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How many times have you played Wows and exceeded the average level?


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Firstly, it should be stated that this is not to encourage certain bullying tendencies.Just wanted to see when everyone started having enough experience to win

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There has never been a time when I had less than a 50% winrate.

Of course, certain ships and classes? That's a different story.

But overall on the account...always been above 50%.

To be honest, that's a really low bar to achieve...IMO.

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2015- Started at 44% winrate with IJN cruiser. (Maybe 500 battles?)

Stopped playing WoWs for 2 years. 

2017- Started USN BB line, USN DD, and Minotaur line. All were around 53%, I did play radar mino which was around 57%. (Prolly around 3000 battles here)

Stopped playing for a year or something 

2020- Got Des Moines and it sorta clicked, Got around 61% right off the bat. I actually started to care about how mechanics of the game worked here, and I joined discord to learn more about the game etc. 

I dont think I stopped playing wows from here. 

Kept improving (and still played DM a lot). Recently got to 60% overall at around 10k battles. Recents are even better. 

The biggest turning point for my performance was definitely when I joined discord because it was a place to discuss and learn the mechanics of the game fully. 

Before joining discord I was watching Flamu to learn the game (2018-2019), who was just extremely negative about CVs, and Russian ships, and when I lost, I think I was blaming those ships rather than myself. It was kinda toxic. Its a little crazy how manipulative that Russian bias crap was. 

Started to be more open minded about things (even played CVs to learn how to counter/ mitigate damage, stuff like that). And made sure to understand where my plays went wrong every game. 

My positioning skills just got better from there. 

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I’ve always been 53-54% WR. I started in DDs in the open beta. I believe learning to DDs well will help you play all other class effectively. I didn’t start to play competitively until 2018/2019. After that I’ve split my time between being try hard to keep stats up and hitting bong on the weekend for some naval shenanigans.  

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5 minutes ago, Type_93 said:

I’ve always been 53-54% WR. I started in DDs in the open beta. I believe learning to DDs well will help you play all other class effectively. I didn’t start to play competitively until 2018/2019. After that I’ve split my time between being try hard to keep stats up and hitting bong on the weekend for some naval shenanigans.  

What is the motivator to keep stats up?

For me, I researched the game a bit before getting into it...

...and I have a personal rule against racing up the tech tree lines. This means I learn the ships at lower tiers...and by the time I get to high tier, I have good captain skills.

Being patient has really been rewarded.

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10 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

What is the motivator to keep stats up?

For me, I researched the game a bit before getting into it...

...and I have a personal rule against racing up the tech tree lines. This means I learn the ships at lower tiers...and by the time I get to high tier, I have good captain skills.

Being patient has really been rewarded.

The motivator is simply, I like to keep competitive in ships I enjoy playing. 

I think that after a few battles in any line at T8, you know how that line is going to play. The idea that you have to spend a lot of battles grinding up the lines to know how to play that line is asinine. If after a few battles I don’t enjoy a ship, I’ll free Xp to the next and see if it’s any different.  I’ve free xp’d my way to many lines that I never play. 

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1 hour ago, Kawaii_shirasu_azusa said:

Just wanted to see when everyone started having enough experience to win

Interesting question.  Part of the answer lies with the individual player.  Such as how much effort said individual will devote not only to the game but also how much time they are willing to spend learning the game - written guides and tutorials, watching videos, and seeking out a mentor.  I would venture to guess that players with a higher-than-average win rate spent hours in the game, learning from various sources and practicing what they learned. 

If a new player follows this type of discipline, one will at least get to a comfortable win rate in a reasonable period of time.  With that said, one should never sit back and be satisfied.  There are always new things to learn, and being critical of your play is valuable.  You learn (and hopefully) improve by acknowledging your mistakes.

So when does a player display enough experience to win?  That is really based on their abilities and desire to learn.

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I was probably below 50% very early on in 2015 when I was like, grinding out Kawachi, which was a terrible ship (and probably still is). Beyond that, it rose pretty quickly - was prob at 50% before 150 battles - and thus I have almost always been 54% or better. Part of me doesn't want it to go into purple levels (when people can see your stats they tend to preferentially dodge and target you), but I'm not going to sabotage it either. Just is what it is.

