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Twitch Drops 12.10 - Nerfed Community Tokens


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Thanks to "technical restrictions" that limit the number of active campaigns to one, the potential earnings for CT from Twitch have been reduced. 



Twitch Challenges will now reward you with 500 instead of 400 Community Tokens, and you’ll additionally be able to claim a Black Friday 2023 container for completing at least three of the update’s four Twitch Challenges. 

Previously one could earn 400+250 = 650 CT per week, so the new amount is a 23% drop from before. 

Is this WG trying to pre-emptively combat the "resource inflation" they regularly cite plaguing the game economy? Are people earning too many CT from temporary events like April Fools, Halloween, Asymmetric Battles etc.? Because the only real good rewards are T7 and T5 premium crates, which are not that popular tiers anyway. 


(Moderator Note:  "The structure of our Twitch Drops for the upcoming months is going to change due to new technical restrictions from Twitch that will limit users to only progress in one campaign at the same time. To accommodate this change, we’ve restructured the World of Warships Twitch Drops this month." (exact wording from link posted above).

The change, therefore, is a reaction by WoWs because of a decision Twitch made.  Please read the full article at the link provided above to make your own determination and understanding of this change.  Thanks, HogHammer)

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Here's the full text:




The structure of our Twitch Drops for the upcoming months is going to change due to new technical restrictions from Twitch that will limit users to only progress in one campaign at the same time. To accommodate this change, we’ve restructured the World of Warships Twitch Drops this month. In Update 12.10, there will be one global Twitch Drop campaign for the entire game category on Twitch, and it will feature weekly Twitch Challenges and Twitch Container Drops. Twitch Challenges will now reward you with 500 instead of 400 Community Tokens, and you’ll additionally be able to claim a Black Friday 2023 container for completing at least three of the update’s four Twitch Challenges.

You'll be able to claim our Mystery Drop in the first week of the Update on our official channel, but please keep in mind that when you watch the official channel, you’ll first progress through the Mystery Drop before starting progress on the Twitch Challenge Drop. As we adjust to the new structure, expect new rewards and ways to receive them in future updates!


SO... shall we discuss attribution of motive, then?

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Twitch Drops in Update 12.10

The structure of our Twitch Drops for the upcoming months is going to change due to new technical restrictions from Twitch that will limit users to only progress in one campaign at the same time. To accommodate this change, we’ve restructured the World of Warships Twitch Drops this month. In Update 12.10, there will be one global Twitch Drop campaign for the entire game category on Twitch, and it will feature weekly Twitch Challenges and Twitch Container Drops. Twitch Challenges will now reward you with 500 instead of 400 Community Tokens, and you’ll additionally be able to claim a Black Friday 2023 container for completing at least three of the update’s four Twitch Challenges.

You'll be able to claim our Mystery Drop in the first week of the Update on our official channel, but please keep in mind that when you watch the official channel, you’ll first progress through the Mystery Drop before starting progress on the Twitch Challenge Drop. As we adjust to the new structure, expect new rewards and ways to receive them in future updates!


Mystery Drop
Watch our official Update streams for a chance to win one of seven rewards, which could be a Premium ship or a lucrative pack with Community Tokens.

Official World of Warships Twitch Channel.

Will drop once when viewing streams that air from November 9 through 16.

Watch for a total of 90 minutes.

You will receive one of the following:

400 Community Tokens — common
200 Community Tokens and 1x special economic bonus of each type — common
1,000 Community Tokens — rare
 VIII Roma – very rare
 VIII Hornet – very rare
 VIII Bayard – very rare
 VIII Z-35 – very rare
If you already have an awarded ship in your Port, you will receive compensation of 30,000 Community Tokens.



When I read the article, earlier today, it seemed to me that this is publishing a change (which is welcome behavior) and saying that the change is due to technical changes within the Twitch system.

Personally, I didn't get upset or begin to act as though the sky is falling.
Perhaps that's "just me", eh?



Edited by Wolfswetpaws
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1 hour ago, Wolfswetpaws said:


When I read the article, earlier today, it seemed to me that this is publishing a change (which is welcome behavior) and saying that the change is due to technical changes within the Twitch system.

Personally, I didn't get upset or begin to act as though the sky is falling.
Perhaps that's "just me", eh?

