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Variations of Battle pass


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I might be a bit late in asking this, but I am curious on other variations of battle pass in this patch, mind sharing if you guys happened to get a new version from WG?

Last time I didn't get the chance to try out but this time, I am happy with my version. Only 5 missions to clear and if things go smooth, I can do all of them in less than 1 hour. Quite a godsend as I am busy this month. 



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24 minutes ago, GMMF said:

I might be a bit late in asking this, but I am curious on other variations of battle pass in this patch, mind sharing if you guys happened to get a new version from WG?

Last time I didn't get the chance to try out but this time, I am happy with my version. Only 5 missions to clear and if things go smooth, I can do all of them in less than 1 hour. Quite a godsend as I am busy this month. 




I have this also...


3 minutes ago, I_cant_Swim_ said:

2-1-2-1-2. That looks significantly better than 1-1-1-1-2-2. Good for you.


Yup...it's much faster to complete, especially for co-op guys like me. I wonder if this will become the standard for battlepass daily missions. 

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Just now, oldblackdog said:

I wonder if this will become the standard for battlepass daily missions

Man, do I wish!

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12 minutes ago, I_cant_Swim_ said:

2-1-2-1-2. That looks significantly better than 1-1-1-1-2-2.

It is, the total number of XP/games required are lesser. The 1.5k xp mission can be done with a good ranked game/ops so its actually not that hard.


5 minutes ago, oldblackdog said:

I wonder if this will become the standard for battlepass daily missions

First iteration of BP progress change doesn't get implemented, hope this time WG collect enough data for improvements.

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2 minutes ago, GMMF said:

First iteration of BP progress change doesn't get implemented, hope this time WG collect enough data for improvements.


They've been trying out different versions of BP for a couple of months, but this is the first time I've seen this variation. If they want to keep testing different versions, I won't complain, especially if it leads to something that is easier and faster for players to deal with.

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2 hours ago, GMMF said:

mind sharing if you guys happened to get a new version from WG?

I also got the version you got, and I am happy with it. 

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4 hours ago, I_cant_Swim_ said:

Man, do I wish!

Makes 3 of us!

This month I got 2/2/2/2 vs previous months when I had something like 1/1/1/1/2/2 which took forever and ever and I rarely actually did the full chain in a single day. It was made even more difficult by the last 3 stages requiring wins to count. The 2/2/2/2 only requires wins for the fourth and final stage!

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I'm very pleased with this...  I'm on the premium BP so perhaps it is different?   2-3-2 + 3.   Easy in coop.

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22 minutes ago, Arcusaesopi said:

I'm very pleased with this...  I'm on the premium BP so perhaps it is different?   2-3-2 + 3.   Easy in coop.

Probably the easiest one out of us😄
Its daily trial so not connected with premium bp

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Nice for you, guys. I though the test flavors would be few and far between, but several of us (not me) got them. Enjoy! 

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9 hours ago, Arcusaesopi said:

I'm very pleased with this...  I'm on the premium BP so perhaps it is different?   2-3-2 + 3.   Easy in coop.

Players are assigned their version of the BP at the beginning of the patch - it’s visible the first time you log in and prior to purchasing the premium BP, so I doubt it has an effect. The devs may be using some type of gameplay history criteria to allocate the variations, but it’s just as likely they are random.

Last time they ran a test like this I had 2 weekly mission chains and no dailies at all, while this time I have the standard BP missions.

Edited by Nevermore135
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47 minutes ago, Nevermore135 said:

Players are assigned their version of the BP at the beginning of the patch - it’s visible the first time you log in and prior to purchasing the premium BP, so I doubt it has an effect. The devs may be using some type of gameplay history criteria to allocate the variations, but it’s just as likely they are random.

Last time they ran a test like this I had 2 weekly mission chains and no dailies at all, while this time I have the standard BP missions.

Interesting... don't know anything for sure, but that I'm happy with this...  May it continue and be for all!

Now if they'd just back off on that 3rd xp crate... 😄

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10 hours ago, oldblackdog said:

Has anyone noticed any different versions of the weekly BP?

Not that I've noticed or heard about. The current weekly mission setup is largely balanced IMO ... I can usually finish it with a day or two to spare for emergencies or other unforeseen events. My "rule" is to do the first two weekly missions on Wednesday's.

Edited by CFagan_1987
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15 hours ago, BigHeadShrimp said:

I got 2-2-2-2 as well. The BXP levels are 300, 500, 1000 and 1200.

That's what I ended up with, the daily trials are done significantly quicker, but usually I have to do a couple of games to get the 3rd container.

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54 minutes ago, Wulf_Ace said:

rewards are getting worse and worse, the end one

yeah this time round the end rewards are not so exciting, imo. On the other hand, for my part I'm glad for the lull, as it were, let's me focus on other things. Next battle pass will no doubt have better rewards, so see it that way. Though for my part I'll probably pass on that too because of the holidays. ymmv.

But there are other things to focus on, like the Voyage to the North Pole missions. Easy peasy run for a Tier VIII cruiser? Not bad at all.

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4 hours ago, I_cant_Swim_ said:


yeah this time round the end rewards are not so exciting, imo. On the other hand, for my part I'm glad for the lull, as it were, let's me focus on other things. Next battle pass will no doubt have better rewards, so see it that way. Though for my part I'll probably pass on that too because of the holidays. ymmv.

But there are other things to focus on, like the Voyage to the North Pole missions. Easy peasy run for a Tier VIII cruiser? Not bad at all.

To be fair I expected this month would be underwhelming as next month is going to be a good one with two premium ships, two 10 point captains, and a bunch of Santa crates

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