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Random battles are so... random


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So in a fit of whatever-you-want-to-call-it I have decided to dig back into all those ships in my fleet with 0 random wins, and get them at least one.  These are mostly ships which I played once or twice and quickly knew that I disliked enough that I decided to complete the grind in Operations/Co-Op/Special Battles (tech tree), or that would just be port queens (premium/special).  

First up I grab Albemarle, one random battle (loss) on the record, still has a 12-point commander which I boosted to 13 and away we go.  First battle I do over 75k damage, 2 kills (including a sub) plus a solo cap and am the only survivor on a losing team where I place second-on-the-list.  Damn, let's go again.  Second battle I am bottom tier with mostly Tier X ships (what about that WG patent that is supposed to push you towards top tier after losses?!?) and in conservative fashion survive, but do only 23k damage with no kills and finish bottom-of-the-list on the winning side.  Mission accomplished for ship #1.

So, play well and lose, then play without much battle influence and win.  I am not pleased by either the play or the outcome of both battles, and am quickly discouraged regarding continuing to the fulfilment of my quest.  I have always poo-poohed the players who post with rants about "skill doesn't matter", "win rate is irrelevant", "everything is against me" and such.  Two battles back-to-back really mean nothing, but I am not left with a "fun and engaging" feeling.  😞

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That’s why you play ships you enjoy. You played a ship you never play and did just OK your first 2 games. I’d  say you’d get better with Ablemarle if you played it more, but again, why play ships you don’t enjoy. 

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2 hours ago, Type_93 said:

That’s why you play ships you enjoy. You played a ship you never play and did just OK your first 2 games. I’d  say you’d get better with Ablemarle if you played it more, but again, why play ships you don’t enjoy. 

The impetus behind the quest was just looking at the bottom of my record and seeing 20 ships with a 0% win rate (mostly with just 1 random battle, max 3) and not liking the look of it.  I could have just regarded the top and seen my 30 ships with a 100% win rate (again mostly 1 random battle, max Georgia 6-0), but I don't play any of them either.  So maybe this is an exercise in masochism, after all no one is going to be looking at my 0-3 record in Repulse and be thinking "Damn this player stinks!"   🙈

My mini rant was driven partly by another realization I have long known.  As an average player, if I am the best player on my team, we are probably going to lose.  If I am the worst player on my team, we are going to win.  I had a pretty good game in the first battle in which we lost, but it was not really fun.  And though we won the second, since I had to play "survival first" as a bottom-tier cruiser it was not much fun either.

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