I didn't really watch many videos beyond a few about learning how to aim and the most basic of game mechanics (probably an iChase one for that, way back in 2015). My improvement has almost all come from just playing the game casually over the years.

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2 hours ago, Type_93 said:

I think that after a few battles in any line at T8, you know how that line is going to play.

You learn fast.

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4 hours ago, Kawaii_shirasu_azusa said:

Firstly, it should be stated that this is not to encourage certain bullying tendencies.Just wanted to see when everyone started having enough experience to win

Let's test that theory about bullying.....

I have been playing since 2017 and have over 30K PVE and over 5K PVP matches and in all of that time, I have NEVER been over 50% in PVP nor 100% in PVE....  And, I have never tried to do so either.    To what end?  Does it earn me a better MM position>?  Does it earn me more income?

About winning.... whoa......I've been competitively shooting since I was a youngster; did so all through High School; did so for the US Army; and, have been competitively shooting since I retired from the Military...  This game doesn't come close because "it's just a silly game...." 

Experience to win??  Seems to me Luck in this game is more important cause "skil" isn't even defined or used;   and,  that means Veteran players can and do farm new players all of the time.   I wonder what their actual win rates would be if we had a skill based MM that pitted them against their peers all of the time....?

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Basically the entire time? A lot of the basic knowledge to be successful carried over from WoT console for me(Understanding the economy, the no respawning, understanding overmatch exists) Jingles and other videos helped with learning other things before I ever played a match. 

Both world of tanks and Warships you can be a "good" player while having terrible reflexes or keyboard/mouse/controller skills because understanding the "system" is far more important than twitch reflexes like a 1st person shooter. 


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First started playing, I was a complete bot. Not having much fun, being useless and basically stopped playing for about 2 years. After that I came back, found a clan started playing again. Instead of blaming everything besides myself I started to improve and actually understand how to play the game. 

I went from have 1770 battles with 50% wr and 1348 Pr in 2020 to now thankfully having much better stats now. Being able to learn with friends and clan-mates was possibly the most fun I ever had. Now I can say I'm continuing the climb and am winning most of my games. Besides a couple bad days here and there but I mean we all have those.

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I initially started playing with a friend of mine who was only playing Coop. So I played Coop a lot, maybe 5k battles, but we also played other games. When I moved to PvP, I already knew the mechanics and my aim was quite okay. I still lacked map awareness and a sensitivity for the psychological aspects of human opponents, but it was already enough to be around 55% on mid tier. When I joined my first clan, they threw me in at the deep end and my winrate decreased, cause my first T10 was the Des Moines, which requires a lot of map awareness, which again was one of the things I was missing. The Zao was much more my natural play style. So playing Zao in CB and grinding a lot of parallel lines, helped me broaden my understanding of the play styles.

I might have been bad at the start, but I imo made the right choice, learning in Coop and not rushing into high tier PvP.

3 hours ago, Asym said:

Does it earn me more income?


Yes, you earn more XP because of the 50% win-bonus. And since you have to perform better to win, that better performance usually means again more XP and more credits. So yes, playing well pays off.


3 hours ago, Asym said:

About winning.... whoa......I've been competitively shooting since I was a youngster; did so all through High School; did so for the US Army; and, have been competitively shooting since I retired from the Military...  This game doesn't come close because "it's just a silly game...."


I would never play just a silly game. Sounds like wasting precious time. Either I have a hobby, then I make an effort to get good at it, or I drop the hobby and do something else, where I feel I'm more talented and willing to invest time. The idea of being good at one hobby means being bad at another hobby is imo a fallacy, since hobbies are not mutually exclusive. It's a matter of time. If I have the time, I have the time to make an effort and get better. The brain has unlimited capacity, it's not like your daily limit of understanding gets exhausted by one hobby and then all that is left for any other hobby is to switch off.

