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Japanese Torpedo Cruiser Line


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View: https://i.imgur.com/WYXdTJB.png
Dimensions: unknown
Displacement: 5.600tons (standard)
Engines: 102.800shp Steam Turbines, 4 shafts
Range: unknown
Speed: 74km/h (40knots)
Armour: unknown
4x2 140mm Guns
6x2 533 or 610mm Torpedo Tubes

as you can see there is at least one glaring hole between the last and second to last hole but i like the idea a cruiser focused on torpedoes over guns a long range sniper with a glass jaw

Edited by kriegerfaust
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Have you ever learnt about the game and the tech tree? What's the point of posting these 5500-tonners?

Tenryu and Kuma are tech tree Tiers 3 and 4 since the beginning. Kitakami is being worked as a unique Tier 10 and also have been discussed once in a while. Everyone has complained about how WG handled the Japanese CL branch.

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1 we already have a tech X cruiser not much heavier then a 5500 2 its is hard to find torpedo cruisers built in the 20th century

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8 hours ago, kriegerfaust said:

1 we already have a tech X cruiser not much heavier then a 5500 2 its is hard to find torpedo cruisers built in the 20th century

You don't seem to have a basic grasp on what is already in game (Tenryu, Kuma, Kitakami and Japanese light cruisers), and some of them have been in game since at least Beta testing.

The concept itself ended up poorly received for quite a few times (Yahagi, Pan-Asian CL, Japanese CL). Torpedoes are hit-or-miss and much less reliable than gunnery, and it needs aggressive enemies that are willing to move forward despite knowing a torpedo specialist's existence to make the most of torpedoes. All the three I mentioned are developed along this line of thought and only recently have Pan-Asian CL's reputation recovered a little.

If you think a little further on this problem you will agree that rather than trying to make a Great War vintage scout cruiser hull viable at Tier 10, creating a hypothetical ship based on features of Japanese naval architecture designed for the task would be much simpler.

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On 11/19/2023 at 7:14 PM, Project45_Opytny said:

Have you ever learnt about the game and the tech tree? What's the point of posting these 5500-tonners?

Tenryu and Kuma are tech tree Tiers 3 and 4 since the beginning. Kitakami is being worked as a unique Tier 10 and also have been discussed once in a while. Everyone has complained about how WG handled the Japanese CL branch.

Literally all of this. You can't just post random ships, claim for them to SOMEHOW be a tech tree line ("Japanese Torpedo Cruiser Line" which I honestly think is a bad idea since ALL of the cruisers in either IJN cruiser line have torpedoes already) without actually giving any sort of explanation as to HOW Wargaming can reasonably add them in.

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3 hours ago, Sailor_Moon said:

Literally all of this. You can't just post random ships, claim for them to SOMEHOW be a tech tree line ("Japanese Torpedo Cruiser Line" which I honestly think is a bad idea since ALL of the cruisers in either IJN cruiser line have torpedoes already) without actually giving any sort of explanation as to HOW Wargaming can reasonably add them in.

What???  "Reasonably add them in...?"  Are we playing the game game?   Was Update 8.0 and the "Great PR" debacles "reasonable?"  Oh God, Oh God, let's not even utter the
"S" word in public......you know them "hold their breaths" and fire smart weapons that have no counter????  Them = Reasonable.

[face slap emoji]        reasonable in an arcade shooter is whatever they sell......they really don't care......we even have "Cartoon Captains", that I had to ask a Japanese neighbor to the house to translate what that screeching was and she blushed.....?  Reasonable........sigh

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16 hours ago, kriegerfaust said:

ww1 ship upgraded already in game tier 10

Yep, we have one, why need another in t10? Or more of them in separate tiers?

5500-ton designs were obsolete designs already, they belong in low tiers, which Kuma sits perfectly at. Any succeeding classes of them bears similar weaponry and armor so they will not fit in any mid to high tiers. Kitakami is the unique example due to her extensive conversion so she passes as a high tier unique cruiser. Even the IJN progressed into the Agano class instead of building more 5500 tonners. 

Still, I am happy for Kitakami being finally released over all these years, and I still have a bit of attachment with those 5500-tonners as they carried me back when I played Kancolle (especially in night battles), but it is a fact that they are undergunned and underarmored, and without gimmicks like smoke & heal on Kitakami those cruisers will melt instantly when they were exposed in high tier environment, just like Sendai and Jintsu irl. 

Edited by GMMF
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There is a reason why Kitakami took so long to balance, and even this time they haven't completely solved all of the critical issues of its gameplay, though they have managed to correct some of the more glaring problematic issues the previous iteration had. Before you Jinan and Yodo me, Jinan somewhat works as a torpedo cruiser as she has usable main guns and has TRB as well as reliable torpedoes which allows her to stall a pushing flank, and Yodo despite her reputation at least has the HP and main guns to pose a half-credible threat to anything that fights it. Kitakami will still get left clicked and die by anything that sees her due to the fact that you only need 30mm pen to citadel her, and etc.

Coming soon, a whole new line of torpedo cruisers that are unable to do anything other than torpedo! They will fold against anything that spots them without being able to fight back, and the only things saving them is excellent concealment for a cruiser! There are totally no repercussions of adding torpedoes to a T3 hull and bumping it up above T5! We anticipate that this line will be able to launch trademark IJN torpedoes in high volume, including the ability to stealth torpedo as well as with decent angles, but will have zero armor, zero AA, zero gunpower and zero staying power! Basically, they will be variations of the existing Japanese torpedoboat line if they had a citadel! This totally isn't a bad idea and will be very fun to play, both as and against! 

Sorry, but torpedo-focus cruisers aren't usually considered good lines. Especially a line like this which can literally only torpedo and dies the moment it is spotted. A single-dimensional AND unreliable line in a role that values consistent damage or utility, will almost certainly be "dead on arrival". Might as well play the DDs which have more liberty in positioning and disengaging as well as not getting left clicked for 20k almost all the type when spotted for 5 seconds. 


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1 hour ago, RX160S_Byarlant_Custom said:

There is a reason why Kitakami took so long to balance, and even this time they haven't completely solved all of the critical issues of its gameplay, though they have managed to correct some of the more glaring problematic issues the previous iteration had.


Sorry, but torpedo-focus cruisers aren't usually considered good lines.

Alas, I wasn't able to get her when I joined and as an IJN main, well.........she won't be back for a long time.   Just like Musashi which was available when I joined and I didn't know about "retiring ships" back then and I really wanted her as well..  Apologies for the "her" pronoun and it should her/them/they......thanks

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@Asym Ships are referred to as "she" because men love them.  (As a mod, there are certain "traditions" I'm not going to touch)

Why We Call a Ship a She | Naval History Magazine - December 1998 Volume 12 Number 6 (usni.org)

"A ship costs a lot to dress, sometimes blows a bit of smoke, and requires periodic overhauls to extend her useful life. Some have a cute fantail, others are heavy in the stern, but all have double-bottoms which demand attention. When meeting head-on, sound a recognition signal; whistle! If she does not answer up, come about and start laying alongside, but watch to see if her ship is slowing . . . perhaps her slip is showing? Then proceed with caution until danger of collision is over and you can fathom how much latitude she will allow." - Rear Admiral Francis D. Foley, U.S. Navy (Retired)

Oh, and don't forget about "sister-ships" either!

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