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What is you're favorite battleship and why


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I love the Odin her and Roma were the first fast battleships i played, not battle cruiser or supper cruiser but fast battleship she was a lot of fun, but i hate the Brandenburg why you have to show you're full side to bring all guns to bear, and to get a third more turrets is a much worse rate of fire, i love bow taking only to turn and give all barrels, also a lover of the American line (Iowa/South Dakota/North Carolina) even Monarch with the three guns in three turrets.  I also love German ships with monster secondaries so i love the Odin id love more armor or heavier guns but well then i would not need other ship lol.

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T10 US Tech Tree BB Montana

Not only is it my favorite BB in game but overall it is my favorite ship in game as well. Also my 1st T10. Just a good solid all around ship. No gimmicks and not great at any one thing but good at all things and no real flaws.


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She was my first premium battleship, and still remains one of my most played ships.  

As a bonus she is a real ship that actually went to war.


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For a very long time, it was North Carolina. There was even an extended period where it was probably the only ship I played, at least in randoms and ranked. The guns felt more comfortable, and most significantly it was the first fast battleship I'd really played and finally getting to do 28 knots after barely breaking 21 was so nice. Even though I didn't have the skill then to have great stats in it, I got very comfortable in it and knew what it could do. To this day it's still my most played ship by a substantial margin.

After the second CB season when I finally finished the US BB grind and got Montana, it was probably tied with NC. It might have been slower than NC, but the guns were just as reliable. However, by that point I was on my way to becoming a cruiser main, so my "favorite ship" tag had moved over to a couple different cruisers.

I got Thunderer in December 2019, and that might have become my favorite battleship for a couple months, purely because of the guns. And then I bought Bourgogne in September 2020, and it's held the "favorite battleship" title ever since. Except for when French dispersion decides to have too much champagne, I love the guns and I love the speed. 

I've had a bunch of other battleships join my fleet since then that I've really liked (like St. Vincent and Schlieffen, just to name a couple more recent additions), but Bourgogne's holding tight to her title. Now, when Lauria returns for regular purchase and I can finally get her for "real" (as opposed to while testing or on my wiki account), there may be a new title holder and Bourgogne probably won't be happy....

Edited by MidnightPhoenix07
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So far in my WOWS journey, I am mostly a creature of the early ('lower') tiers.

It is definitely Konig Albert thus far. Albert has the guns, the penetration and the armour to make the outcome of brawls with other BBs at tier 3 a forgone conclusion. Only the Nassau stands as a really tough opponent. Albert can also give Tier 4 battleships a nasty surprise, as he uptiers quite well in many respects. His only besetting problem is very weak AA, making him vulnerable to dedicated carrier (or even worse, double carrier) attacks.

von der tann at Tier 3 and Orion and Kaiser at Tier 4 rate honorable mentions.

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I am a fan of science fiction works

nice ship my uncertain waifu  but have unstable dispersion


Even though I've only scratched the surface, I think I've mastered how to fight alongside her to some extent...

Edited by Kawaii_shirasu_azusa
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IJN Yamato T10.

Because well its the Yamato-does it need a reason?

That aside it is the Yamato or put plainly did your ship have armor-i never noticed it.

The Yamoto slaps,steers like a brick with guns on steroids.





Edited by Chysagon
Added another pic.
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8 hours ago, Bumblegoose said:

Albert can also give Tier 4 battleships a nasty surprise, as he uptiers quite well in many respects.

Not surprising, considering she is a Kaiser-class ship, which is the tech tree tier IV. Even with the nerfs, she’s quite nasty a tier lower. The only thing that really feels lacking is main battery range, and at lower tiers that isn’t at significant as it is at higher tiers.

Edited by Nevermore135
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A long time ago my favorite BB to play was Bismarck. A secondary-leaning hybrid build (secondary mod, AFT, and manual secondaries) was a blast to play, as Bismarck still has workable maneuverability and concealment compared to her successors in the German BB line. That changed with the reworking of secondary skills, however.

Iowa is still solid after all these years, and I enjoyed my recent RB re-grind. Vermont is still silly and incredibly rewarding to play for those with the patience and trigger discipline to make her guns work. Shikishima has also been growing on me, as she combines the accuracy and overmatch of UU Yamato with better DPM (you can take MBM3) and better AA/secondaries. There’s also the immensely satisfying gun sound.

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6 minutes ago, Nevermore135 said:

That changed with the reworking of secondary skills, however.

I miss the old Bismarck and Gneisnau secondary setup. It allowed some much more interesting gameplay options than the current design.

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Still Yamato. Best guns, good armour that isn't ruined by 20 cities worth of superstructure, best torp belt, real ship. Sad antiair and one of the slower boys, but can't have it all. 

Also the finest camo on TX battleship 


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10 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

I miss the old Bismarck and Gneisnau secondary setup. It allowed some much more interesting gameplay options than the current design.

