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What is your favorite cruiser and why?


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It finally time i break my own guidelines i like the pan-Asian line which feel like they are based on two certain American light cruisers, like they saw the Atlanta and worked around her to create a line of ship, good smoke and increasingly good torps, smoking fighter squads just feels like a perk of the job

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I like the IJN cruisers, I like battlecruisers, and I like having torpedoes when chips are down, so it's Yoshi for me.

The 20km torps were hilarious in the old Convoy Mode as a raider, since the transports followed predictable tracks. She's also pulled out some surprising clutch wins in brawls with BBs.

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1. Venezia - Just that Devastating DD Alpha and good survivability. First game I ever played in the ship was this one:



2. Hindenburg - For so long such a T10 Tank and with massive damage output


3. Henri IV



4. Anyone remember 19 km range built Smolensk ...... 😁




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Yoshino, Zao, A. Nevsky, DM Donskoi, Des Moines and Hindenburg. The French super heavies right behind. All have (very) different playstyles, but pack a punch and can have a lot of battle impact when played correctly.

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Recently got Agir so have been playing that a lot lately. Slow, but a tank with a big broadside.

I still enjoy taking Omaha out for some fun.

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Man, if it was a struggle to narrow down a BB or a DD, for Cruisers it is three times as difficult... they have so many different styles and flavors... 

For uniqueness and just because few will agree, I say D7P!

Why?... simple, she makes you enjoy and seek out CV matches 😛


Edited by ArIskandir
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Tough call for me. It's between Fiji and Puerto Rico. Fiji is just such a darn good T7 Cruiser and is so strong despite being very vulnerable due to that huge citadel. Puerto Rico is a monster, totally nukes other Cruisers, and can to some degree even slug it out with a BB (and win if played well!). I guess I have to go with...


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It's the Atagos for me, in the context that I almost only play cruisers in PvE: they're pretty much good enough at everything important for bot scragging - decent guns (with either ammo type), substantial torp load (and with better launch angles on half the launchers than the tech tree equivalent gets), and you get a healing potion.

Bonus points for incredibly varied aesthetics (if you have the clones), all the way from 'sensible historical' to 'what the hell was I drinking?!' (with a brief dalliance with 'spank me harder mistress - I've been a bad boy!')...

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Only playing operations, and there my favorite and imho also the strongest in most operations is the Tallinn. Those laser-guided railguns with improved angles and incredible pen are better at wasting broadsiding cruisers than anything else I know short of the ships with DesMoines' guns (which are only better because of the incredible reload, otherwise they are also worse). Also leaves a huge dent in many BBs, and can citadel some if you get close enough.

Not as effective as HE-spamming light cruisers against angled targets, but in most Ops there are enough broadsides to make the Tallinn come out better than those. And it is just so pleasing to see like 80%+ of my shells actually go where I aimed instead of spreading out. The tightness of spread significantly lessens at 14km or more, but for ops that is not a huge drawback. The rest of the ship is meh to good, but the guns offer the imho best shell characteristics in the game bar none.

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2 hours ago, AdmiralThunder said:

Tough call for me. It's between Fiji and Puerto Rico. Fiji is just such a darn good T7 Cruiser and is so strong despite being very vulnerable due to that huge citadel. Puerto Rico is a monster, totally nukes other Cruisers, and can to some degree even slug it out with a BB (and win if played well!). I guess I have to go with...


I concur, ok so this is coop but 5 kills, 3 of which were BB's, PR is an absolute monster.






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The Helena for PVE. I have over 4.5 million ship XP and generated a 21 point captain all playing coop in her. She is the first ship I play when I log on. Usually just one match.


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I have two:

In my opinion, Des Moines is probably hands down the best "overall" cruiser in the game.  It has stood the test of time in the game, is excellent in competition, and just fun in co-op.  I always recommend it for those seeking their first T10 cruiser.  Overall, you cannot go wrong with it.

