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I know it's not that impressive BUT.....


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This is my Main account not  the PTS like a few posted last time.

I know there are people who have way more than this but......

When you've spent coal like a drunken Sailor for so long it's like a miracle!!

Just a silly goal I had set for myself.😁


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LoL congrats!  You may now participate in the resource sink event!  You might be one of the few who can afford that thing.

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Congrats on your riches...

What do you plan to purchase with your fabulous wealth?

Or what are you waiting on releasing...

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12 hours ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

Congrats on your riches...

What do you plan to purchase with your fabulous wealth?

Or what are you waiting on releasing...


11 hours ago, Arcusaesopi said:

Let us know how the Kitakami is 🙂

Well I WAS seriously thinking about getting the Kami but I did more research on her latest changes and after seeing that CRAZY Citadel armor nerf so now even DDs can EASILY Cit her,  as well as that wonky loading system for the torps. Takes 5 full minutes to load all those torps. Each rack loads INDIVIDUALLY.

  She's actually going to be 10 times easier to kill than most of the SUBS in the game and can't fire as many torps as fast as all the ones at T-10.  And subs get HOMING torps too. This thing will be DELETED by CVs so fast it's going to be sad to watch. NO AA either.

She can't dive to hide like a sub and she's actually so slow a Sub could run her down.

She gets' spotted and she's a GONER.


People think this ship is going to change the game. NAH! 

JINAN is much tougher and loads torps like a regular ship in the game, even has a Booster. YODO is here too. I have them both.

That makes her a Collectors Port queen. 

A very expensive one.

Unless I see different it looks like WG is going to have to try again to get my stuff.

That is all

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I am almost there as well !  My original goal was to see how high I could collect what was free !  I'll post my wallet when I get into the game later....

Well done !


Close to my goals as well  !!!


Edited by Asym
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*sigh*  I'm still saving up dubs to buy the spanish TT 10 Castilla that I've finally researched...

That'll be my 49th T10, so Santa Crates should be good... if they don't nerf it.

So... just finished Harugumo on 10x research points...

Colbert or Hector?   Have the others I want...

Hector looks like a more robust Colbert... and IFHE would work on Hector...   Tier 9 v 50th T10...   Moskva/Yamato/Petro unique upgrades?

Wish I hadn't spent all those premium days on the last round...   only 600... how will I survive...


Good luck with y'alls decision-making!


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I'm slightly thinking should I once more try to get some research points. The ship I might get is the Sevastopol. However... I don't want another Slava experience either...

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Exactly. The problem is that Wargaming sees ressources on accounts and all they think about is ressource dumps, when they are the reason people have so many ressources in the first place.

I'm sitting on a bunch of doubloons by now and nothing is worth spending them on. So if I feel the existing opportunities are overpriced, how is that supposed to change by even more expensive exotic offers. WG is trying to drain the ressources of whales, but aren't they in this position specifically, because they put more into the game than you can reasonably spend? They will always spend more. it's the nature of the whale. Trying to solve this by offering them more stuff is going to earn more revenue for WG, which is nice for them, but not a solution to stacking ressources.

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