Gneisenau has always been held back by not having quite enough secondary battery range, but under the old system a secondary-spec had surprisingly punishing AA due to all the DP 128s.

The change to manual secondaries really hurt German BBs. The need to “ramp up” the accuracy to achieve the same dispersion as before (the 20% base buff largely offsets the nerf to the skill, but only after the full ramp-up) makes the guns much less efficient. It’s no coincidence that the same changes hit the problematic American secondary BBs even harder and paved the way for the German CCs.

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5 minutes ago, Nevermore135 said:

The need to “ramp up” the accuracy to achieve the same dispersion as before (the 20% base buff largely offsets the nerf to the skill, but only after the full ramp-up) makes the guns much less efficient.

That change really impacted the meta of the ships.

Bismarck / Gneisnau could create DD free zones which created different opportunities...now, the secondaries are only useful against cruisers that get too close, and a minimal increase in damage when in close quarters with other battleships.

One of those things where the spreadsheet impact doesn't tell the whole story.

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G. Kurfurst. I hardly played BBs before I got it as my first coal ship. Then I discovered the joys of German BB secondaries. With the unique upgrade it really spews them out.

I can't imagine what it was like before this rework you guys are talking about.

Its a monster in brawls and ranked.

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17 minutes ago, palestreamer said:

I can't imagine what it was like before this rework you guys are talking about.

Its a monster in brawls and ranked.

It’s funny you should say that, because I don’t run secondaries on most of my German BBs anymore.

Even before the skill rework (and back when GK was a tech tree ship) I didn’t run a secondary build on GK. GK (as well a FdG to a lesser degree) have pretty terrible concealment and maneuverability (see my comments on Bismarck above) to the point that I abandoned my secondary specs on FdG and GK in favor of tank builds, which I found to be much more effective overall. Granted, this was for Randoms rather than brawls, which is a different environment.

Nowadays I’m of the firm opinion that outside a few cases like Odin, which has very competitive concealment that is close to her secondary range, full survivability builds are the way to go with German BBs. I save the secondary shenanigans for the higher tier German CCs. I do have my GK specced for secondaries now, but that’s mostly for PVE memes now because Preussen exists.

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23 minutes ago, palestreamer said:

G. Kurfurst. I hardly played BBs before I got it as my first coal ship. Then I discovered the joys of German BB secondaries. With the unique upgrade it really spews them out.

I can't imagine what it was like before this rework you guys are talking about.

Its a monster in brawls and ranked.

Better now. More build options and since she's a special ship, you can switch them around with little or no cost. I'm trying every reload skill now for fun.

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11 hours ago, HamptonRoads said:


As a bonus she is a real ship that actually went to war.


Didn't the anniversary of her sinking just pass recently?

I got the Tirpitz during the last trade-in event. I haven't played her much since I haven't devoted any time to playing that class yet. I expect to use her in Ops and Brawls mostly. 

My first steel ship was the Bourgogne and I'm very happy with her although I also haven't played her much.

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47 minutes ago, palestreamer said:

I can't imagine what it was like before this rework you guys are talking about.

Its a monster in brawls and ranked.

Even better.

To a certain extent I understood that the change needed to be made...high tier German secondaries could be straight up oppressive.

What I object to is the continued denial that the change was a nerf. It was clearly a nerf.

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31 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

To a certain extent I understood that the change needed to be made...high tier German secondaries could be straight up oppressive.

I disagree here. German secondaries were in a pretty good spot before the changes because of the sacrifices required to build into them. One needed to make a significant sacrifice to concealment/survivability. This was especially true at tier IX and X, as those ships handle like bricks and can be seen from the moon. I had actually switched my FdG and GK builds away from secondaries before the rework.

The global secondary nerfs were very much aimed at ships with improved dispersion, i.e. the problematic American BBs like MA that were better secondary ships than the Germans despite secondary performance being supposedly part of the the German “flavor.” WG was able to reduce the performance of these “protected” ships while also opening up design space for the German CCs to have the same base dispersion and improved penetration. Those ships would have been stupidly broken pre-rework.

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Back to the original topic:


Mind you, I only use it in coop and the occasional brawl, but my favorite BB by far the the Incomparable. Nothing is more fun that going 40 knots, having the largest boomsticks in the game with amazing accuracy, being able to oneshot angled Yamatos (OK, that is theory, but I have done 80K volleys on Yamato cheeks) and then following up with Torps, doing 10K damage with 5 overpens on a DD while seeing his torps with hydro and insta-repairing the damage to my nonexistant armor with a superheal is just so much fun. This is the only ship I am actually regularly having fun in Coop with. It is easier to get high XP scores in Marceau and Salem, but that is not as much fun.

I look very forward to trying it out in the upcoming asymmetric battles.

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12 hours ago, AdmiralThunder said:

but good at all things and no real flaws.

... handles like a bloated slug. Reactive dodge is imposible for her, biggest reason I deeply disliked her and Ohio. 

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I used to salivate at getting a high tier battleship...

...but my God those awful rudder shift times.


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