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New game: spot the special commander (if you can)


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Spotted- bot :Hollmann: running Alexander Ovechkin on a T5 Nicholas.

Max HP for a B-hull Nicholas with Survivability Expert is normally 14850, but the wiki tells me Ovechkin gives an extra 50 HP per tier with the skill, which comes out to 15100 (there are no other commanders for USN ships with boosted SE). I was the only player in a Nicholas, and I definitely don't have Ovechkin on my roster (nor would I waste him on Nicholas, of all things, if I did). I doubt I'd have even noticed if I weren't playing Nicholas myself at the time.


They've been using signals and upgrades for a while now, but I didn't realize they were running special commanders, let alone ones who aren't available to the playerbase anymore. See who else you can spot those sneaky toasters palling around with; at least a few others have boosted SE, so they should also give themselves away when comparing HP pools.

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Co-op bots don't use commander skills (or signals or upgrades). The info panel shows the actual stats for your allies, but only the best possible stats for your enemies regardless of what an enemy ship is actually running (even to the point of the stats only being possible with conflicting modules, like using both reload and range mod in slot 6). For example, it will always show a 20km torp range on an enemy Shimakaze, even if the enemy Shima is using 8 or 12km torps. Or Khabarovsk's firing range including the bonus from the Unique Upgrade (in slot 5) but also Khabarovsk's concealment with the concealment mod (also in slot 5) at the same time.

15100 HP is the best possible HP that Nicholas can have, so that's what it's going to show for an enemy Nicholas. But that bot Nicholas is actually going to have 12k (or maybe 13.1k) HP when it's spotted. It's also only going to have a 10.9km gun range rather than 13.1, and get spotted at 6.4km instead of 5.8.

Edited by MidnightPhoenix07
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