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Query regarding ship-steering issues.

Ensign Cthulhu

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Has anyone else, particularly in co-op, observed that their ship abruptly and without their input begins a hard-right turn regarding vigorous correction? Happened to me twice today. 

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are you sure island collision avoidance is not turned on or its setting changed in the options (i.e. only binocular view or no permanently)

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11 minutes ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

Has anyone else, particularly in co-op, observed that their ship abruptly and without their input begins a hard-right turn regarding vigorous correction? Happened to me twice today. 

I haven't experienced this.

Have you checked your keyboard connections?

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Outside internet lag, I’ve never experienced that either.

I’d definitely check your settings (in case something got reset in the collision avoidance) and keyboard connection/battery. Worth watching out for internet lag and/or cpu spikes too if it happens again. 

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This has happened to me but it's been my own damn fault when I've accidentally fat fingered Q or E.

I then wildly stab at A or D to try and get things back in line, all the while taking untold damage from bots thinking "Hey, we got a real noob here, let's rip him a new one"!

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1 hour ago, MidnightPhoenix07 said:

I’d definitely check your settings (in case something got reset in the collision avoidance) and keyboard connection/battery.

Collision avoidance confirmed OFF, Keyboard is plug-in, other keyboard commands fine.

Edited by Ensign Cthulhu
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From what I'm reading here it could just be a connection issue, when my internet starts to act up I notice I move sharply to one side or the other. 

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