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We're applying balance changes to the following ships based on an analysis of both their combat statistics as well as player feedback: Renown, Yūdachi, Marlborough, Adriatico, and Álvaro de Bazán. Additionally, we are applying changes to the test ship Monmouth based on testing results.


British battleship Renown, Tier VI

  • Main battery reload time reduced: 25 to 23.5s.
  • Main Battery firing range increased:
    • Stock Gun Fire Control System module firing range increased: 15.4 to 15.8km.
    • Researchable Gun Fire Control System module firing range increased: 16.9 to 17.4km.

Japanese destroyer Yūdachi, Tier VII

  • Torpedo speed increased: 57 to 64kt.

British battleship Marlborough, Tier IX

  • HE shell parameters changed:
    • Maximum damage increased: 4800 to 5500.
    • Fire chance increased: 24 to 28%.

Italian destroyer Adriatico, Tier IX

  • Main battery reload time reduced: 5.4 to 5s.

Spanish destroyer Álvaro de Bazán, Tier X

  • Main battery reload time reduced: 6.1 to 5.5s.
  • Burst fire reload time reduced: 24 to 21s.

Test ship changes:

British cruiser Monmouth, Tier X

  • Main battery parameters changed:
    • Reload time reduced: 18.5 to 15.5s.
    • Firing range increased: 16.9 to 19.8km.
    • Removed HE shells.
  • AP shell parameters changed:
    • Maximum damage increased: 5750 to 6200.
    • Arming threshold reduced: 39 to 25mm.
    • Improved the ricochet angles, and now they will resemble those that can be found on high-tier British destroyers.
    • Shell penetration significantly improved.
    • Shell ballistics altered to have a considerably flatter trajectory.
  • Deck armor reduced: 40 to 30mm.
  • Parameters of the "Repair Party" consumable were changed:
    • HP restoration per second reduced: 1188 to 297.
    • Action time increased: 20 to 28s.
    • Number of charges increased: 2 to 3.

So... Monmouth gets completely revised and becomes a variation on Gibraltar with a normal-ish rather than a superheal.

The other ships mentioned get small but definite buffs.

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And what is Monmouth for now? There is already Gibraltar. To be honest, I wanted to take Monmouth, but now I’ll think twice about it.

Edited by Kratbowl
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My take on the changes:

Marlborough, Adriatico, and Alvaro - definitely needed something

Renown - what? Why? She is fine right now. There are ships like California, Oklahoma, and Anhalt that are in desperate need of buffs.

Monmouth - if she goes forward like this literally guaranteed DOA. Gibraltar is basically the same and that’s what happened to her. AP only cruisers aren’t popular, I don’t know why WG is pushing them lately.

The more of the balance changes I see, the more it feels like balance is decided at WG by sticky notes on a dart board and a blindfolded employee. Sometimes the dart hits something that makes sense, other times we get the most out of left field changes.

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8 hours ago, Kratbowl said:

And what is Monmouth for now? There is already Gibraltar. To be honest, I wanted to take Monmouth, but now I’ll think twice about it.

According to first hand datamining, Monmouth now boasts the same railgun ballistics comparable with Andalucia.


The changes to Bazan is interesting that it interests me on if there exists some legal reasons (or some serious rivalry between Belgrade and SPB) that prevent balance changes from being directly copied (the ship was buffed by Lesta in a different way).

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12 hours ago, Sailor_Moon said:

Me seeing Balance Changes Devblog:


But California buff(s) are once again absent:


I think WOWS just likes to see your frustration/comments about the lack of any progress on the Cali....

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1 hour ago, Project45_Opytny said:

The changes to Bazan is interesting that it interests me on if there exists some legal reasons (or some serious rivalry between Belgrade and SPB) that prevent balance changes from being directly copied (the ship was buffed by Lesta in a different way).

Same applies to Renown. On Lesta the ship is buffed by reducing turret turn time: https://blog.korabli.su/blog/490

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23 hours ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

To save clicking through:


We're applying balance changes to the following ships based on an analysis of both their combat statistics as well as player feedback: Renown, Yūdachi, Marlborough, Adriatico, and Álvaro de Bazán. Additionally, we are applying changes to the test ship Monmouth based on testing results.


British battleship Renown, Tier VI

  • Main battery reload time reduced: 25 to 23.5s.
  • Main Battery firing range increased:
    • Stock Gun Fire Control System module firing range increased: 15.4 to 15.8km.
    • Researchable Gun Fire Control System module firing range increased: 16.9 to 17.4km.

