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Kitakame lives in "Salvage for Victory" event on 12.11


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I have been playing WoWS since closed beta.

I have been witness to all of WG antics in this interval.  I have continued to play by trying my best to ignore everything WG does.

This Kitakame offering in the "Salvage for Victory" event is another unique variant of WG outrageous conduct, unless some mitigating factor comes out in the interval until 12.11.  Simply more of the same.

No, I can not nor will I attempt to afford the Kitakame at 192K total research points OR 136K total steel OR 1.52 million total coal OR 60 days premium time per stage.  There can be a mix of these resources used at a price of:

"The event has 100 stages in total, with each stage costing:

  • 2,400 Research Points OR
  • 1,700 Steel OR
  • 19,000 Coal OR
  • 60 days of World of Warships Premium Time"


edit:  KItakame is at stage #80.


The Kitakame will be a focus focus focus kill on sight when on the opposition team simply out of principal and to register my disapproval over the ship's existence. 


- Klebs


Edited by Klebs
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From what I heard, the Kitakami now has 7.9km concealment and an exhaust smoke. So you may want to kill it on sight, but will you even get to see it? It has 20km Asashio torps, so there is no need to hang around in the front line. It'll be a griefers wet dream. It will sail around in the back, much to the frustration of its team mates who do all the tanking. it won't provide any utility. It will have to make up for that lack of impact by dealing torpedo damage. In a meta with loads of hydroes and DDs and subs doing the torping, that is a contribution to a team, the game doesn't need from a cruiser.

tl;dr The Kitakami is a DD with a citadel and bad concealment, taking a cruiser slot.

The price asked for it is beyond insane. A total newb, with no ressources will have to spend way over 1000€ to buy and convert the necessary ressources. The Kitakami is way too expensive and unreasonable for me and even most of the smaller whales. 

Edited by HMS_Kilinowski
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2 hours ago, HMS_Kilinowski said:

From what I heard, the Kitakami now has 7.9km concealment and an exhaust smoke. So you may want to kill it on sight, but will you even get to see it? It has 20km Asashio torps, so there is no need to hang around in the front line. It'll be a griefers wet dream. It will sail around in the back, much to the frustration of its team mates who do all the tanking. it won't provide any utility. It will have to make up for that lack of impact by dealing torpedo damage. In a meta with loads of hydroes and DDs and subs doing the torping, that is a contribution to a team, the game doesn't need from a cruiser.

tl;dr The Kitakami is a DD with a citadel and bad concealment, taking a cruiser slot.

The price asked for it is beyond insane. A total newb, with no ressources will have to spend way over 1000€ to buy and convert the necessary ressources. The Kitakami is way too expensive and unreasonable for me and even most of the smaller whales. 

I don't doubt that is what people will want to do with the ship but it will be carrier food. Not sure what kind of ASW it has, but with an AA rating of 9, sailing around near the back by itself will attract the carriers for certain, and subs if they sneak thru the rest of the team.  Kitakami is a support ship in a game where few people play as a team.  On the upside it is an easy pass considering what you are getting for the price. 

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11 hours ago, Taylor3006 said:

Not sure what kind of ASW it has but with an AA rating of 9

Basically her AA is a Guy holding a Beer in one hand and flipping the bird with the other.

If you use Flags and DFAA they add a Dirty look and swearing .. but for only 20 seconds. 🤣

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12 hours ago, Taylor3006 said:

I don't doubt that is what people will want to do with the ship but it will be carrier food. Not sure what kind of ASW it has, but with an AA rating of 9, sailing around near the back by itself will attract the carriers for certain, and subs if they sneak thru the rest of the team.  Kitakami is a support ship in a game where few people play as a team.  On the upside it is an easy pass considering what you are getting for the price. 

Maybe that is the reason they are making it exclusive to veteran whales, because every newb would play it in the back. The veterans will better know how to zone out enemies. It is after all a giant Asashio. As i know our BB-player community, they will pack their bags at the first sight of a deepwater torpedo on their flank, run to the opposite border and expose their team to crossfire in record time.

After all, Kitakami, tho maybe being a support ship, doesn't need much support. With 20km torps it can afford to be behind every other ship and still reach the enemy. And, depending on the exhaust smoke, it can escape a CV, if the CV even bothers to fly all the way over enemy ships, just to attack a Kitakami in the back. BBs are much easier to hit and less maneuverable.

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On 11/3/2023 at 4:45 PM, Klebs said:

I have been playing WoWS since closed beta.

I have been witness to all of WG antics in this interval.  I have continued to play by trying my best to ignore everything WG does.

This Kitakame offering in the "Salvage for Victory" event is another unique variant of WG outrageous conduct, unless some mitigating factor comes out in the interval until 12.11.  Simply more of the same.

