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Ranked, pt2.


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Soo....apparently i'm not the only one, who thinks that the current edition is a giant birdie from Wedgie to the playerbase.



Absolutely lovely comment section btw 🙂 



And....it is also clear that Wedgie was fully aware what reception it will get from the players. I mean they were moar tight lipped, about the upcoming season, then the Camorra about the biz and family.   No info, no "bragging", no nothing.






So I would say is a good idea to remember who we are dealing with






Now that being said, I'm gonna be honest. Following this conversation....

On 11/13/2023 at 4:19 AM, NMA101 said:

Judging by the fact that ships from both teams are still alive, looks like a win by points. In which case the Edinburgh with superior stealth, a heal, and maneuverability has many tools to stay alive late in a game. (In the previous T8 ranked season I reached a 65% WR in Edinburgh, and with only a 14 pt commander). Choosing lower-tier cruisers without heals (like you in the Irian) is basically giving the team a handicap, no offence. It also becomes impossible to save a star in a CA without a heal, should the match go south. Hard to kite and farm when every BB overmatches your ship and you have no way of mitigating damage. 

Your submarine doing poorly hurts, but since subs have low game impact is not necessarily a death blow to chances of victory. Your CV on the other hand can basically be blamed for 90% of the loss, especially since it was a OP one like Kaga. They have the responsibility of carrying the match

.......I did played some more. And he is right and RN CL;'s used to be my most played line, also my go to reset line (still is) so I'm very familiar with the playstyle. And...


....buut..... make no mistake. it IS  misery. I have to pull everything, to make it work. The difference being the presence of the  possibility to do something, to make a difference.

The problem, as it was repeatedly told, explained, cried about, cursed about , shouted  to Wedgie...is spotting. It is dented beyond belief, it is  probably the most hated thing about Cv's.  It has absolutely no place, no justification and absolutely no positive effect on the game. For me, it is without any doubt the number one reason, why I hate Cv's.

I can live with their strategic nature, i can  play with planes being present, I can accept their damage dealing ways, i can forgo their dishonest, protected nature and I can laugh about their automated..... "kitchen".


But...I cannot accept, nor I ever will, their spotting and ....I'm  not the only one.  And that generates  a LOT of problems and a tremendous ill will towards Wedgie.

Edited by Andrewbassg
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Should try Prinz Eugen if you have her, S tier for ranked as far as cruisers go(Cataluna is also good, burst fire can be very decisive). Edinburgh I'd say is okay in my experience, good consumables, but when the overmatch gets you it, it really gets you.

tier VIII ranked is definitely hit or miss, its fun for brawling BBs if you get no CVs or subs.

Thanks for the warning though, much appreciated.

Edited by MBT808
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Oh no. CVs in ranked must be game breaking, but somehow players are still advancing and doing well? Add all the memes and Reddit post you like, it’s still a player issue. 

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22 minutes ago, Type_93 said:

Oh no. CVs in ranked must be game breaking, but somehow players are still advancing and doing well? Add all the memes and Reddit post you like, it’s still a player issue

Aactually.....no and no and also no.  🙂 Meaning:

1. No, Cv's aren;t game breaking, however they are an absolute killjoy and  shouldn't be banned, but given that Wedgie themselves quite publicly admitted as ships being balanced for 12v12..... in 6v6  a dampening factor should be mandatory. Like a positive tier difference. And that absolutely should go without saying

2. No, I don't advance. 😞 Tbh I don't even want. I just play the game.

3. You mean.... 


Btw their Cv was good , given the ship  (pasta Cv), first with 1000-ish BXP. Want the replay?

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54 minutes ago, Andrewbassg said:

3. You mean.... 


I'd be laughing at the sheer incompetence of that CV, for continually trying to strike down one of the worst targets possible.

It was a free win for you, unless your teammates were equally terrible.

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1 minute ago, ArIskandir said:

I loved T8 (CV heavy) Ranked seasons...



You just need the right tool for the job...

Exactly. All the hate for CVs is just laughable. They are a part of the game and will continue to be so. 

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1 hour ago, Andrewbassg said:

Aactually.....no and no and also no.  🙂 Meaning:

1. No, Cv's aren;t game breaking, however they are an absolute killjoy and  shouldn't be banned, but given that Wedgie themselves quite publicly admitted as ships being balanced for 12v12..... in 6v6  a dampening factor should be mandatory. Like a positive tier difference. And that absolutely should go without saying

2. No, I don't advance. 😞 Tbh I don't even want. I just play the game.

3. You mean.... 


Btw their Cv was good , given the ship  (pasta Cv), first with 1000-ish BXP. Want the replay?

Balanced for 12 v 12 means they will have more impact in a smaller more competitive format. Ranked isn’t supposed to be a cake walk, even though players make it much harder than it has to be. I’d be interested to see where WG said that about CVs in ranked. Or CB for that matter. What did they say the dampening factor would be?

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I prefer bronze to be at an even tier so I can enjoy ranked in my CVs...because shortened, same tier teams makes the CV brutally overpowered.

The fewer ships there are...the more my DPS can effect...the easier it is to provide full spotting support...the easier it is to stay alive.

It's astonishing how WG don't understand how OP a fully same tier CV is in a battle...let alone a battle with reduced ships.