Japanese destroyer Yūdachi, Tier VII

  • Torpedo speed increased: 57 to 64kt.

British battleship Marlborough, Tier IX

  • HE shell parameters changed:
    • Maximum damage increased: 4800 to 5500.
    • Fire chance increased: 24 to 28%.

Italian destroyer Adriatico, Tier IX

  • Main battery reload time reduced: 5.4 to 5s.

Spanish destroyer Álvaro de Bazán, Tier X

  • Main battery reload time reduced: 6.1 to 5.5s.
  • Burst fire reload time reduced: 24 to 21s.

Test ship changes:

British cruiser Monmouth, Tier X

  • Main battery parameters changed:
    • Reload time reduced: 18.5 to 15.5s.
    • Firing range increased: 16.9 to 19.8km.
    • Removed HE shells.
  • AP shell parameters changed:
    • Maximum damage increased: 5750 to 6200.
    • Arming threshold reduced: 39 to 25mm.
    • Improved the ricochet angles, and now they will resemble those that can be found on high-tier British destroyers.
    • Shell penetration significantly improved.
    • Shell ballistics altered to have a considerably flatter trajectory.
  • Deck armor reduced: 40 to 30mm.
  • Parameters of the "Repair Party" consumable were changed:
    • HP restoration per second reduced: 1188 to 297.
    • Action time increased: 20 to 28s.
    • Number of charges increased: 2 to 3.

So... Monmouth gets completely revised and becomes a variation on Gibraltar with a normal-ish rather than a superheal.

The other ships mentioned get small but definite buffs.

Thanks for the data mate....   I only have the Yudachi and never play the California (never ever play) so, the rest simply doesn't apply....

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British cruiser Monmouth, Tier X  ...<snipped for brevity>...

  • Parameters of the "Repair Party" consumable were changed:
    • HP restoration per second reduced: 1188 to 297.
    • Action time increased: 20 to 28s.
    • Number of charges increased: 2 to 3.

I wonder if there is a typographical error?  Or was the change intentionally so drastic?

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3 minutes ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

I wonder if there is a typographical error?  Or was the change intentionally so drastic?

Any illogical data may be made during the testing process. And it's clear that WG is doing a total rework of the ship's concepts, discarding the original one completely.

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10 minutes ago, Project45_Opytny said:

And it's clear that WG is doing a total rework of the ship's concepts, discarding the original one completely.

This is also what was done to the German "heavy" (Elbing line) DDs. Somewhere during development they gained their smokescreen, and post-release they were given a speed boost. 

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11 hours ago, sonoasailor said:

I think WOWS just likes to see your frustration/comments about the lack of any progress on the Cali....

These forums are severed from WG and the greater community... So I don't think so.

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11 minutes ago, Crokodone said:

These forums are severed from WG and the greater community... So I don't think so.


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12 hours ago, sonoasailor said:

I think WOWS just likes to see your frustration/comments about the lack of any progress on the Cali....



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21 hours ago, MBT808 said:

Renown - what? Why? She is fine right now. There are ships like California, Oklahoma, and Anhalt that are in desperate need of buffs.


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3 minutes ago, CaptainEleven said:

At this point, I think the lack of California buffs is just active spite from WG.


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It just occurred to me, have we usually seen direct buffs to previously released premium ships?

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19 minutes ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

have we usually seen direct buffs to previously released premium ships?

Sure. In the most recent big re-balance there were a bunch of premiums that got some love, including Indianapolis, Viribus Units, Leone, FR25, Hampshire, Siliwangi, and Z-35. 

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2 hours ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

It just occurred to me, have we usually seen direct buffs to previously released premium ships?

Yep! Champagne comes to mind immediately. I still remember that big HP buff she got lols! Still mystified by that one. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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17 hours ago, GMMF said:

Wasn't an avid individual to call for California buffs before...until I got her from a crate. Now I need California buffs.

Same here.

I intentionally avoid California despite buying several premium USN BBs, then one day I got her from a container.

That's the day I joined 'California needs buff' community......

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Renown is either really bad or the playerbase is incapable of playing squishy BBs (probably thinking the latter)

Marlbourgh still has a lot of problems, hitting anything before exploding is two of them.

Bazan is basically just Khaba but better now.

Yudachi's torps may be able to hit something, but still kind of ass.

Adriatico becoming a T9 one buff at a time.

Monmouth is going for a San Martin approach, except the thing that makes San Martin work (ability to become an unkillable cockroach through funny button management) isn't present, in exchange for bigger guns. Interesting and different from Goliath/Gilbratar? Yes. Will it work? No idea.

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