No, I can not nor will I attempt to afford the Kitakame at 192K total research points OR 136K total steel OR 1.52 million total coal OR 60 days premium time per stage.  There can be a mix of these resources used at a price of:

"The event has 100 stages in total, with each stage costing:

  • 2,400 Research Points OR
  • 1,700 Steel OR
  • 19,000 Coal OR
  • 60 days of World of Warships Premium Time"


edit:  KItakame is at stage #80.


The Kitakame will be a focus focus focus kill on sight when on the opposition team simply out of principal and to register my disapproval over the ship's existence. 


- Klebs


So...4 free ships is outrageous conduct? Makes total sense. 

And the Kita will be a focus for you because you are mad you don't have the resources to obtain her. Has nothing to do with some principle just you created out of thin air. 

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On 11/3/2023 at 10:08 PM, HMS_Kilinowski said:

A total newb, with no ressources will have to spend way over 1000€ to buy and convert the necessary ressources.

That's the whole idea; to discourage that. They want to bring the ship into the game at last, but only in small numbers.

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7 minutes ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

That's the whole idea; to discourage that. They want to bring the ship into the game at last, but only in small numbers.

I wouldn't be too sure that it's going to be small numbers. I probably have relatively fewer resources than a lot of people who really really play this game a lot. As of right now, I have 68 stages covered. The steel and coal from snowflakes will net me the remaining 12 for Kita with some leftover. Based on what people paid for Smol B, I'm guessing resources are aplenty. 

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8 minutes ago, Scrubby_McScrub said:

I wouldn't be too sure that it's going to be small numbers.

"Small numbers" is relative. If she were coming into the game as a straight-up coal ship at Tier 10, for example, you would expect an asking price under 300,000 coal. A lot of people probably have that, or will have once they've dusted their snowflakes, and could grab her easily/eventually. But by requiring north of 1.5 million and with only a limited window of availability, that keeps the numbers much lower than they might have been.

Personally I think WG should undo all the changes they made right at the start - give the Alpha and Beta testers their Kitakamis back and take away their Atagos in return.

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I kind of want to go up to FF, just if anything to clear Elli and FF from any future container drops, but 38k RP (not spending steel and don't have enough coal for even that) for 4 Big gifts and two ships I'll probably only play during snowflake events is a dilemma, even if I don't find anything in the RB interesting right now. Shame Defence was thrown in here cause I was interested in her.

Also gonna bet within a day of this going live people are going to see Kitkamis in their matches doing exactly what you'd expect: 15km from anything dumping torps or dying in the first 30sec of the match because at the end of the day, they are a Kuma in T10 MM. 

Edited by tfcas119
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14 hours ago, Scrubby_McScrub said:

So...4 free ships is outrageous conduct? Makes total sense. 

And the Kita will be a focus for you because you are mad you don't have the resources to obtain her. Has nothing to do with some principle just you created out of thin air. 

Hiya Scrubby Scrub,


It is hard to determine emotion from a post utilizing words.  To clarify, I am not angry at WG at all.  As I mentioned at start of post, I am able to continue playing WoWS by ignoring WG and just playing. 

Furthermore, I might well have the resources to obtain the Kitakame if I used all of my steel, coal and the self limited amounts of premium time.  It would drain all my coal and steel and some premium time, and imho (subjective opinion) it is not a worthwhile use for what excessive resources I have accumulated through game play.  The total 4 free ships I do not consider to be of sufficient quality to justify the cost.  That again is my opinion.   

I will still enjoy focusing on the kitakame I do encounter.  Remember the Smolensk when it came out with a greater base range and could even have it's range further boosted?  My recollection was that ship was focused as well, though perhaps that was less due to animosity against the ship's existence and method of sale than the practicality of eliminating the ship's damage potential.




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1 hour ago, Pugilistic said:

I can do all Premium Time again lol. 

I traded in years worth of prem for 3k steel this last go around. If I had held onto it, it would have been worth many more stages for this. Go figure. 

I'm wondering if I can put in a ticket to reverse that transaction. I never used the steel. 

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9 minutes ago, Scrubby_McScrub said:

I traded in years worth of prem for 3k steel this last go around. If I had held onto it, it would have been worth many more stages for this. Go figure. 

I'm wondering if I can put in a ticket to reverse that transaction. I never used the steel. 

Trying never hurts, especially if you havent touched the Steel. GL. 

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2 hours ago, Pugilistic said:

I can do all Premium Time again lol. 

Yeah they limited how much you can use this time because they KNOW people (like me)  who have 5+ years worth can spend it 4 years+ and not Care.

1 hour ago, Scrubby_McScrub said:

I traded in years worth of prem for 3k steel this last go around. If I had held onto it, it would have been worth many more stages for this. Go figure. 


THIS^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Is why I am so hesitant to spend on anything unless it something I really really really want.  

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20 hours ago, Pugilistic said:

I can do all Premium Time again lol. 

