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how to Gearing(or whole us dd tech tree)


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              I got gearing's skin last week. So I wanna get gearing.But my friends told me that this line requires some experience to navigate.

Edited by Kawaii_shirasu_azusa
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  • Kawaii_shirasu_azusa changed the title to how to Gearing(or whole en dd tech tree)

Your friends are right, this is a very basic and "ancient" line which needs some expertise to master in. I shall start a bit with why: the 127mm guns will be with you from T5 to T10, they have slow ballistics and low chance of causing fires. You need some time getting used to it, if you don't like the ballistics then the whole line can be ignored, they only see ballistics improvements on the T11. Mid-tier ships' torpedoes are either short range (Tier 4- Tier 7's stock) or long range but have a very low speed (T7's upgrade-T9's stock), so it's not easy to use them or get lots of damage from them, compared to some peers; you have to live with your guns.

Fortunately, you can grind the T7 and T8 with the upcoming ranked if you want, or the easy way: operations. From T5 they have superb dpm so you can scout around the cap, fight DDs and farm BBs with smoke. The torps aren't used often since they are shorter than your detection range, hence no stealth torping like the Japs. Use them while enemy pushing on you/your smoke or pop out around the corner and nuke someone with it. Low to mid tiers aren't fill with try-hards so chances of them mindlessly chasing you exists.

Do take note of several peers that are way better at DD fighting than you when scouting around the cap and looking for fights, like Haida, Jervis, Cossack, Split and many more. Not having a heal & having average to bad detection (especially Mahan at her tier) makes things hard when they are around. If facing ships like them, you should refrain from mindless cap rushing and wait for team to find out who you are facing on the flank (teammate CV/sub). If MM isn't friendly to you, lay smoke for divmate/teammates and spot for them, or smoke up and farm ships yourself. Zone away enemy ships with the slow and long-range torps if you have it. You can skip some of the ships or grind them in ops if you feel uncomfortable playing them in randoms. 

At T9 after you upgraded the torpedoes, you have one of the best torps to use around the tier, long range, high speed, high damage, low detection range, fast reload, literally flawless. Due to the harsh environment at high tiers for DDs, I suggest bringing divmates, while you be the tool for the team. Spotting, laying smoke for them if they are playing cruisers, pointing out general direction of enemy DD with RPF, capping, basically doing whatever to win. While building for torps since they are very good and should be your main source of damage, the guns have very good base stats and further building into them won't bring you closer to dedicated gunboat lines, so I leave them vanilla, you could build them, just focus on buffing their reload, not range. Gearing faces even harder competition so be extra careful, unlock the 16.5km torps so you have much safer distance from radars.

That's all I can remember, my US DDs' stats are horrid due to them being my first line, and its been years since I last properly grind them, so correct me if anything isn't fit. I recommend keeping Clemson & Fletcher if you want, both are fun and strong in their own tiers. The build is the usual DD build but unlock torpedo skill last, you won't benefit from it a lot at mid tiers. WoWS Fitting Tool (wowsft.com) One last commander point is your choice, it's something to worry later anyways.


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Take a look at this US destroyers playlist from a DD master: 


 He has at least one video on every US tech tree DD from Nicholas at Tier 5 to Gearing at Tier 10. Some of them are relatively old, so legacy things like premium consumables, older tech-tree skill sets and RTS-type carriers might feature, but the general principles are sound. He was really helpful in making me confident to grind many DD lines up as high as I did. Hope it helps.

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Gearing actually have pretty decent DPM, but it has been surpassed by having no detection utility, no heal, thick midsection hull and poor ballistic. You need to be aware of when to use your gun, but in the current meta you play a bit more like Shima than anything, your torp is a lot more forgiving to use because of the faster reload and icnreased range over other lines and since the torps also don't just have trash alpha like Halland they are imo the best torps of T10, allowing you to perform and if playing solo smoke and farm after flood DCPs, etc. Just don't be aggressive because you can't afford to with your fragility, as said before you play like a torpboat now similar to Yueyang/Shima

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  • Kawaii_shirasu_azusa changed the title to how to Gearing(or whole us dd tech tree)

oh my god.I was so sleepy that I didn't notice what I wanted to ask. I wanna ask how to daring but now I got how to gearing XDDDDD

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20 hours ago, Kawaii_shirasu_azusa said:

how to Gearing(or whole us dd tech tree)


              I got gearing's skin last week. So I wanna get gearing.But my friends told me that this line requires some experience to navigate.


3 hours ago, Kawaii_shirasu_azusa said:

oh my god.I was so sleepy that I didn't notice what I wanted to ask. I wanna ask how to daring but now I got how to gearing XDDDDD

Glad you caught it.  🙂 

I'm merely thinking, "Who Darings, wins".  But, that's mostly word-association and not good advice.  🙂 

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9 hours ago, Kawaii_shirasu_azusa said:

oh my god.I was so sleepy that I didn't notice what I wanted to ask. I wanna ask how to daring but now I got how to gearing XDDDDD

Well i guess it's considered somewhat off topic now but here my thoughts on Daring vs Gearing since Gearing was discussed a lot.

Daring is odd in the sense that it does what Gearing does but better, better shell flight, better DPM, short fuse AP against broad DDs for more DPM, a heal, short burst smoke against CVs and skirmishes, and a personal hydro (3 km, you can really use it offensively).

with the trade being it has no speed boost causing a lower max speed due to not having a speed boost (max diff being about 4 kts) however when off speed boost Daring beats Gearings manuverability but they both have about the same top speed.

The other difference is in torp range (10 vs 16.5) but daring has better conceal for the trade of slower torps, reaction time is still on darings side though.

Daring is able to fill every role that gearing performs but better excluding being a smoke bot due to the nature of the short burst smoke, it is also unable to perform long range torp strikes, assuming the gearing is using 16.5 torps along side being unable to rotate as fast as gearing.

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