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HSF Event: A Sign of the Changing Times?


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Something interesting that I noticed with the High School Fleet event is that you can't buy any individual ships for doubloons; even in the armory you can only buy them outright. This is a bit unusual seeing that other events (such as the Black Friday event) have the ships listed for sale in doubloons. My theory is that this is another one of WG's counters to the "doubloon inflation" problem that's been supposedly plaguing the game for a while - they're now forcing people to spend $ on stuff rather than the pile of doubloons that they've collected for free. I have a feeling that WG is testing the water a bit just to see how successful it is and then they'll probably push this system to other events and items for sale in the armory if it works.

How do you guys feel about this? Personally I dislike it a bit since I can't spend any free doubloons that I get but I'm going to hold any major judgement for now. 

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I noticed this too, but since i used up my last Doubloons in the Black Friday event and i don't accumulate big sums of Doubloons anyway, it's not a problem for me, actually the change is for the better, since i don't have to convert real money into game currency, but long time/ competitive players may/ probably see this change less favorable.

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Does anyone remember if you could buy HSF stuff for doubloons in previous iterations? I can't even vaguely recall.

I don't mind - in theory - new releases being 'cash only' initially, so long as they become available for doubloons later; this seems to be the pattern with standard premiums, by and large. Something like HSF, which is only available periodically doesn't really follow this model though.

Unless WG have messed up royally, I can't image they give away so many freebie doubloons to enough players for there to be an economically significant number of them in play. If they reduce the number of things available for doubloons too much, they risk devaluing doubloons, including the ones people pay money for.

Of course, without access to WG's numbers, we're just guessing on this kind of subject...

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For example: I know why they give Smol B out only through auction, but it still urked me that "I" didn't have an alternative option seeing as I got the OG the day she dropped.  Screw the long time players...

Yes, I know it was for coal, but still salty.  Rant Over....

Back to topic:

Yeah, I don't like the sound of it at all truth be told.  With the current setup, it helped me save a bit of real dollaridoo's when getting a gal from the Armory, then turning around and spending said saved cash on an additional something.  Now, well, they only get one purchase instead of two from me...


Congratulations WeeGee, you borked that pooch real good.....Delta Foxtrot's.

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I don't buy ships for Doubloons anyway. I save them for things like dockyards and premium crates. If I want a Premium ship I go to the Premium shop and use real $$$.

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I have question related to this event collection so I will have strange situation I have permanent bonus pack for Yamato, now can get another one as reward from collection of this event what will happen?

I hope that we who have bonus pack for him will can add reward to another tier X ship

Screenshot (3371).png

Screenshot (3369).png

Edited by VedranSeawolf359
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11 minutes ago, AdmiralThunder said:

I don't buy ships for Doubloons anyway. I save them for things like dockyards and premium crates. If I want a Premium ship I go to the Premium shop and use real $$$.

The thing is, sometimes they do not sell a gal in the Prem shop.  Has happened a few times if I recall correctly, otherwise I am just like you.  If I can, I prefer to buy from shop.

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Just now, VedranSeawolf359 said:

I have question related to this event collection so I will have strange situation I have prenament bonus pack for Yamato, now can get another one as reward from collection of this event what will happen?

I hope that we who have bonus pack for him will can add reward to another tier X ship

Screenshot (3371).png

Screenshot (3369).png

I cannot remember if they reimbursed you if you already had the pack for Yamato.  I had Yamato for ages by the time this rolled around.  I think it was credits?  I hope it was dubs but I do not remember.  I completed the collection the patch it dropped, which was a small time ago. Smile_hiding.gif.cdf76a0f483ae27a64003ea79a3bf5ec.gif

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I’ve managed to accumulate around 8,800 doubloons throughout my entire career- it was initially very hard to get any doubloons for free in the past, but now the ranked system has been giving me a decent supply of doubloons each season. I believe it was only the past 2 years where I started getting a lot more gold.

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14 minutes ago, Boomer625 said:

I’ve managed to accumulate around 8,800 doubloons throughout my entire career- it was initially very hard to get any doubloons for free in the past, but now the ranked system has been giving me a decent supply of doubloons each season. I believe it was only the past 2 years where I started getting a lot more gold.


8800 total? That's very low, unless you play like 1 battle a week. I made this account 2.5 years ago as my second free to play account and managed to score around 55k doubs. I rarely rank out out of bronze, just play for 12 wins mostly.

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4 hours ago, Elijah2159 said:

they're now forcing people to spend $ on stuff rather than the pile of doubloons that they've collected for free.

I would remind you not to generalize this too far across the playerbase, lest you give away your own position without explicitly saying so. 

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Collaborations are limited time events, with even recurring collaborations having unpredictable schedules - the closest we’ve come to a regular collab event are the annual Azur Lane events, and even that skipped a year (2021, IIRC).

There are doubloons that can be earned for free in-game, but doubloons generally represent money already spent (previous sales), and said doubloons are also often obtained at a discount with a coupon. WG keeps certain items restricted to the premium shop/for cash to leverage the FOMO to get new sales.

Edited by Nevermore135
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3 hours ago, ReDiR20 said:


8800 total? That's very low, unless you play like 1 battle a week. I made this account 2.5 years ago as my second free to play account and managed to score around 55k doubs. I rarely rank out out of bronze, just play for 12 wins mostly.

