDuckman said:

Cargo ships that I can torpedo.  Oh, wait...

Minelayers and sweepers.

Combat dolphins.

Q-ships.  Disguised merchantmen with some serious endearment...

The IJN 400 series as I have outfitted them before in Posts from tier 7 to *.... 

DE and Corvettes whose mission in Life is ASW and they have SONAR....

AA dedicated DD's and CL's - with AA Radar and Proximity munitions for the upper two tiers.

PT and E-Boats.  For events like the Rubber Duck, Apocalypse and Halloween events.....  Events only.

Jeep Carriers that operate more like the RTS carriers of old.   Few planes and longer repairs BUT, they have some serious damage potential in good hands.

Missiles won't work in small, time compressed maps.

WW1 events.

Washington Treaty events where a show of force goes wrong.....  No carriers or subs.

The IJN gets into the North Atlantic and meets the Germans somewhere.

need more?

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2 hours ago, Nevermore135 said:

Why we still don’t have USS Houston (CA-30) in this game after all these years is an enduring mystery.

Considering we have a WG office where????  A LPD-4 won't fit the game;  but, CA-30 sure would !!!

Edited by Asym
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Ok.  Well, of course, we have the ones that have been noted for some years now.


USS New Jersey, which I think would do well as a secondary focused Iowa.  If not that, then a Missouri that exchanged the radar for German-quality Hydro.


HMIJS Shigure, which I would put in game as a Shiratsuyu DD with a repair party and reduced top speed.


HMIJS Yukikaze, a Kagero class DD with the Dazzle Commander's skill built into its hull but slow (45 knt) torpedoes to pay for it.


Edited by Jakob Knight
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11 minutes ago, Jakob Knight said:

USS New Jersey

I want New Jersey and Wisconsin both.

If we are talking individual ships as some have give me my Prince of Wales.

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2 hours ago, ArIskandir said:

I'm confident Pre-Dreadnoughts with Manual Control for secondaries would be universally acclaimed. 

Now the question is how do you fit them within the current monetization strategy...


Expand to 15 tiers.

Edited by Daniel_Allan_Clark
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If I want to play a realistic naval combat sim...Ill fire up War in the Pacific, Admirals Edition...

Every class of ship there was during world war 2...

All the cargo ships, specialized support ships, PT boats...heck, even IJA barges.

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21 minutes ago, AdmiralThunder said:

I want New Jersey and Wisconsin both.

If we are talking individual ships as some have give me my Prince of Wales.


Maybe Wisconsin as the Secondary Iowa and the NJ as the Hydro version?


What were the notable things that set PoW apart from her companion BBs? 



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On 11/29/2023 at 11:33 AM, Jakob Knight said:


Maybe Wisconsin as the Secondary Iowa and the NJ as the Hydro version?


What were the notable things that set PoW apart from her companion BBs? 



Mostly a historical thing.

POW was the BB with Hood when Hood was sunk by Bismarck at the Battle of Denmark Strait. It was POW's maiden voyage so to speak as it had just been commissioned a few months prior. There were a lot of problems with the main guns so the work crews for the guns actually sailed with the ship to try and resolve the issues and get POW ready (the guns broke down during the battle with some not able to fire and one turret jamming as I recall). POW hit Bismarck a couple times and did some damage before having to disengage after Hood was lost. POW famously made smoke and escaped through it (Bismarck had some issues and couldn't follow anyway).

Churchill and Roosevelt met on POW in secret and agreed to the Atlantic Charter during the meeting.

POW and Repulse were sent to the Pacific as part of a British force to fight the Japanese. There was a Carrier that was supposed to be with them (Indomitable or Implacable maybe?) but ti had trouble on the way to meet up with them and never made it. The 2 BB's were both attacked in the same battle by Japanese planes. They were the 1st Battleships ever sunk solely by air attack (edit - while underpower on the open sea - was 3 days after Pearl harbor which was on the 7th - POW and Repulse were sunk on the 10th) if memory serves me right. There were issues with POW's equipment not operating properly due to the extremely humid climate which it was not designed for that contributed to it's sinking as it impacted various things like radar, the AA, etc....

I have always had a place in my heart for that ship and would love to see it in game even if it is yet another KGV class. It could be lowered to T6 with weak AA and lower HP and have some historical reference or it could even be bumped to T8 with some buffs and the addition of smoke which is also historical for the ship if people don't want another T7 BRN Premium BB. 

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1 minute ago, AdmiralThunder said:

Mostly a historical thing.

POW was the BB with Hood when Hood was sunk by Bismarck at the Battle of Denmark Strait. It was POW's maiden voyage so to speak as it had just been commissioned in January. There were a lot of problems with the main guns so the work crews for the guns actually sailed with the ship to try and resolve the issues and get POW ready (the guns broke down during the battle with some not able to fire and one turret jamming as I recall). POW hit Bismarck a couple times and did some damage before having to disengage after Hood was lost. POW famously made smoke and escaped through it (Bismarck had some issues and couldn't follow anyway).

Churchill and Roosevelt met on POW in secret and agreed to the Atlantic Charter during the meeting.

POW and Repulse were sent to the Pacific as part of a British force to fight the Japanese. There was a Carrier that was supposed to be with them (Indomitable or Implacable maybe?) but ti had trouble on the way to met up with them and never made it. The 2 BB's were both attacked in the same battle by Japanese planes. They were the 1st Battleships ever sunk solely by air attack if memory serves me right. There were issues with POW's equipment not operating properly due to the extremely humid climate which it was not designed for that contributed to it's sinking as it impacted various things like radar, the AA, etc....

I have always had a place in my heart for that ship and would love to see it in game even if it is yet another KGV class.


Hmmm.  I'm not sure how useful it would be, but what about the PoW having a single charge of Smoke Generators?

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4 minutes ago, Jakob Knight said:


Hmmm.  I'm not sure how useful it would be, but what about the PoW having a single charge of Smoke Generators?

I edited the post while you were sending this re-read it.

I have said all along give POW its historical smoke and that sets it apart for those who object to multiple ships that are the same. I personally don't care if POW is 100% the same as KGV (note - POW could be made so that it favors AP over HE to make it different from KGV with DOY's improved AP). To me it is just like B ships. I want POW for its history. Don't care if it is the same as other ships in game. 

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