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Questions on Jinan / Yodo


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Howdy.   I have barely played in the last year or so due to my frustration with subs and WG.  Decided to give the new commander skills a try and see if the SubSanity ever died down (sadly it didn't). 

Anyhow, as I am grinding these two lines I Am finding I am getting a massive amount of shatters when firing at superstructure and deck. I know they both have smaller caliber guns at 150mm and 127mm but I never recall having this much issue with shatters before.  I at the end of the matches I am finding roughly 60-70% of my shells are shatters.  

Did something change with penetration mechanics or is this just power creep up armoring everything and making ships harder to be effective in as they age?  I know Yodo is fairly new.

I was considering getting IFHE but it seems like it sort of defeats the purpose of a light cruiser by killing the fire chance.

Anyhow advice is welcome. 



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8 minutes ago, MegaHugeNoob said:

Howdy.   I have barely played in the last year or so due to my frustration with subs and WG.  Decided to give the new commander skills a try and see if the SubSanity ever died down (sadly it didn't). 

Anyhow, as I am grinding these two lines I Am finding I am getting a massive amount of shatters when firing at superstructure and deck. I know they both have smaller caliber guns at 150mm and 127mm but I never recall having this much issue with shatters before.  I at the end of the matches I am finding roughly 60-70% of my shells are shatters.  

Did something change with penetration mechanics or is this just power creep up armoring everything and making ships harder to be effective in as they age?  I know Yodo is fairly new.

I was considering getting IFHE but it seems like it sort of defeats the purpose of a light cruiser by killing the fire chance.

Anyhow advice is welcome. 



Im no expert on all mechanics and haven't played Yodo line because most seem to think its meeh. I do have and played Jinan and I have mostly the same experience as you, a whole lot of shatters, specially on those well armoured T10 BBs, so mostly just prey for fires and then the torps.

I would probably Not change to IFHE, cant see that making a big hit.

Also, Jinan is especially effected by subs since it has to push pretty close to be effective and no hydro. So hope to god there is no Gato or U-2501 nearby. They will spot you in smoke with their 8-9 km hydro and then just dev strike you.

Edited by OldSchoolGaming_Youtube
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I have and play my JInan quite a bit, I love it. She is mostly built for getting fires as she can only really pen the SS of most ships you encounter besides DDs obviously. If you check the stats she has really good fires per minute and combined with the great Pan-Asian smoke, same as the DD line and the great torpedoes you have ships which are great for using fire/floods to whittle down the enemies.  

So yeah Jinan isn't powercrept by anything it's just that you need to aim correctly to get pens.

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1 hour ago, MegaHugeNoob said:

Did something change with penetration mechanics or is this just power creep up armoring everything and making ships harder to be effective in as they age?  I know Yodo is fairly new.

No. Yodo pens 30mm and battleships have had 32mm armor extremities for as long as I remember. Perhaps you've ran into a glut of Yamatos, Kremlins etc that don't have that much superstructure?


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Yea, since we don't know what you are shooting at, we can't say why.

But you can 100% pen superstructures with those guns, just that sometimes shell landed elsewhere thicker and caused shatters. So there's no power creep nor you need IFHE.

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1 hour ago, Itwastuesday said:

No. Yodo pens 30mm and battleships have had 32mm armor extremities for as long as I remember. Perhaps you've ran into a glut of Yamatos, Kremlins etc that don't have that much superstructure?


I was fighting some BBs and I recall the T8 spanish cruiser (forgot the name) was shattering everything I was lobbing at the superstructure.


2 hours ago, BOBTHEBALL said:

So yeah Jinan isn't powercrept by anything it's just that you need to aim correctly to get pens.

Absolutely, with floaty shells, some are gonna hit the turrets because you have to anticipate so far in the future.   I asked this question because I was noticing it happening more and more on T8+ cruisers (Specifically the spanish cruisers). Figured it was worth an ask.


appreciate all of your replies.

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Just saw Streamer Trenlass post a new Jinan game on YT today and what I could tell it looked like most his shelsl was non-pens, so I would stick to hurt DDs and cruisers and the occasional fire on BBs.

Did they just buff the range on Jinan guns?

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1 hour ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

Did they just buff the range on Jinan guns?

No they flattened the arcs a bit......



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1 hour ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

Did they just buff the range on Jinan guns?

17 minutes ago, SgtSpud1 said:

No they flattened the arcs a bit......

All the tech tree Pan-Asian cruisers received buffs to both their range and ballistics this patch.

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Yodo pens 30 mm with HE, like Wooster and Nevsky. With IFHE, at the price of halving your fire chance, you can raise that to 37, meaning you cross 32.

That's the bow/stern of most high-tier BBs (some, like Slava, have a "glass jaw", and others, like Kremlin and GK/Preussen, have an icebreaker), the upper belt of Yamato (and Izumo, I think...) and pretty much all the playing of French and British BBs. Not sure about the upcoming IJN battlecruisers.

36 is also the deck of some "large cruisers", like Alaska and Carnot.

But 30 was already enough to melt your standard cruisers, whose plating goes from 16 all over (Mino, Colbert, Jinan...) to 25/27 bow&stern and 30 deck, or something like that, for things is like Wooster and Des Moines.

For Jinan, IFHE raises the pen from 21 to 26...which hardly matters at Tier 10, so I'd definitely discourage it.

TL;DR: IFHE on Yodo maaaybe, on Jinan no.

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5 hours ago, SgtSpud1 said:

No they flattened the arcs a bit......



They buffed the range and arcs

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