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New Ships - Closed Test 12.11


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Well, these got snuck out quietly.

Firstly, Jupiter. Spicy little gunboat, by the looks of it. Fast reload (very fast, actually - better than all the Tech Tree ships other than Daring), and improved AP at a higher calibre than other RN DDs. Weak torps though - those are Acasta torps, and only one set of them, although it's a quintuple launcher. Looks like she's got secondaries, too - the 1 x 4 inch found on Orkan, which will be of some use at close ranges.

WG picking another Tragic DD though - Jupiter was lost at the Battle of the Java Sea when she ran into a Dutch minefield. Now, what daft method of distribution will they pick?


Minegumo - a non DWT Asashio with both Yudachi long range torps and Shima yolo F3's available, at Tier IX. Quite like the sound of this. Not easy to play - no TRB, for example - but torpedo hybrids are something I've wanted for ages.


Sicilia - another sensible Italian BB? I'm worried about those guns, though - is this Roma's  main gun performance with some SAP secondaries to make up for it?

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Jupiter will be either buyable/winnable through a possible event about the Battle of the Java Sea (makes sense seeing she was sunk there) but most DDs she'll face are either too small or not enough plating (10 or 16mm) to effectively arm her AP, as she needs 20mm to arm her AP. The biggest elephant in the room though is the abysmal 7.4km concealment (6.9 best.) Considering the other RN DDs at this tier range from 5.7 to 6.3, while not being that far behind in DPM, with similar consumables, is an oof.

Minegumo looks like a co-op only spam 6.5km torps in the faces of bots.

Sicilia is just a slap in the face to Colombo.

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Jupiter looks appealing and very inline with RN DDs. The departure from fire chance in exchange for improved pen angles is perturbing. 4% fire chance is the lowest value I can recall outside of the zero percent chance of AP and SAP only ships.

Regarding Minegumo... 6.7km torpedoes T t9... The F12s are supposed to have ~12km range? Being t9, Minegumo can see super ships. With subs and CVs forcing players to abandon the camping as a strategy. Even with the 57kt 15km Torpedoes, she's not a torpedo boat; not with the huge inflation of speed demon hydro foil DDe and cruisers in the t9 mm bracket.

The Italian BB, I don't play RM BBs so I cannot comment... But, SAP is closer to historical than has been the practice by WG. Correct me if I'm wrong here 

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On 11/6/2023 at 1:39 PM, Subtle_Octavian said:





Jupiter and Minegumo 100% that is all they did.

Colombo is the only one of the three to be somewhat different from the ship she pulls from. But thats only due to the changes for mounting american 127mm/38 secondaries and american AA suite. Otherwise she is also a copy paste.

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On 11/5/2023 at 4:53 PM, tfcas119 said:

Jupiter will be either buyable/winnable through a possible event about the Battle of the Java Sea

Given her meh stats overall, I suspect she's just going to be an event ship. At worst maybe a coal ship. But then again, WG decided releasing the garbad Ferrucio for money essentially was a good idea(you can use resources, she's just a waste of coal or any resource to exchange for IMHO, but the aspect of premium time exchange means some people without resources will be spending $$$ for her).

On 11/5/2023 at 4:53 PM, tfcas119 said:

Minegumo looks like a co-op only spam 6.5km torps in the faces of bots.

I suspect RB for her or some resource. I'm not sure if she's notable in any historical sense to influence an event. She might also just end up replacing Asashio, retiring Asashio from sale there after.

On 11/5/2023 at 4:53 PM, tfcas119 said:

Sicilia is just a slap in the face to Colombo.

Pretty much, I suspect she'll probably do fine as a secondary brawler on the lower end of the competitive meta(assuming she doesn't get nerfed into the ground like WG did to Marco Polo). Coal probably, since Ruggiero di Lauria was released for steel and Giuseppe Verdi for doubs. Either that or RB.

Edited by MBT808
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21 minutes ago, New_Jersey_prpr said:

It seems that Sicilia has got a new camo scheme (viewed from G3D) 

That seems to be a direct copy-paste of C. Colombo's paint scheme.

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14 minutes ago, Project45_Opytny said:

That seems to be a direct copy-paste of C. Colombo's paint scheme.

Then maybe it's because WG still hasn't finished tweaking camo, because Jupiter and Minegumo doesn't have camo in G3D's preview yet.

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On 11/5/2023 at 10:58 PM, invicta2012 said:

WG picking another Tragic DD though - Jupiter was lost at the Battle of the Java Sea when she ran into a Dutch minefield.

Choice of HMS Jupiter is really weird, considering that there are more famous J and K class destroyers out there. It is even weirder is adding 42 to the name, as I doubt that we will see either Leander class frigate or pre-dreadnought Majestic class BB which shared the name with destroyer. So it is either intended to clearly indicate its Far East career or her configuration with just one torp bank. Either way, I think it is completely unnecessary. 

On 11/14/2023 at 12:31 AM, MBT808 said:

Jupiter and Minegumo 100% that is all they did.

Well, Jupiter is not 100% copy of Jervis, and she should not be. HMS Jervis, and HMS Kelly, were flotilla leaders and were slightly different from the rest of J and K class destroyers. The most visible difference was length of the aft deck house, below X turret. As Jervis (and Kelly) are intended to carry additional stuff, additional showers and sanitary facilities are required and that is why her aft deck is longer. WG did this correctly and gave Jupiter shorter one as historically she had. But this could easily be taken from model of the Gadja Mada (N class destroyer). So it is a copy but there is some effort done to provide more correct model.   

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5 minutes ago, fumtu said:

Choice of HMS Jupiter is really weird, considering that there are more famous J and K class destroyers out there. It is even weirder is adding 42 to the name, as I doubt that we will see either Leander class frigate or pre-dreadnought Majestic class BB which shared the name with destroyer. So it is either intended to clearly indicate its Far East career or her configuration with just one torp bank. Either way, I think it is completely unnecessary. 

The problem is actually caused by the Spanish introductory boat, Spanish minelayer Jupiter.

A speculation is that the ship (possibly also Minegumo) are prepared for some sort of the Battle of Java Sea event.

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