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Your Best Games Thread


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When the stars align, when RNG reaches out from his throne to kiss and bless your ship, when even Sebastian the Crab goes out of his way to dance for you under the sea...that's it. That's when you know you just had something special.

Post your best PVP games here! Let's share and learn from each other's experiences on the virtual seas!

To start the ball rolling, here is a game I had with the Baltimore in Concealed Maneuvers. 107 planes shot down. 3,504 Base XP. This is my best PVP game yet with the Tier VIII USN heavy cruiser, and the ship and her Captain were not even configured for PVP, but for Operations!




Recently I took the Jäger to Random Battle to somehow try to finish the Damage Spotting mission.

Now, I am truly not a DD main—cruisers and battleships in PVE are my comfort zones—but there was this motivation to continue learning how to play this torpedo destroyer that I just can't shake off. I managed to stay concealed for the most part, and eventually found and destroyed the enemy aircraft carrier!





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13 minutes ago, Frostbow said:

and the ship and her Captain were not even configured for PVP, but for Operations!

That's amazing.

How did you have things set up, and how would you change them for Randoms/Ranked?

Edited by Ensign Cthulhu
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12 minutes ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

That's amazing.

How did you have things set up, and how would you change them for Randoms/Ranked?

For PVE, this is how I set up my Baltimore:


Upgrades are the usual Aiming Systems Mod 1, Propulsion Mod 1, and Concealment Mod 1.

For Randoms/Ranked, this will be my build:


Upgrades are also the usual Mod 1 upgrades. For Slot 6, I use Range Mod.

I've experimented with using Radio Location back when we can still reconfigure commander skills for free; however I found it to be not that efficient. 

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35 minutes ago, Frostbow said:

For Slot 6, I use Range Mod.

Not in Baltimore, you don't.

35 minutes ago, Frostbow said:

I've experimented with using Radio Location back when we can still reconfigure commander skills for free; however I found it to be not that efficient. 

I found it indispensable. The other thing I find I can't do without is Last Stand. Bitter experience demanded it. Unlike destroyers, Last Stand and Priority Target still added up to three points in cruisers after the rework, so those first three points didn't change. So it's LS, PT, Superintendent, concealment, RPF and then the build diverges.

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1 minute ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

Not in Baltimore, you don't.

Read my reply carefully. I was no longer referring to my Baltimore, you can see that in the second screenshot I posted with the build for PVP is of Halsey on the Des Moines.

While I have played the Baltimore in Randoms/Ranked before, I no longer play it outside of Co-op/Operations because of the prohibitive cost of commander re-assignment.

2 minutes ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

I found it indispensable.

For Russian cruisers, I'm using Radio Location; I do find it effective. There was this one battle when I cornered a Halland. Poor DD, the guns on my Stalingrad were already trained on his location while I was approaching his grid.

But for USN CAs particularly with the Des Moines in PVP, I do not, since the rate of fire, radar, and the hydro I find to be more than enough. 

I'm not sure about Last Stand. I haven't experienced anything bad yet (and I certainly hope I will never experience it, LOL) due to the lack of that skill in my USN CA commanders. 

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This is one of my better sub games





This is not always the case using a sub, as I have had many 0 damage games, but lots of spotting damage, so when oppourtunity arises, you can deal quite a bit of damage.

It has taken me quite a while to get used to the sub, a lot more games than I have ever had to play with a DD, but slowly and surely games now are being played more decisively, and when I have patience I am starting to produce consistant results, of course as i said not always, as I tend to favour certain maps.

Edited by CriMiNaL
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Well I am not a very good, or frequent, PVP player but I did finally start doing it some. 

If by best game you mean "damage" this is my highest damage game to date in PVP. I was TT in Atlantico and spent most of the game out front leading a push and comeback (down early) from our flank across the map. Probably luck I did as well as I did and even more so as the 2 CV's wanted me BAD (they didn't get me though LOL).




However, this is probably my best "overall" game in PVP to date. Hard carry in a T3 Caledon with a solo warrior (I was alone vs 6 to get it and got them all). I decided to get all my BB's I had played in Randoms to at least a 50% WR. I have done that and am now working on the same for my Cruisers played in PVP (not going well last few games LOL) and Caledon was the one I started on. This game is the one that got it to 50%. No wonder I am struggling to do this if it takes 8 kills +  Solo Warrior 😂




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2 hours ago, AdmiralThunder said:

Hard carry in a T3 Caledon with a solo warrior (I was alone vs 6 to get it and got them all).

Great job!

Caledon is such a gem. It carries a Repair Party, plus its shells have improved ricochet anglesthey begin to check for ricochet at 65°. And she carries torpedoes for those moments when you just have to deliver death up close. 