30k PvE and 5k PvP sounds like a looooot of time to me. If I was to invest so much time, I would spend at least a bit of time on improvement. As one of the better american presidents - Abraham Lincoln - allegedly said: Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe. You seem to be pounding at that tree with a blunt instrument for the entire six hours and unsurprinsingly the tree is still standing tall. But hey, you had six hours of phun, while sharpening an axe is so boring.


3 hours ago, Asym said:

Experience to win??  Seems to me Luck in this game is more important cause "skil" isn't even defined or used;   and,  that means Veteran players can and do farm new players all of the time.   I wonder what their actual win rates would be if we had a skill based MM that pitted them against their peers all of the time....?

50% ofc, but that's besides the point, isn't it? If we got skillbased MM, there would be leagues or other levels of skill and the higher league players would measure their learning curce by that.

Skill directly transfers to the portion of battles whose outcome is affected by your choices and abilities. Maybe you don't see that, that doesn't mean it is not true.

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1 hour ago, HMS_Kilinowski said:

I initially started playing with a friend of mine who was only playing Coop. So I played Coop a lot, maybe 5k battles, but we also played other games. When I moved to PvP, I already knew the mechanics and my aim was quite okay. I still lacked map awareness and a sensitivity for the psychological aspects of human opponents, but it was already enough to be around 55% on mid tier. When I joined my first clan, they threw me in at the deep end and my winrate decreased, cause my first T10 was the Des Moines, which requires a lot of map awareness, which again was one of the things I was missing. The Zao was much more my natural play style. So playing Zao in CB and grinding a lot of parallel lines, helped me broaden my understanding of the play styles.

I might have been bad at the start, but I imo made the right choice, learning in Coop and not rushing into high tier PvP.

Yes, you earn more XP because of the 50% win-bonus. And since you have to perform better to win, that better performance usually means again more XP and more credits. So yes, playing well pays off.

I would never play just a silly game. Sounds like wasting precious time. Either I have a hobby, then I make an effort to get good at it, or I drop the hobby and do something else, where I feel I'm more talented and willing to invest time. The idea of being good at one hobby means being bad at another hobby is imo a fallacy, since hobbies are not mutually exclusive. It's a matter of time. If I have the time, I have the time to make an effort and get better. The brain has unlimited capacity, it's not like your daily limit of understanding gets exhausted by one hobby and then all that is left for any other hobby is to switch off.

30k PvE and 5k PvP sounds like a looooot of time to me. If I was to invest so much time, I would spend at least a bit of time on improvement. As one of the better american presidents - Abraham Lincoln - allegedly said: Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe. You seem to be pounding at that tree with a blunt instrument for the entire six hours and unsurprinsingly the tree is still standing tall. But hey, you had six hours of phun, while sharpening an axe is so boring.

50% ofc, but that's besides the point, isn't it? If we got skillbased MM, there would be leagues or other levels of skill and the higher league players would measure their learning curce by that.

Skill directly transfers to the portion of battles whose outcome is affected by your choices and abilities. Maybe you don't see that, that doesn't mean it is not true.

Thanks for the reply.  I wrote a reply and deleted it.  I can only say that I see "gaming" differently than you do....  Our goals are radically different because of age I expect.

I've done all of the things I set out to do decades ago.  Really !  Bucket list is complete. Been there, done that.  And, games and SIMs are something I've been around from the 1960's.....  Well before games as we know them today.  SIMs, that were the technology basis of modern gaming, a decade before the first civilian higher quality game....  Google SIMNET and take a look.....

So, I see gaming differently than you I expect.  And, I know what is coming next as well.........since,  I get invited to interact with "AI" based game demo's.  An Innovation team volunteer perk !!!

We are the Morning Nautical Twilight of the AI games to come....  It's my goal to help the next generation of game developers "Learn from History" what did or did not work since the 1990's.  This game is just the last stop for me.  My last military-esk, small niche, High IP identification, game to study.  Santayana had it right in his "Life of Reason" (1905/6) -


Thanks for the conversation.

