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Gorizia OP pls nerf.....


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And if all else fails  (including teammates) you still have one torpedo.....






Edited by Andrewbassg
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Gorizia is a solid cruiser, until you find yourself in a situation where you need to apply pressure to a well-played battleship. That’s where the lack of fire DoT and torpedoes is really felt.

She’s an absolute monster vs. DDs, though.

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If you like SAP, run up the Italian cruiser line. They are a blast to play. Some of the best flanking cruisers in the game. 

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I've actually enjoyed playing Genova....strangely enough.

A lot of what the community as a whole thinks about certain ships is just bunk.

Glad you are having fun!

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30 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

I've actually enjoyed playing Genova

Genova is a really fun challenge at T5 -- can slap people silly but also can get punished hard for misplays.

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