Not this time 😛


Additionally, you will be able to use some of your World of Warships Premium Time to complete up to 16 stages of this event at any point.

but that 16 stages will get you :

    4 x Santa's Big containers

    Tier 6 Cruiser Elli

    Tier 7 Cruiser Francesco Ferruccio

Now, in just Premium Time those 16 stages will cost 960 Days 😲

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  • 5 weeks later...
On 11/5/2023 at 6:43 AM, Ensign Cthulhu said:

That's the whole idea; to discourage that. They want to bring the ship into the game at last, but only in small numbers.

Ensign, when does this event start.  Can't find any missions yet for it?

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On 11/7/2023 at 6:18 AM, Grantwhy said:

Not this time 😛

but that 16 stages will get you :

    4 x Santa's Big containers

    Tier 6 Cruiser Elli

    Tier 7 Cruiser Francesco Ferruccio

Now, in just Premium Time those 16 stages will cost 960 Days 😲

Thanks, shortly after I posted I read further and got the details. 

I will have the wherewithal for this, but it will leave me with slim stocks of some resources. The three ships and other rewards along the way will be some comfort, and weigh into whether I will get Kita or not. 

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The big problem will be you have clans that have many players who have what is needed to get the Kita. They will get in a div of three Kitakami and turn that area into torpedo soup. Most of those clans are full of players 55%+ win rates. Will make things very hard for the other side to cap and/or push. 

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10 hours ago, 3LUE said:

The big problem will be you have clans that have many players who have what is needed to get the Kita. They will get in a div of three Kitakami and turn that area into torpedo soup. Most of those clans are full of players 55%+ win rates. Will make things very hard for the other side to cap and/or push. 

I haven't looked to hard into Kitakami, but I believe they nerfed the hell out of her as compared to what she was in CBT.  If I recall correctly she was a T8 that had Shimakaze's 20km torpedoes which were significantly more dangerous in CBT.


Still kicking myself for not getting her during CBT, but I had goals. Smile_playing.gif.a6c958c121c06bdb09497f61b74f9620.gif


You will definitely see what you described happen, but it will be for the meme's.

Edited by Volron
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48 minutes ago, Volron said:

I haven't looked to hard into Kitakami, but I believe they nerfed the hell out of her as compared to what she was in CBT.  If I recall correctly she was a T8 that had Shimakaze's 20km torpedoes which were significantly more dangerous in CBT.


Still kicking myself for not getting her during CBT, but I had goals. Smile_playing.gif.a6c958c121c06bdb09497f61b74f9620.gif


You will definitely see what you described happen, but it will be for the meme's.


I've lost track on how distorted Kita is now, but with all the handicaps of her torpedoes, lack of any armor or citadel protection worth the name, and minimal AAA, I just don't see her surviving long enough to have much effect.  A division of Shimakazes could probably do a better job and survive longer than a division of Kitas.



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On 12/6/2023 at 8:17 PM, HuskerBill said:

Ensign, when does this event start.  Can't find any missions yet for it?

The event will run Dec 13-Feb 7, per the patch notes.

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Clyde from "Clyde Plays" @clydeplays has made an excellent Excel worksheet that is very easy to use.
Just enter the number of what you have (Ships. Coal, Steel, Premium days... ).
Then, enter how much you want to use and it shows you how far that will take you. It's very simple and very easy to use.
It takes all of the "guess-work out of it. 


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On 12/6/2023 at 5:17 PM, HuskerBill said:

Ensign, when does this event start.  Can't find any missions yet for it?

there are no missions. It's in the armoury and you need to trade coal, steel and research bureau points for it. It's the "Salvage" tab...

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On 11/3/2023 at 8:38 PM, HMS_Kilinowski said:

From what I heard, the Kitakami now has 7.9km concealment and an exhaust smoke. So you may want to kill it on sight, but will you even get to see it? It has 20km Asashio torps, so there is no need to hang around in the front line. It'll be a griefers wet dream. It will sail around in the back, much to the frustration of its team mates who do all the tanking. it won't provide any utility. It will have to make up for that lack of impact by dealing torpedo damage. In a meta with loads of hydroes and DDs and subs doing the torping, that is a contribution to a team, the game doesn't need from a cruiser.

tl;dr The Kitakami is a DD with a citadel and bad concealment, taking a cruiser slot.

The price asked for it is beyond insane. A total newb, with no ressources will have to spend way over 1000€ to buy and convert the necessary ressources. The Kitakami is way too expensive and unreasonable for me and even most of the smaller whales. 

Honestly she's a meme ship, I played her a few times years ago when she was offered as a rental ship and it was fun to fire off all the torpedo's but  beyond that there isn't much to her. It's a Tier 4 Kuma with alot of torps at Tier 9. I'm certainly not wasting my coal and research points on her.

Edited by CFagan_1987
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