They could have maintained the same level of CT per week as before (650), but no, the "spoiled and entitled" players do not deserve it. 

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44 minutes ago, NMA101 said:

They could have maintained the same level of CT per week as before (650), but no, the "spoiled and entitled" players do not deserve it. 

A possible solution to make-up the difference would be to play some games on the Public Test Server.

As you are probably aware, DevStrike forums are not a direct conduit of communication with the staff of WG/WOWs.
So, out of curiosity, I ask if you have created a "customer service ticket" to convey your sentiments to WOWs personnel?
Or, alternatively, created a discord topic directed towards WOWs personnel?

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If I were an ardent follower of Twitch, I might have a reaction to the announcement, but I no longer spend much time at all watching WoWS on Twitch.  No dog in the fight as the saying goes.  

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2 hours ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

A possible solution to make-up the difference would be to play some games on the Public Test Server.

As you are probably aware, DevStrike forums are not a direct conduit of communication with the staff of WG/WOWs.
So, out of curiosity, I ask if you have created a "customer service ticket" to convey your sentiments to WOWs personnel?
Or, alternatively, created a discord topic directed towards WOWs personnel?

@Frostbow's opinion on the PTS matches my view:

Customer service tickets are supposed to be for technical issues, bugs, and glitches. No need to burden the support staff and deprive other players of fast resolution to their legitimate computer/software problems. 

I do not have a discord account, and even if I did, have zero interest venturing into that cesspool of "discussion", filled with meme spam and censorship. And even if someone did post something there, WG will never change their minds once something is officially decided. If anything, they would dismiss the issue with the typical "the silent majority is perfectly happy with everything" propaganda. 

As far as myself, I do not particularly care for CT to begin with (as said above, T7 and T5 are not very popular, and I already have most of the good ships in those crates). Just pointing out the downward trend that has persisted throughout the past year.

Thank you for your concern. 

Edited by NMA101
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4 hours ago, NMA101 said:

They could have maintained the same level of CT per week as before (650), but no, the "spoiled and entitled" players do not deserve it. 

Actually the amount you could earn in a week was 750 Community tokens not 650, 250 from the Drop for watching 1 hour of the official stream, 400 for getting the mission after watching WoW streams for 1½ and completing it and 100 from the the container you would get for watching WoW streams for 4 hours. So they reduced the possible earnings by one third, that's quite a lot. The Black Friday Container with his 0.4% drop chance doesn't compensate for that in my opinion.

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Anyone defending this change, must ask himself, what prevented WG from upping the weekly drop to correspond to the previous CT value?

It might not be much, but we are getting an almost 8k CT reduction per year with this change. WG shows that they are very quick to reduce any reward, if an excuse presents itself.


PS: The black container is the free one, so of no value at all.

Edited by Aragathor
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12 hours ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

Here's the full text:

SO... shall we discuss attribution of motive, then?

Why>?  to what end.   The entire game is "fading" and soon enough, it is already stalled and losing long time players.....  What's another "straw" to us anymore???  Some of us are down to 8 or so hours a week now and spending 2/3 less than two years ago....

I turn Twitch streams on, put the volume at 1% and do other things anyway......

Attribution:   a stalled mature game ..........and, I won't discuss the rest.

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Why bother with twitch streams?

The content from WoWs staff is pretty bad. The pittance of compensation was already bad before...now it's even less reason to bother watching WG twitch...

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7 hours ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

Why bother with twitch streams?

The content from WoWs staff is pretty bad. The pittance of compensation was already bad before...now it's even less reason to bother watching WG twitch...

I think farming the freebies without putting in much effort makes sense. I do a similar thing to Asym, I tune into a stream, turn the sound and monitor off, and go to sleep (I work nights). 

The people making community content for Wargaming are the least interesting and talented of all the content creators available. I will go a step further and say that most are not even likable bordering on just being obnoxious to listen to. Oddly enough I used to hang out a while in the streams only to interact with the audience since I find my fellow players far more entertaining and just plain fun to be around outside the game itself.


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Thought I would mention this here...apologies for veering a little off topic...

The current Amazon Prime Gaming Reward (from Halloween) still has another 32 days to run. I asked about this on today's WG Twitch stream, and Koncepcion answered that he had no knowledge of any new reward for this month. This is the second time this year that the Amazon Prime reward has been delayed from the usual once-a-month schedule. Draw your own conclusions.  

