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And the record for the least base XP earned by a human team-member who actually sank anything goes to...

Ensign Cthulhu

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...our Napoli:


If anyone has seen anything lower than this, I'd love to see it. Or maybe not.

The map was Ocean, if that makes a difference. I didn't see the kill happen as I was too busy trying to stay alive!


Edited by Ensign Cthulhu
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  • Ensign Cthulhu changed the title to And the record for the least base XP earned by a human team-member who actually sank anything goes to...

I have to ask... was it a secondary kill made by an AFK? Because that is about the only thing that makes even a fraction of sense for that BXP here.

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15 minutes ago, Kynami said:

I have to ask... was it a secondary kill made by an AFK? Because that is about the only thing that makes even a fraction of sense for that BXP here.

I didn't actually see it happen, but I think it's the only thing that makes sense. Either that or he woke up right at the end in time to take a shot.

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1 hour ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

...our Napoli:


If anyone has seen anything lower than this, I'd love to see it. Or maybe not.

The map was Ocean, if that makes a difference. I didn't see the kill happen as I was too busy trying to stay alive!


Priceless.  😄 

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2 hours ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

...our Napoli:


If anyone has seen anything lower than this, I'd love to see it. Or maybe not.

The map was Ocean, if that makes a difference. I didn't see the kill happen as I was too busy trying to stay alive!


Thank goodness for those Napoli secondaries!  😄   One shot... one kill.

Edited by Arcus_Aesopi
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2 hours ago, Kynami said:

I have to ask... was it a secondary kill made by an AFK? Because that is about the only thing that makes even a fraction of sense for that BXP here.

I might have speculated mututal ramming, cut it looks like he survived.  So I'm guessing secondary and AFK.

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Not 100% on topic ...

Well, I managed to score a whopping 216 BXP and received fanmail after that match.

Was playing V.Cuniberti in Convoy, only smoking our transport ships. We had an Al Yukikaze on our flank which outspotted me by a lot.

We clearly won the match. PM dude was in a Shikishima on my flank, 60%-player.

Yeah right, even though we won, you have to insult me.

So, I am worse than a lobotomized ape 🫤 ... thats a first for an insult, received in Wows.


Submitted a ticket of course.


Edited by Captain_82
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17 hours ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:




I had a very strong feeling how this round would end - I was right. Did like 74k damage.

I was the last to go down.  > "You were reported"

Enemy Ägir with 29 BXP.

WoWs_Zao failteam Airship Escort.png

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4 hours ago, Captain_82 said:

Enemy Ägir with 29 BXP.

But he didn't sink anything, so unfortunately he doesn't fit in here.

Please stay on topic.

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