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Where is Devastation?


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I'm not sure if anyone here would know, but where are the new superships Novosibirsk and Devastation? I had been saving my credits for the HMS Megazao, but it still shows as locked in the port. The original article said that they would be released in 12.7, but there was nothing in the patch notes. Does anyone have any idea, will they be coming later this patch, or not until 12.8?


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Well Devastation didn't show up with this update as I thought it was going/supposed to so I guess what you show above means 12.8 now.

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They admitted on a WG stream that they'd made a typo and she will be coming out in 12.8.

Another patch for you to earn the gazillions it takes to buy her, equip her and keep her fed. She's a hungry beastie.

Also - Megazao was what Jingles always used to call Conqueror. This one is Ultrazao or Gigazao. 

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