Edited by oldblackdog
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3 hours ago, oldblackdog said:

Thought I would mention this here...apologies for veering a little off topic...

The current Amazon Prime Gaming Reward (from Halloween) still has another 32 days to run. I asked about this on today's WG Twitch stream, and Koncepcion answered that he had no knowledge of any new reward for this month. This is the second time this year that the Amazon Prime reward has been delayed from the usual once-a-month schedule. draw your own conclusions.  


To no one's surprise, the corresponding news article still states the Prime drop ends Nov 16 (about one week away). 

I wonder if WG will stealthily edit the text and claim, "no miscommunication here, everything is fine." Would not be the first time WG rewrote history...

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1 hour ago, NMA101 said:


To no one's surprise, the corresponding news article still states the Prime drop ends Nov 16 (about one week away). 

I wonder if WG will stealthily edit the text and claim, "no miscommunication here, everything is fine." Would not be the first time WG rewrote history...

Very strange. The Prime Gaming web site clearly says the Halloween package has 32 days to run.

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Did the mission for 500 community tokens and also got the twitch crate with another batch of tokens (forgot how many).

Watch the streams and see how it goes… seems about the same to me.

Good luck!

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On 11/7/2023 at 3:22 PM, Wolfswetpaws said:


When I read the article, earlier today, it seemed to me that this is publishing a change (which is welcome behavior) and saying that the change is due to technical changes within the Twitch system.

Personally, I didn't get upset or begin to act as though the sky is falling.
Perhaps that's "just me", eh?



Probably just you and a few others.  I no longer really care what WOWS does - I've lost a lot of interest in this game, and use the time to play other games I really enjoy, or do deep dives into books!

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On 11/9/2023 at 10:31 PM, Arcusaesopi said:

Did the mission for 500 community tokens and also got the twitch crate with another batch of tokens (forgot how many).

Watch the streams and see how it goes… seems about the same to me.

Good luck!

There weren't any drops last night nor any on any of the other channels....   I don't watch for nothing;  nor,  even listen for nothing.   Good Holy Lord, the US crew are sooooooo pedantic.  I've sat through lectures from 80+ year old professors whom have taught that same course since 1968 that are more exciting....   It's more fun watching the French or German crew not understanding a single word of French or German !  Heck, watching reruns of low level Golf matches is more fun.    No drops - No participation.

If this is the new reality, I am writing a book so..........more time for that !   [face slap emoji]

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22 minutes ago, Asym said:

There weren't any drops last night nor any on any of the other channels...

If you'd watched long enough, you'd have seen a notice Konception pinned up that the drops reset TODAY.

You'd also have seen Gaishu and Ahskance discuss the fact that Twitch has backtracked on the changes it intended to make, which means that things should eventually go back to the way they were. 

If you really can't stand to watch them talk, just mute the tab then go off and do whatever you want. Nobody's stopping you. 


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20 minutes ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

If you'd watched long enough, you'd have seen a notice Konception pinned up that the drops reset TODAY.

You'd also have seen Gaishu and Ahskance discuss the fact that Twitch has backtracked on the changes it intended to make, which means that things should eventually go back to the way they were. 

If you really can't stand to watch them talk, just mute the tab then go off and do whatever you want. Nobody's stopping you. 


Far better just to not bother at all.

Twitch drops aren't of much value anyway.

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10 minutes ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

If you'd watched long enough, you'd have seen a notice Konception pinned up that the drops reset TODAY.

You'd also have seen Gaishu and Ahskance discuss the fact that Twitch has backtracked on the changes it intended to make, which means that things should eventually go back to the way they were. 

If you really can't stand to watch them talk, just mute the tab then go off and do whatever you want. Nobody's stopping you.

Right o'mate...!  That is the plan and has been the plan since day one.  I figured, some one would pop-up and explain the drought...  And, here you are !  Thanks.

By the way, you are predictable mate......  And, now I know and thanks for the advice I already use..... 

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Sometimes the drops are limited/restricted to an official World of Warships channel (from any of the servers, though).
And at other times the drops are available via any compatible Twitch streamer who lists "drops" in the description of their live twitch-stream.

I have some that I view and interact with and there are times I simply view a channel in "lurk mode" and multi-task while the volume is low (but not off).

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