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About This Clan/Club

I throw rock, you throw scissors. Battle tech has advanced through the years but the concept remains the same. Let's look at the different offensive and defensive platforms throughout different periods. This club is open to all regardless of your knowledge.


-Rock, Papers, Scissors-

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  1. What's new in this clan/club
  2. Mounted midships, is a quadruple mounting for 21 inch, Mark 9 torpedoes. The ship only carried 4 torpedoes in the tubes and reloading was not possible at sea since it was a difficult procedure. Torpedoes were fired from aft to forward to take into account the forward movement of the ship and to prevent them from colliding with one another as they left the tube. The torpedoes were the only weapons system to survive the entire life of the ship from 1943 to 1963. http://jproc.ca/haida/torptube.html


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