And before everyone goes down the boring 'air spotting is the worst and must be changed' rant...I would point out that spotting problems would continue to exist without plane spotting in game...and that the core of this issue lies with the concealment and spotting system itself, not just with plane spotting...it's broken, has been broken for a long time, and needs a proper rework.

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4 hours ago, Verytis said:

I'd be laughing at the sheer incompetence of that CV, 


Well....you don't get 1000-ish BXp on the losing side, just because you have biue eyes....unless ofc you play.... ss  A48E2DD6-327E-4E69-B995-CD0955AA6217.gif

Sorry I couldn't resist. 14728F2B-B3A1-4254-850F-95D0D4BC5353.gif

4 hours ago, Verytis said:

......for continually trying to strike down one of the worst targets possible.


Truth to be told. it wasn't his fault. Smile_glasses.gif.ad42a1d7c6a3da5c4b37a0


4 hours ago, Verytis said:

It was a free win for you, unless your teammates were equally terrible.

Not really  Judge for yourself.



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5 hours ago, ArIskandir said:

You just need the right tool for the job...

 🙂  Glad to see you around, friend.

Edited by Andrewbassg
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4 hours ago, Type_93 said:

All the hate for CVs is just laughable. They are a part of the game and will continue to be so.

No. Laughable ... it is not. Its sad. And yeah but they should be in a......lets say, fair way.

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14 minutes ago, Andrewbassg said:

No. Laughable ... it is not. Its sad. And yeah but they should be in a......lets say, fair way.


World of Warships is pretty clearly not interested in providing fair gameplay. That expectation of ours is unlikely to be met ever by this game.

At this point, the ownership of that angst should be us. We already know WG isn't going to provide a game that meets this expectation.

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5 hours ago, Type_93 said:

Balanced for 12 v 12 means they will have more impact in a smaller more competitive format. 

By some factors. And its not 2. That's why they are not allowed either in KOTS or CB. Which are much of the same format. 


5 hours ago, Type_93 said:

Ranked isn’t supposed to be a cake walk...

That's why subs are allowed, right? 🙂  You know what I mean by that.

5 hours ago, Type_93 said:

ven though players make it much harder than it has to b

its not just about being hard, it is joyless. And THAT'S a and the problem.

5 hours ago, Type_93 said:

I’d be interested to see where WG said that about CVs in ranked.

That would be the standard company line. "We will monitor their performance and we will introduce changes if we deem necessary" Smile_sceptic.gif.97d8c8cbb10e163afd1a67

Tho, that was about spotting, not ranked, still it would be the very same.

5 hours ago, Type_93 said:

What did they say the dampening factor would be?

Smile_coin.gif.4108231dd8f1e8ec6de0cb87b You mean ....they should admit that they  were (very) wrong.... in the first place?

Edited by Andrewbassg
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2 hours ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

I prefer bronze to be at an even tier so I can enjoy ranked in my CVs...because shortened, same tier teams makes the CV brutally overpowered.

The fewer ships there are...the more my DPS can effect...the easier it is to provide full spotting support...the easier it is to stay alive.


Exactly. The attention is far less divided, target selection is much easier. Also plane losses are much reduced, as is its  impact. A for Cv's being OP.....that's actually the selling point, as you know.

2 hours ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

And before everyone goes down the boring 'air spotting is the worst and must be changed' rant...I would point out that spotting problems would continue to exist without plane spotting in game...and that the core of this issue lies with the concealment and spotting system itself, not just with plane spotting...it's broken, has been broken for a long time, and needs a proper rework.

I would agree that the avenue of spotting could use some attention and the gameplay diversity which that could provide is somewhat underutilized.

But I disagree on plane spotting. The thing is classes who's survival is dependant on concealment (dd's, cruisers)  took a hit after the camo separation. Big guns and not only become more accurate. Its not really funny to shoot at a dd at ~18 km and hit her, in my Nevsky. I mean it is for me, but I doubt that poor lolibote thinks the same way.

52 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:


World of Warships is pretty clearly not interested in providing fair gameplay. That expectation of ours is unlikely to be met ever by this game.

At this point, the ownership of that angst should be us. We already know WG isn't going to provide a game that meets this expectation.


Well, Wows utilise  an unbalanced balancing model from the get go. I meant even within its confines is obscene the Cv implementation. The whole "the  most powerful class needs the most protection" and "U need to just smile "is just a complete BS.

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21 hours ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

I prefer bronze to be at an even tier so I can enjoy ranked in my CVs...because shortened, same tier teams makes the CV brutally overpowered.

I’ve always felt that a two-tier, even/odd spread was the best way to mitigate the issues with CVs in game modes with smaller team sizes. Being always bottom-tier helps somewhat.

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28 minutes ago, Nevermore135 said:

I’ve always felt that a two-tier, even/odd spread was the best way to mitigate the issues with CVs in game modes with smaller team sizes. Being always bottom-tier helps somewhat.

That did work pretty well in the past. Being only one tier down, but in a less ships environment was still very playable for the CV captain.

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21 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

That did work pretty well in the past. Being only one tier down, but in a less ships environment was still very playable for the CV captain.

I also just prefer a multi-tier format in general. It not only gives more opportunity to grind different ships (especially considering the current state of Randoms) but also I find that single-tier Ranked gets boring pretty quick.

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Thanks! I spammed Ashitaka and now I guess I play funny CVSUBgames. Ashitaka feels like a really strong boat for T7 ranked, got amagi firepower, 30kt speed and the nerfed AA doesn't matter.

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