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Lesta WOWS's new waterline contents


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Yes I know some people are not happy to see anything related to Russia. But I still think maybe some of these contents will come to WG's WOWS very soon.

Source: https://nga.178.com/read.php?tid=38236320 and https://nga.178.com/read.php?tid=38236637 (site NOT in English)

Stuff that are likely to come to WG's WOWS next:

Michelangelo in new year dockyard. F. Ferruccio is one of the dockyard mission rewards.


Stuff that are not sure whether will come to WG's WOWS but well worth mentioning:

1. T11 Japanese Cruiser Senjo, with 210 mm guns and two 5 tube torp launcher per side.


2. Operations that allow T9~11 ships to participate.

3. Soviet battlecruisers, armed with 16 inch guns, T10 ship will have 12 guns.

4. Soviet hybrid BB, armed with 16 inch guns.

5. Renewed sound effect for 150mm~300mm guns.

Let's see how many of the above will WG make into WOWS next.

Edited by New_Jersey_prpr
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36 minutes ago, New_Jersey_prpr said:

Michelangelo in new year dockyard. F. Ferruccio is one of the dockyard mission rewards.

I knew it. @Project45_Opytny posted a thread about what could possible by the next dockyard ship, and I said it would most likely be the Michelangelo.

37 minutes ago, New_Jersey_prpr said:

T11 Japanese Cruiser Senjo, with 210 mm guns and two 5 tube torp launcher per side.

Nice! Just yesterday I was thinking of what WG could possibly have in store for the IJN CA Tier XI. Wasn't Senjo the original name of Zaō?

40 minutes ago, New_Jersey_prpr said:

Operations that allow T9~11 ships to participate.

Can't wait for this to come to fruition. Looks like a bright 2024 is in store for PVE players like me.

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7 minutes ago, Frostbow said:

and I said it would most likely be the Michelangelo.

In fact I have the same speculation, the new T7 Italian cruiser somewhat served as a hint.

I'm not very interested in Michelangelo tbh, the biggest concern for me is will WG give out the new T7 cruiser for free like Lesta.

9 minutes ago, Frostbow said:

Nice! Just yesterday I was thinking of what WG could possibly have in store for the IJN CA Tier XI. Wasn't Senjo the original name of Zaō?

Yes, some veteran players mentioned that Senjo was used as Zao's name during early test.

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I have read about a few other things mentioned when arguing about the choice for this year's Xmas dockyard event ship: that she should not be too strong following WG's established take on dockyard events; that the War in Eastern Europe is still ongoing and as a result it should be better to keep a low profile and avoid a Soviet dockyard, at least for International Servers, and that it would be too exhausting to have two Tier 10 dockyards in a row.

Earlier this year, WoWS community celebrity (so to speak) Yuro has once setted up a pranking bogus DevBlog website and solemnly written a few entries, that include "Soviet battlecruisers" and a Soviet Kearsarge clone. I immediately recalled that when reading the translated Russian Development teasers.

Some other miscellaneous information include an event commemorating the Russian-Japanese War in the form of Asymmetric Battles, and all the Three Kingdoms themed items will be inported to MK as well as a new clone ship, based on Adriatico, will be added. Lesta announced that they will rework and improve the "Themed Event" system.

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33 minutes ago, Project45_Opytny said:

War in Eastern Europe is still ongoing and as a result it should be better to keep a low profile and avoid a Soviet dockyard, at least for International Servers, and that it would be too exhausting to have two Tier 10 dockyards in a row.

Fully agree. 

And having an Italian Dockyard makes perfect sense both from an artistic point of view as well as from the perspective of nations being featured. 

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When Ferruccio and Michelangelo gets hammered in the devblog lately I have a gut feeling both of them will be coming via dockyard. Hope Senjo's new torpedo tube location means she can have way better launching angles compared to Zao.

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1 minute ago, GMMF said:

Hope Senjo's new torpedo tube location means she can have way better launching angles compared to Zao.

'Bad torpedo launch angle' is one of the drawbacks WG intentionally give to tech tree Japanese cruisers (you can literally see it when you click the info button in the tech tree)

So I'm not surprised if Senjo's torp launch angle is still bad.

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1 hour ago, New_Jersey_prpr said:

1. T11 Japanese Cruiser Senjo, with 210 mm guns and two 5 tube torp launcher per side.

Unless the torp angles are significantly improved over Zao, would it even get traction?


1 hour ago, New_Jersey_prpr said:

Soviet hybrid BB, armed with 16 inch guns.

Kearsargeski? 😋

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1 minute ago, New_Jersey_prpr said:

'Bad torpedo launch angle' is one of the drawbacks WG intentionally give to tech tree Japanese cruisers

Except for Furry Taco. Furry Taco's launch angles are beautiful, and after that, Aoba was dogsh**.

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5 minutes ago, New_Jersey_prpr said:

So I'm not surprised if Senjo's torp launch angle is still bad.

True, that's sad, but I will be happy if new location opens up more angles, even slightly better also can fit my bill.

Edited by GMMF
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1 hour ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

Unless the torp angles are significantly improved over Zao, would it even get traction?    Kearsargeski? 😋

Yes, collectors alone collect everything all of the time, the moment offered.... 

Yes, IJN mains, such as myself will attempt to collect this ship.

Other than those ^^^^ WTHK??

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6 hours ago, New_Jersey_prpr said:

2. Operations that allow T9~11 ships to participate.


Me like.

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Why are you all speculating (& salivating) over nonsense fantasy ships? Why would anyone care what Lesta is doing? Aren't they part of the problem?

