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The future of World of Warships, think small


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hear me out we have covered the blue water navy or ocean navy, cruisers-carriers-battleships-destroyers and submarines it is time for the brown water navy.  No, not that brown water lakes, rivers and coastal waters DE, Frigate, Sloop, Corvette, Guard Ship, Torpedo boat, Monitor, Seaplane Carrier, cutters, gunboats.  Instead of strapping more guns to battleships sixteen is more than enough, or further blurring line between cruisers and battleships and battle cruisers and fast battleships and super cruisers.

My idea is a separate mode where maybe some destroyers can play a kiddie pool that will be more welcoming to new players then the shark tank people play in now.  Look how adding consoles and mobile players has helped wargaming, i believe it would be far worse if WOW World of Warships was still only on console, i mean Legends and Blitz have been good for the game.  The idea is to add all the smaller and weaker ships to their own game mode maybe some of the stronger ships can play in the lower tiers or more advanced brown water ships.


Why add smaller ships because there are hundreds of ships that are not in the game because they do not fit the meta they are simple underpowered to fight against the monsters we have in the game.  They would also just be too low tier to bother with as people in general ignore anything tier 5 and below.  So let's call it tier S through D, S-A-B-C-D five tiers of brown to begin or beige if that sounds better.  It would also get rid of submarines or at least limit them to the minnow coastal types or midget and one-man subs.

I know i will be ignored but imagine have knife edge duel not measured in kilometers but hundreds of meters where extreme range is only a few kilometers an not in the teens and up.  Imagine life or death fight without double digit spreads of torpedoes or squadrons of fighters and submarines that are snipers and not shotguns.  Imagine a fresh start without having to give up the progress you already made but starting a new book.  The key is simple yes if brown water is rolled in with blue you get swamp water and a slaughter, but if they make it a separate game mode well who knows what could happen.

Thank you for listening even if no one will pay attention. wishing you all well and the best.


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I feel like this would be a neat idea, but perhaps as it’s own separate game. But within wows itself, I don’t think it would work out.

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14 hours ago, kriegerfaust said:

My idea is a separate mode

Imo that's the big problem. Separated Game Modes on top of the existing is probably spreading too thin.

Time ago, I made a proposal to repurpose T1 precisely to that end: A space to include small ships. That way you can avoid the problem of new game modes and maybe provide some usefulness to T1. 

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42 minutes ago, palestreamer said:

PT boat battles might be kind of interesting, machine guns and torps. Corvettes versus subs maybe.

Uhm... we kind of more or less have just that now, if you ignore the fact that the 'PT boats' look like bigger warships.

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yeah but you have to deal with ships that can delete you in one strike, when you can't do that back

torps recharge 60 to 180 seconds

guns 4 to 30 seconds

Uhm... we kind of more or less have just that now, if you ignore the fact that the 'PT boats' look like bigger warships.

not really the same, pt boats to destroyers even if some are actually torpedo boats and some light cruisers

Edited by kriegerfaust
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If we were going to see Corvettes and/or PT boats in this game they would have been here long ago. Good idea but not for WG WoWS, not now.

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11 hours ago, kriegerfaust said:

yeah but you have to deal with ships that can delete you in one strike, when you can't do that back

torps recharge 60 to 180 seconds

guns 4 to 30 seconds

Uhm... we kind of more or less have just that now, if you ignore the fact that the 'PT boats' look like bigger warships.

not really the same, pt boats to destroyers even if some are actually torpedo boats and some light cruisers

Well.. the game we have is like a scaled up and slowed down version of the type of skirmish battles we might see if they had actually introduced PT boats, patrol boats and smaller vessels. (If anyone remembers how hectic the 'Savage Battles' were you know what I kind of have in mind here). It's debatable, if we have the best of two worlds or the worst of one world as far as the meta goes. I'd prefer a different approach myself, personally, because it would provide the maximum variety in terms of game play.