At Tier III, there are two cruisers that I like to play. First is the Caledon, the next would be Friant. That list will soon be updated to include a third ship that I have been increasingly spending time with: the Pan-American Tier III, Vicente Guerrero.

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8 hours ago, CriMiNaL said:

It has taken me quite a while to get used to the sub, a lot more games than I have ever had to play with a DD, but slowly and surely games now are being played more decisively, and when I have patience I am starting to produce consistant results, of course as i said not always, as I tend to favour certain maps.

These are great games you have.

I agree with your assessment. Consistency will take time to reach, given the random nature in player versus player battles. 

Right now I only have 2 submarines in my Port, but they see no use yet. I am still enjoying quite a lot these tech tree cruisers and battleships. But someday I will eventually play submarines. 

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38 minutes ago, Frostbow said:

Great job!

Caledon is such a gem. It carries a Repair Party, plus its shells have improved ricochet anglesthey begin to check for ricochet at 65°. And she carries torpedoes for those moments when you just have to deliver death up close. 

At Tier III, there are two cruisers that I like to play. First is the Caledon, the next would be Friant. That list will soon be updated to include a third ship that I have been increasingly spending time with: the Pan-American Tier III, Vicente Guerrero.

Caledon despite being very fragile (missed another Solo Warrior with it because 1 shell from a BB citadeled me through the deck as I was going straight away LOL) is one of my all time fav's. Friant is probably the best T3 Cruiser overall.

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I tried Concealed Maneuvers, twice. The current iteration allows Tiers IX and X. The weapon of choice boiled down to cruisers: the Des Moines and Minotaur, to meet Somme mission requirements.

Des Moines. It is already 2nd half of 2023, and this ship is still very capable. Shot down 32 planes, sunk 3 ships, and earned 2,648 Base XP. Not quite the 3,504 Base XP I made with the Baltimore during the first run of Concealed Maneuvers, but this was equally fun.




Minotaur. I tried one more game, still in Concealed Maneuvers, this time with the UK CL. I did some open water stuff to bait the enemy's salvoes, before using smoke to pound them down to submission. Quite dangerous, I should say. Shot down 39 planes, sunk 2 ships, and earned 2,258 Base XP.





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A month ago in my Shima within 3 minuts a First Blood, 2 Dev Strikes and a Double Kill. And in total 4 Dev Strikes and a Kraken so the lesson is dont don't disturb the enemy when they are about to make a mistake 🤪 😎

Skærmbillede (572).png

Skærmbillede (573).png

Skærmbillede (574).png

Skærmbillede (575).png

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18 hours ago, Yedwy said:

Not my BEST game but not bad



I see you ruled the waves. Great job!

17 hours ago, Cammo1962 said:

A month ago in my Shima within 3 minuts a First Blood, 2 Dev Strikes and a Double Kill. And in total 4 Dev Strikes and a Kraken so the lesson is dont don't disturb the enemy when they are about to make a mistake 🤪 😎

Yup! I agree! Man, those achievements look very nice!

14 hours ago, Kawaii_shirasu_azusa said:

Where did you get this? How many battles with the Montana so far?


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42 minutes ago, Frostbow said:

I see you ruled the waves. Great job!

Yup! I agree! Man, those achievements look very nice!

Where did you get this? How many battles with the Montana so far?

RANK.The 61% hit rate comes from CQC and smart opponents exposed the core area to me in CQC. in fact,I'm not very proficient at playing Montana,but he can punish enemies who underestimate his 16" guni played montana over 100 gamesIf you're talking about this graph, it's from some Chinese statistical software


Edited by Kawaii_shirasu_azusa
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3 hours ago, Frostbow said:

I see you ruled the waves. Great job!

Yup! I agree! Man, those achievements look very nice!

Where did you get this? How many battles with the Montana so far?


Well, you don't disturb the enemy while they're making a mistake right ?? 😂

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I don't think I've ever had a best game.


There was this one time, at band camp, were I killed the entire team of Tier I bots. 

And another where I had five late kills in my waifu, Salem, to turn the game to a win.  Surprised the fool out me, too.  But that was in the deeps of time.


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12 minutes ago, Ocsimano18 said:

Hannover 200k damage, 3.8million potential damage, 2800 base XP, 220k damage tanked, 45 plane kills match:






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1 hour ago, Ocsimano18 said:

Hannover 200k damage, 3.8million potential damage, 2800 base XP, 220k damage tanked, 45 plane kills match

Nice! 3.8M PD with 2800 Base XP is something special.

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