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5 minutes ago, Aethervox said:

Why are you all speculating (& salivating) over nonsense fantasy ships? Why would anyone care what Lesta is doing? Aren't they part of the problem?

Lesta is the original development team of this game and at least a majority of CN players have more faith on them than on Wargaming's new Belgrade team and consider International Servers as having an inferior version of the game (and RU has always boasted lower price tags comparing with other regions of the world).

They are indeed part of the problem, yet at least most of my fellow CN players think that as a whole, their Balance sheet regarding of the game has been positive.

Beating the "muh Realism" dead horse again? By this time? Hypothetical, paper and speculation ships start with the game as early as Zao and we have already met extreme cases like researchable German CVs and Dutch and Spanish cruisers. Not to say that just like how Conde compares with Herni IV, it is possible that a newly developed "supership Zao" is a good chance to remedy what this veteran is lacking in today's battle meta.

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4 hours ago, Aethervox said:

Why are you all speculating (& salivating) over nonsense fantasy ships? Why would anyone care what Lesta is doing? Aren't they part of the problem?


If realism is your focus, the only thing that is 100% real in World of Warships would be the Premium Shop. There, nothing is fantasy, everything is in cash, including your wallet. 

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4 minutes ago, Frostbow said:

There, nothing is fantasy, everything is in cash, including your wallet. 

Stahp, don't make me cry.

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The only thing of interest is the operations being available to higher tier ships...

Never having to play randoms again?


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35 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

The only thing of interest is the operations being available to higher tier ships...

Never having to play randoms again?


And, that is a "target, Cease Fire"" mate....  Never Again !  Ever never..... 

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11 minutes ago, Asym said:

And, that is a "target, Cease Fire"" mate....  Never Again !  Ever never..... 

But I like playing Midway and Audacious...sometimes.

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A closer look at Senjo.




While these are all from Lesta, and there is no guarantee that it will be implemented on the RU server, Senjo looks beautiful and reminds me of that warm feeling the first time I unlocked and purchased my first ever Tier X ship: Zaō.

Edited by Frostbow
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In World of Warships Development Blog #396 published last November 28, 2022, Wargaming discussed their plans for the future of Operations:


The Future of Operations

Development is moving in several directions.

  • Including more Tiers

The ability to play Operations with Tier VIII ships was warmly received by players, and we got requests to add higher Tier ships. We are considering this possibility, but first and foremost we need to solve some technical issues.

Now it has been more than 330 days since Wargaming said that they are 'considering' the possibility and that they need to 'solve' some 'technical' issues. ('Technical' here could simply mean how they can monetize Operations.)

Kind of amusing to see Lesta has already announced an update about Operations...


Operation Update

As we voiced earlier, one of the areas of development of the Operations is the addition of ships of higher levels to them. In early 2024, we plan to implement these plans. You can participate in the Operations on ships VI – X levels and super ships. For players on high-level ships, the composition of the — bot teams will also change. We will monitor your feedback and statistics on Operations and continue to develop this type of battle in the future.

...while the supposedly larger Belgrade team has remained eerily quiet. 😄

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21 minutes ago, Frostbow said:

A closer look at Senjo.

This does seem to put paid to (at least in regards to MK) the calls for Zao to be replaced in the tech tree due to her completely ahistorical three gun turrets, as she looks to be largely a Zao on steroids. The big question: will she be any more relevant at tier XI than Zao is at tier X?

Just now, Frostbow said:

...while the supposedly larger Belgrade team has remained eerily quiet. 😄

I have a feeling that much of the dev team with technical knowledge and know-how remained at Lesta. If that is the case, it makes sense that MK would be able to hit the ground running while WoWs development runs at a slower pace.

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1 minute ago, Nevermore135 said:

I have a feeling that much of the dev team with technical knowledge and know-how remained at Lesta. If that is the case, it makes sense that MK would be able to hit the ground running while WoWs development runs at a slower pace.

If that is the case, then WG likely has a culture issue, or worse, organizational misalignment even before the split. Technical data, knowledge, know-how, etc., are company assets that should ideally be available to anyone who will handle the responsibilities. Employees come and go, but technical knowledge, etc., should be properly documented and readily accessible to those who will take on the roles.


5 minutes ago, Nevermore135 said:

The big question: will she be any more relevant at tier XI than Zao is at tier X?

Same question I asked myself the moment I learned about Clausewitz.

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Lesta is a better dev than WG, already made huge changes to some ships to make them playable, like hayate.


wg has to buy changes from Lesta btw

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1 hour ago, Frostbow said:

If that is the case, then WG likely has a culture issue, or worse, organizational misalignment even before the split. Technical data, knowledge, know-how, etc., are company assets that should ideally be available to anyone who will handle the responsibilities. Employees come and go, but technical knowledge, etc., should be properly documented and readily accessible to those who will take on the roles.

I agree that it shouldn’t be the case.

I recall a former WG employee breaking her silence around the time of the great CC exodus and pulling back the curtain a bit on the culture at WG. In particular, I recall that apparently most the the dev databases and documents were in Russian and there was very little support provided for or effort put into making those tools and datasets easier to utilize for non-Russian speakers. I also recall that recent WG job postings for development positions indicate a requirement for fluency in Russian as well. With the ongoing situation in Eastern Europe and things like a certain recent charity event run by WG that apparently caused a bit of a stir in Russia I suspect WG might be having a problem filling out their dev team to replace the talent, experience, and capabilities that were lost in the split.

Edited by Nevermore135
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