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How to use Saipan?


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I always play her like how I play japanese cv........... Is that all right?(trop>bomb>rocket)

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Not a CV player nor skillful enough to own a Saipan, so if you don't mind, I will drop a few links about Saipan (I assume you know Chinese, if not then forgive me & ignore the bilibili link). Those are the sources that I remembered are reliable and precise enough regarding CVs.

【战舰世界塞班攻略,塞班难度高,强度也高,多种技巧畅玩塞班,从而畅玩所有航母。】 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1De4y1k74J/?share_source=copy_web&vd_source=6c9c8c668a4228ebd4f1a8dc391ff99e


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