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how about taking the totally bollocks reworked cv mechanic of squads and add em into randoms? if possible set secondaries on own characteristics for these, improved accuracy and range maybe, make dd's their bane by design somehow. in doubt may even give em kind of a respawn mechanic with a set number of go's...

i mean, it's not like anything more could ruin something about the match experience anymore i guess lol.... so, yaddayadda, bring it on. in doubt 4thelulz.


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5 hours ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

Well.. the game we have is like a scaled up and slowed down version of the type of skirmish battles we might see if they had actually introduced PT boats, patrol boats and smaller vessels. (If anyone remembers how hectic the 'Savage Battles' were you know what I kind of have in mind here). It's debatable, if we have the best of two worlds or the worst of one world as far as the meta goes. I'd prefer a different approach myself, personally, because it would provide the maximum variety in terms of game play.

Scale is important.  We play on small, time compressed maps to begin with....  The smaller the ship the more efficient the map becomes.  I don't know if the game engine itself could handle very small ships.  Sub introduction messed up a lot of the game code and we're still fighting those bugs.

Now, I support the PT/E-boat inclusion..........BUT........and this is very important to recognize, and the game itself fails terribly here........that PT boats simply would never, ever get into torp range on open water......and, if they did, the AA guns on that surface combatant simply would shred those wooden ship well beyond their effective torp ranges....

DD's battle mechanics today simply are wrong.....  No DD could do what they do every day in this game and live to tell about their grisly deaths....

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Some additional ideas... (just because that's something that would entice me back into the game)

  1. Restrict T1 as a single tier environment (no uptier to T2)
  2. T1 environment will be devoted to all sorts of small ships: Corvettes, Frigates, Gunboats, etc. 
  3. All additional ships will be "Premium" ships, added as individual units or in batches as packs. 
  4. All new ships will come with a special Bonus Package to equalize their earnings to equivalent T6 (or something like that). 
  5. T1 will be accounted for the different mission chains.
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Or, perhaps WG could create an "imbalanced battle" mode.

The match-maker assigns ships from the usual +/- spred of two tiers, but doesn't reveal to the opposing team which ships were chosen, nor how many (up to the usual limit of 12 ships per team) and it relaxes some of the match-making "balancing" programming limitations.

In other words, the team roster of "the other team" would be unknown at the start of the battle, including how many ships are on the opposing team.
The only way to discover what the other team has is through scouting and finding them during the battle.

It would also be possible for more ships of a given type (that is normally restricted by matchmaking rules) to be present, such as three CV's or 5 DD's or <insert wild-aft idea here> and it would be possible for a team to have none while the other team had one or more of a given type.

Could also do a "hardcore mode" version of this by widening the spread of the tiers from plus/minus two to become plus/minus four tiers.

Just some food for thought.  🙂 

For added flavor, there could be a timer that grabs whomever is available every 30 seconds or every minute, and doesn't care how many are on each team.
So the matchmaker would be free to create some wild match-ups with teams that may not have the same number of ships on each team and won't know it until they've found every player or until the victory conditions for the map are met.
"Queue-dump, go home, yer drunk", eh?  🙂 



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1 hour ago, Asym said:

Scale is important.  We play on small, time compressed maps to begin with....  The smaller the ship the more efficient the map becomes.  I don't know if the game engine itself could handle very small ships.  Sub introduction messed up a lot of the game code and we're still fighting those bugs.

Now, I support the PT/E-boat inclusion..........BUT........and this is very important to recognize, and the game itself fails terribly here........that PT boats simply would never, ever get into torp range on open water......and, if they did, the AA guns on that surface combatant simply would shred those wooden ship well beyond their effective torp ranges....

DD's battle mechanics today simply are wrong.....  No DD could do what they do every day in this game and live to tell about their grisly deaths....

Likely the game as it is can never be properly balanced. A section of the player base is so focused on individual DMP that they would never accept the ship 'class' limitations being imposed on their game play.

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7 minutes ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

What is "DMP"?

Er...Same as DPM, only uhm... done in a fancier.. uhm.. French way.

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16 minutes ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

What is "DMP"?

Sigh, you've got to learn some other language like French......or Klingon !  Damage Minutes Per....of course !!!

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