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Here is tip if you want to speedrun sweatlord in the shortest amount of time

Play solo only for a period of time, and play ship that is killed by literally everything, top candidate right now being superlight cruiser

When your ship is trash, inferior to others of the tier or has glaring weakness that get it killed instantly, it force you to literally adapt or die, there is no divmate to cover for your misplay or do the heavy lifting while you passively farm

You learn to squeeze literally any single advantage and detail possible to win skewed engagement, you are forced to learn about every mechanic that can benefit you in certain situations against certain ship, and after you are finished, you are not only obv better at the ship you were actually playing, similar ships which are much better become suddenly ridiculously easy to play, and you will play these better ships with the same cautiousness, intuition and mechanical knowledge of yourself and enemy 

It all about milking every single possible advantage from the ship you are playing, then afterward you can focus on thinking and changing your gameplay to fit how to actually win a game

If you instead just bow in to everything in a Moskva to everything and farm everything for 100k+ average, you learn basically nothing actually useful in the grand scheme of the game

This mentality is the same as how they say, if you want to learn German, buy a one-way plane ticket to Germany

Adapt or die

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It was difficult to understand your question, because there isn't a clear definition to "enough experience to win".


Given proper guidance, feedback and external resources, most players can probably be competent within 1000 matches. Although significant time would be spent outside matches focused on reflection so its somewhat misrepresentative. It also isn't casual friendly.

But without any external resources? Even 10,000 matches might amount to little. Because many mechanics aren't explained in-game, and many premium ship details are hidden until purchase.

Becoming unicum is a completely different league though.


For me personally, my overall WR has always been over 50% because I watched tutorial videos while downloading the game. And I also pushed myself into grinding through ranked sprints. I played almost entirely solo, and I wouldn't consider myself to been above average until I had like 3k matches on my record.

Edited by Verytis
wording and extra notes.
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Instructions unclear, lowest WR at 53,50%. Currently at 66% WR after 12 044 Random battles.

54 minutes ago, Sorry_Yodo_Only said:

if you want to learn German, buy a one-way plane ticket to Germany

Please don't, our immigration system is overloaded as it is.

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19 hours ago, Kawaii_shirasu_azusa said:

Just wanted to see when everyone started having enough experience to win

I cannot fix a concise date, but some factors for that.

  1. I changed my way of thinking away from "simulation game" and trying to cross the T towards the try of adapting to a more AFV kind of fighting style. That's still in progress, as I am yet to loose my repugnance to willingly stop my vessel even when it may be the right move to do. There's still some penchant to adhere to the Energy–manoeuvrability theory even in ships (I like combat flight simulators a lot).
  2. I mostly quit playing cruisers outside of PVE, switching over to torpedo DD and BB.

My statistics seem to show a slow but steady progress.

Regards, Nightowl

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17 minutes ago, Northern Nightowl said:

I cannot fix a concise date, but some factors for that.

  1. I changed my way of thinking away from "simulation game" and trying to cross the T towards the try of adapting to a more AFV kind of fighting style. That's still in progress, as I am yet to loose my repugnance to willingly stop my vessel even when it may be the right move to do. There's still some penchant to adhere to the Energy–manoeuvrability theory even in ships (I like combat flight simulators a lot).
  2. I mostly quit playing cruisers outside of PVE, switching over to torpedo DD and BB.

My statistics seem to show a slow but steady progress.

Regards, Nightowl

Yes, correct.

This game is much more World of Tanks on water than many like.

Get your ship hull down, side scrape an island, and win.

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Wow when I started in 2016 I had no clue I just loved naval history and wanted the Bismarck. I was the the classic example of someone who had some money bought what he wanted and rushed to tier 10 and got deleted in 5 minutes every game. I would come home from work drink a six pack have a shot of tequila and blissfully play tier 10 games without a clue of what it was I was doing . It's really the only video game I had every played besides the early Resident Evil games.

I am not a gamer so it took me a while to figure out . Lol at one point and I'm ashamed to say this I had 10k games played and a 44% win rate people would leave me a DM telling me to uninstall and I would get trashed in the game chat as a noob. But I grew up in different time when I screwed up my father let me know loudly my teachers constantly yelled at me and my football coaches called me things I had never heard of. So this Chat room talk didn't bother me one bit I just laughed it off . Sticks and stone may break your bones but words will never hurt you. I lived by that back in the day. 