I guess most of my activity was packed in the 4-5 months of summer and then winter each year, so I doubt i was able to leverage events with free gold very often, although i have been more consistent with getting the 12 wins in ranked.


other factors might be breaks I took or being focused on grinding other things- such as coal/fxp for when a ship was getting removed/ or become unattainable with coal/fxp.

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This re run is trash.

Harekaze no longer comes with the alternative camo like it did last time - you need to buy that separately now. Additionally, the fact that you can't make a purchase with currency you already purchased is ridiculous. And of course commanders are in huge ridiculous bundles. And the Spee being auction only? get out of here.

I really hope this isn't a trend for events.

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OP, do you really think WG does anything now without ensuring they can extract the maximum amount of money from the ignorant or the whales who have to have everything? I will never give WG another penny so I don't care what WG tries to do now to extend their scamming.

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10 hours ago, Elijah2159 said:

- they're now forcing people to spend $ on stuff rather than the pile of doubloons that they've collected for free.

How do you guys feel about this? Personally I dislike it a bit since I can't spend any free doubloons that I get but I'm going to hold any major judgement for now. 

While I don't care for a lot of WG's cash grab events, particularly when it degrades the in-game "value" of something they've already sold (to me), I have to say they don't "force" me or anyone else to spend $ on anything.  That's my choice.

As always, I hope everyone really takes it to heart that there is NO monetary value in anything purchased for ANY online game... If this is truly part of one's disposable entertainment budget, like going to the movies, then fine. 

If you're carrying a balance on whatever card you use for this game... just stop.   Stop paying AND stop playing until you're able to handle YOUR reaction to the WG hustle... they are very good at making worthless look shiny!

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1 hour ago, Subtle_Octavian said:

Feels like the game is targeting same 100 users every patch who buy anything they sell.

I think its more them 100 and yes thats pretty much it

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1 hour ago, Subtle_Octavian said:

Feels like the game is targeting same 100 users every patch who buy anything they sell.

The game monetization appears to be in a vicious cycle: prices go up, fewer customers buy -> further price increases, even less people willing to pay -> repeat

Or for the mathematically minded, Revenue (R) = Price (P) x Quantity (Q). If Q decreases, P must increase to match the same level of R.

There is plenty of evidence that the active player count is dropping, so unless WG is converting FTP to open their wallets (highly unlikely), the amount of paying customers must be declining as well. 

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13 hours ago, Elijah2159 said:

How do you guys feel about this? Personally I dislike it a bit since I can't spend any free doubloons that I get but I'm going to hold any major judgement for now. 

Same here, when I learned that Hare might be back in sale, I was very happy since it looked extremely appealing to me (Aki with less guns but more torps) and had enough dubloons to buy it, but for real cash - no way... Very disappointing for me.

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@VerblondeI can't find a definitive answer whether you ever could get the HSF ships for doubloons or cash only. However, the old articles I could find seem to imply that only the camos had a doubloon price option.



@iDuckman Would you happen to know the answer by any chance?



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I suspect this is partially because the parent HSF company's requires to do another collaboration.  


They probably wanted a direct cut and didn't want to play the doubloon means this much per ship sort of a agreement that WG probably does for other collabs.


Excluding dubs is a dangerous game for WG as it lowers the perceived value of dubs for players.  While WG is all about short term gain over long term viability lately, I suspect even they would be hesitant to shut out dubs more than  once in a blue moon.

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20 hours ago, Elijah2159 said:

Something interesting that I noticed with the High School Fleet event is that you can't buy any individual ships for doubloons; even in the armory you can only buy them outright. This is a bit unusual seeing that other events (such as the Black Friday event) have the ships listed for sale in doubloons. My theory is that this is another one of WG's counters to the "doubloon inflation" problem that's been supposedly plaguing the game for a while - they're now forcing people to spend $ on stuff rather than the pile of doubloons that they've collected for free. I have a feeling that WG is testing the water a bit just to see how successful it is and then they'll probably push this system to other events and items for sale in the armory if it works.

How do you guys feel about this? Personally I dislike it a bit since I can't spend any free doubloons that I get but I'm going to hold any major judgement for now. 

Regarding High School Fleet anime collaboration products being only available for "real money" instead of doubloons, I can only speculate that it may have something to do with international currency fluctuations and banking transaction policies, and/or the intellectual property owner decided that "only real money" is a condition of the  negotiations for the collaboration event.
Again, pure speculation on my part.

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9 hours ago, NMA101 said:

The game monetization appears to be in a vicious cycle: prices go up, fewer customers buy -> further price increases, even less people willing to pay -> repeat

Or for the mathematically minded, Revenue (R) = Price (P) x Quantity (Q). If Q decreases, P must increase to match the same level of R.

There is plenty of evidence that the active player count is dropping, so unless WG is converting FTP to open their wallets (highly unlikely), the amount of paying customers must be declining as well. 

I figure that "Active player count" compared with "Active players who spend money" is the real concern, though.
As long as the "active players who spend money" is sufficient, then prices will only increase along with international currency fluctuations and inflation or other supply/demand factors.
As you point out, though, if spending players is insufficient, the revenue is going to drop as players become unwilling to buy something at the higher price(s).

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13 hours ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

Would you happen to know the answer by any chance?

No, sorry.  We don't track events per se.  Just containers.  Someone here might remember, but I doubt it.

It may be possible to find the News articles describing the events.  A bit tedious, though.  https://wiki.wargaming.net/en/Changelogs_for_World_of_Warships_(PC)

or just scouring the news articles with the Game Update filter on.


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