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Aslain's Modpack Updates


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  • v.12.7.0 #05 (18-08-2023):
  • updated "Old school" interface icons
  • updated Azur Lane Concept Modpack "ARASHI"
  • updated News marker remover by Ollin
  • updated Battle Expert v1/3 [Adjusted the positioning of the capture indicator]
  • updated clan icons
  • re-added Ship Management
  • removed until updated: Ultimate Bad Weather, True night
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v.12.7.0 #06 (19-08-2023):
updated All ships in tech-tree by DragonTM
updated Dog Tags Remover
updated National Flags [compatibility with the Next Ship XP]
added ship skin: USS Fletcher 1960's (by jakobvrabec) [mod #599]
added detection icons: WoWs Legends  (by NineKunG_TH) [mod #204]

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42 minutes ago, Efros said:

I wish they would mod out the pirate captain audio, god that woman on Brisbane is annoying.

I use Mermaid's Wrath for all my VO needs.

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v.12.7.0 #07 (21-08-2023):
updated contour icons: Hualala, Aslain
added Ribbons v9 (by Sineline)
added Turkiye Female Commanders (by Cyberandra) [mod #512]
added Turkiye Female commander names (by Cyberandra) [mod #757]

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v.12.7.0 #08 (23-08-2023):
re-added Session Stats v1 (fixed by Capt_Oveur)
updated Hide flags on ships
updated mxMeter
updated Smoke Marker [Markers are no longer displayed as top. They are behind player markers/scoreboard instead.]

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v.12.7.0 #09 (24-08-2023):

  • updated minimap by AutoSpy [Code has been adjusted to align with Patch 12.7; Checkbox grouping in the settings menu has been slightly reorganized; Parameters of equipment on certain ships have been updated; The circle indicating "Visibility after firing main guns" has been reinstated; For submarines, circles displaying the range of regular torpedoes, sonar pings, and underwater detection have been added. The settings for these circles have been integrated with Torpedo Acquisition (TA), Gun Acquisition (GA), and Radar circles respectively.]
  • updated Team Panels: AutoSpy [the TTX values of the consumables of some ships have been updated.], BADoBEST's style [Added parameters for Gun Acquisition Radar (for submarines - sonar pings) and Radar (for submarines - underwater detection); A new section "Ship Equipment" has been introduced in the settings menu, allowing separate control over the display of each parameter. By default, everything is turned off.]
  • updated clan icons
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v.12.7.0 #10 (26-08-2023):

  • updated contour icons: Gold Premium Ships
  • updated Gold Premium Ship preview
  • updated consumables by Vito74m
  • updated Ribbons v5 (by Vito74m)
  • added crew sounds: Project Sekai AI Kusanagi Nene [JP] (by King_Halo_Daisuki) [mod #562]
  • added AL Albacore Skin Mod for Gato (by SestRangerLn) [mod #607]
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v.12.7.0 #11 (26-08-2023):

  • updated Chinese translation of the installer (by hualala)
  • updated Ribbons v4 (AL by Ara) and Ribbons v7 (KC by Ara)
  • updated Arachne Azur Lane Modpack
  • removed Team Panels BADoBEST's style with Radio & Hydro and replaced with Team Panels BADoBEST's style+ [in compare to the original AutoSpy's Badobest's Style a.k.a Adjustable Panels: Added: Vertical positioning, Clan tags, Concealement and AA; Fixed: number formatting, Ship HP label in Settings] modded by Capt_Oveur
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On 8/20/2023 at 4:02 AM, Efros said:

I wish they would mod out the pirate captain audio, god that woman on Brisbane is annoying.


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v.12.7.0 #12 (28-08-2023):

  • fixed Team Panels BADoBEST's style , and BADoBEST's style+ [Fixed the bug that did not let players see the ship equipment data if they chose to hide it in previous mod version]
  • updated Ribbons v2 (by NineKunG_TH)
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v.12.7.0 #13 (29-08-2023):
added Remove unique captain voiceovers (by Aslain) [mod #568]
updated minimap by BattleFrame:
• Fixed a bug with incorrect location of aircraft icons in new versions of the game.
• Fixed a bug where interceptors were displayed as default fighters.
• Fixed plane colors for players from ALPHA custom group
• Fixed blacklist button
• Added displaying of minefields and mine-planes
• Added a minimap scale calibrating function for fine-tuning on high resolution screens
• Updated data on radar, sonar and air defense of ships.

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v.12.7.0 #14 (30-08-2023):

  • updated contour icons: Hualala, Aslain
  • updated Torpedoes detection Indicator
  • updated Lastomer
  • updated Team Panels BADoBEST's style
  • removed Team Panels BADoBEST's style+ [the regular version covers it now it, therefore it's obsolete]
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v.12.7.0 #15 (07-09-2023):

  • updated Chilled Special Camos
  • updated Session Stats v1 [Damage by deep water torps is counted]
  • added Set WoWS Priority to Higher [mod #790]
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v.12.8.0 #00 (13-09-2023):

  • initial compatibility with WoWs 12.8.0
  • updated Gun calibers in millimeters and inches
  • updated Lady commander names
  • updated Historical IJN DDs camouflage with markings & numbering
  • updated camera: Zeiss, Yazom, OdTo
  • updated LootBox Crane Remover
  • updated contour icons: Hualala, Aslain
  • updated Score timer
  • updated 3D Radar
  • updated 3D Radio Position Finding
  • updated Regen Monitor
  • updated Build Viewer
  • updated Classic Camera
  • updated Consumables Monitor
  • updated Advanced Torpedo Marker
  • updated Submarine Pingers on Minimap
  • updated Module State Viewer
  • updated Auto Container Collector
  • updated Smoke Marker
  • updated Ship Movement Indicator v4
  • updated Normal ship names (CN sever only)
  • updated Normal flags (CN sever only)
  • updated Normal commanders (CN sever only)
  • updated Team Panels by Roslich
  • updated Advanced Battle Loading Screen
  • updated Improved Chat #2
  • updated Enlarge ship names on the minimap
  • updated Unique Camouflage Plus
  • updated Unique flags
  • updated sea simulation mods
  • updated Binocular Frame Remover
  • updated Blur Effects Remover
  • updated Historical unique commanders
  • removed until updated: Arpeggio of Blue Steel UI, Hatsune Miku UI
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