Anyway I kind of stopped drinking every game and realized other people needed me to be better. So I slowly learned the game when I had time since I work 6 or 7 days a week and got my win rate to almost 48%. I moved my game play to tiers 5-8 and I have played at better then 50% win rate the last 2 years.  

Edited by clammboy
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12 hours ago, Asym said:

Thanks for the reply.  I wrote a reply and deleted it.  I can only say that I see "gaming" differently than you do....  Our goals are radically different because of age I expect.

I've done all of the things I set out to do decades ago.  Really !  Bucket list is complete. Been there, done that.  And, games and SIMs are something I've been around from the 1960's.....  Well before games as we know them today.  SIMs, that were the technology basis of modern gaming, a decade before the first civilian higher quality game....  Google SIMNET and take a look.....

So, I see gaming differently than you I expect.  And, I know what is coming next as well.........since,  I get invited to interact with "AI" based game demo's.  An Innovation team volunteer perk !!!

We are the Morning Nautical Twilight of the AI games to come....  It's my goal to help the next generation of game developers "Learn from History" what did or did not work since the 1990's.  This game is just the last stop for me.  My last military-esk, small niche, High IP identification, game to study.  Santayana had it right in his "Life of Reason" (1905/6) -


Thanks for the conversation.


If you say our goals are radically different, that is your assessment, based on what I wrote. I myself cannot assess that, since your reply is offtopic and does not refer to anything I wrote. I don't even see why you bothered quoting my post, since there is no link between my explanations and your history lesson.

Yes, games are changing. Yes, there may be loops. None of this has anything to do with a player dedicating effort to what they spend time on.

The only mild connection I see is that some players do not remember the past of their play and because of that are condemned to having no learning curve, thus repeating their ever same poor plays over thousands of hours invested into their hobby.

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I go on streaks. For a couple of weeks I will play at unicum level, and think I finally have a handle on this game.

Then I'll lose 9 straight games playing the same way with the same ships.

The math of percentages makes it difficult to come back from a poor win rate. For the first year I just casually played and ended up with a 47% win rate after 1000 randoms. For the last year I have been working harder, playing more carefully, playing a small group of ships, and am clawing my way up to 49% after 2400 games. 


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By the time I learnt about stats, maybe at 200-300 matches I was already at 51-52% (back in 2016). Low level Captains held me back for a while but once I got 10-11 pt dudes my performance improved. Since I had previous experience with WoT and I'm an experience gamer I would had been very disappointed with myself if it had been otherwise. I had very significant leg-ups when coming into the game so it wouldn't be fair to compare my experience with the average player experience. 

Edited by ArIskandir
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So…I’m the person that many complain about in the forums. I started playing when free time became available because of March 2020 after watching Jingles & Flambass videos for a number of years.

After signing up I immediately purchased the Jean Bart, Massachusetts (they were often featured on videos during the 2018-2020 time period and it had already been announced they would be removed from sale) along with the Soviet cruisers admiral package which included Mikoyan, Ocachov, and P.Bragration along with useful camos and dragon flags (the old version of economic bonuses). So I was literally the person with 3 battles in my Jean Bart nose in everywhere, running everything down with Massa while burning stem to stern, and acting as cannon fodder in the cruisers, all while really wanting to be a DD main. After 1200 battles 41% win rate. 

Three different things happened then, played probably 150 battle in Kita to really get a feel for high tier DD play,  started playing Ops to earn the rewards which opened my play to kiting, got rid of the mod that showed ship win rate in port. This is the point I started to be consistent. 

The ships in the tech tree lines I’ve gone up in randoms since have win rates at 63% and higher, with many at or above 70%. Random battle account win % is now 53% at 3050ish battles. 

I’m willing to bet I’m an outlier that my solo win rate is way better than my division win rate. Division win % is lowering my win rate a full percentage point versus only solo play. Being in a casual clan was painful experience for me. Lol. 

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