My number one played cruiser would be the Smolensk.  I have been playing it for years, and the only ships I have done 300,000 plus damage on several occasions - the best being 306,955 damage.  To this day, it is still my favorite cruiser to play.

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Tough question...

  • my most-played ship in the game is the Colbert, so ofc she's a favorite. I even got her before Ohio, Slava and such. The DPM is great for stress relief, she has nice consumables (improved heal, French speed boost, ASW planes), she was built irl and she looks unique. I started with a standard cruiser build, it didn't work but I didn't give up on her and ended up with a "mini-lighthouse". She went from a "joke pick" in Ranked to my most-played Ranked ship, with respectable outcomes
  • lighthouse Venezia is the one I play if I want to make the most out of some blue boosters, or just see high damage numbers. For a Tier 10 I've almost only played solo, she has a stupidly high frequency of krakens, 3k xp or 200k+ dmg games.
  • Salem was my 1st Tier 10 freemium for any currency. Tricky to play early on, a clutch boat for late games. Brawler of BBs (overmatch allowing), lots of memories.
  • Ibuki and Gibraltar are my "jury prize" picks: most people think little of them, but I like them. Ibuki is a great kiter, Gibraltar a great pusher (with some DD screen...)
  • Charleston: my first premium ship
  • New Orleansprobably the ship that taught me to aim at turning targets: good reload, reasonable ballistics, rewarding AP against other cruisers for some positive reinforcement
  • honorable mentions: Wooster, my first T10 cruiser; Alaska, an early Ranked favorite; and Duca degli Abruzzi, a later Ranked favorite

Overall: Colbert.

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🙂  it would be easier to answer what I don't like. Generally the baguettes with the exception of Colbert, Bayardoo, and DeGrasse also US heavies, (for brickness reasons) and also generally battlecruisers( with the exception of Agir).

Also not a fan of pasta boats  (at least yet ,except Napoli) and RN heavies. Also no for Moskva, Stalingradskiy, Carnot (ouch) and Plymouth( I should ask for a refund only one battle on her) 

Ah......Harbin and Jinan but Sejong yes  🙂 

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1 hour ago, tocqueville8 said:

Ibuki is a great kiter

A while back I was playing Ibuki in a Domination battle and my flank got routed.  I fell back through our empty spawn area, pursued by 3 red BBs.  I got unspotted and made the most of Ibuki's rear-firing launchers to send 8 port-side torps into their path, then helm over and send 8 starboard-side torps into their path, repeat ad nauseum.  With a 10k torp range and a 9.9k detection I could really only stealth torp because they were coming right for me.  I had just enough of a speed advantage over my pursuers to wiggle back and forth in time to get each broadside off without dropping to detect range.  After several minutes of this, and torp hits on all 3 BBs, one of them exasperatedly wrote in all-chat "stop playing destroyer simulator and fight".  Ha-ha right, I'm gonna open-water gunboat 3 BBs in my Ibuki...

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For PVP (Random):  Smolensk.  Just comfortable with it.  I prefer fast firing with good dispersion.

For PVE:  Minotaur.  My first tier ten ship.  Still one of my favorites.


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8 hours ago, Kruzenstern said:

Not as effective as HE-spamming light cruisers against angled targets, but in most Ops there are enough broadsides to make the Tallinn come out better than those.

Twelve guns means the HE at least feels serviceable when you need to reach for it, unlike her successors.

Comrade Hipper is underrated, and would definitely rank near the top of my list of tier VIII cruisers.

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I do not like this question not because it is not a good one, but because I find it very difficult to answer.

When it comes to cruisers, I have plenty of favorites. Even those that I initially found difficult to play, eventually became a favorite, such as the Dm. Donskoi.




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For T2, I find the Emden lots of fun. I call it my 'Machine Gun Kelly' (ones fingers get tired, lol).



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Minotaur. Hits hard, fast, and often (as long as you don't position yourself poorly, play against subs, play against Malta, miss all your shots, etc, etc.) 

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