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Instead of negative say something positive about WOWS and/or WG


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Ok, I am as guilty as anyone of being pretty negative of late. Nothing but negativity however gets tiring after a while, to post and read, even if earned and deserved. So how about a thread where we suck it up and post something positive about the game or even WG themselves? I will start...


Starting with this as it is the most difficult for me. But I feel they actually did a really good job this year on the Christmas events. Considering all of the challenges they have faced losing so many staff to the RU version (or they didn't come with them at the split and stayed with Lesta is a better way to say it I guess) I think they put out a good holiday series of events for us. Perfect? No. Pretty darn good? Yes. The crown jewel of that would be the free Scharnhorst 43 from the holiday battlepass. It was easy to get just like they said with no funny business once it actually was here. Even the most casual of players could easily obtain it, AND, on top of that, they didn't nerf it into crapdom and it is a decent ship. We also got a LOT of free Santa crates which was nice. So WG was a "Who" this year and not a "Grinch". Well done WG. 


For me it is the fact the game is still the basic game despite a lot of things done to it I don't like. Overall, I still like the game WOWS itself despite the negatives and over 44K games played. The graphics, the ships, all the little nuances like outfitting a Captain, etc... all of it makes this game unique. There is no other game like WOWS out there to fill the niche market for this type of game and I think overall WOWS does a really good job at it. This is the exact kind of game I want for naval combat. So I won't name any one thing in particular but rather just say in general I like it.

I know it may be difficult for some but try...



Edited by AdmiralThunder
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Appreciate the opportunity to purchase Smolensk without having to gamble on crates. My purchases typically have been ships themselves or crates that would provide economic bonuses to increase the efficiency of the grinds. Loot boxes are not my thing, as evidenced by “only” pulling Novorossiysk from 14 Megas and 5 Big gifts that were acquired through the holiday grind.  

Ops having multiple tiers kept me in the game when subs were rolled out and randoms for me became triggering. 

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WG: As always, great work from the art department - it's for the birds soimetimes tho...

WoWs: I appreciate that the MM still has some days with a low percentage of matches are devoid of CVs and Subs. 


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I really like their new DevStrike! forum 🙂

The December events have been outstanding, even the Kitakami thing even though I chose to not participate past using Premium Days.  I have enjoyed the Holidays in Santa City event.

I have always enjoyed the snowflakes and bonus xp events as they allow, usually, for at least one new ship and frequently more.

Santa Crates (and Black Friday crates) are pretty much the only time I spend more than incidental $ on the game so this is my favorite season for WG events.

I really like that Adm.T. is back on the forum because of things like this!

Merry Christmas!

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Say what you say about them but these guys provided me with many years of FREE entertainment... I mean hours upon hours of good enterteinment at zero cost for me beyond my electricity bill. That's a real, very concrete benefit for me. 


For me it is an awesome game, even (and maybe because of) accounting for all those questionable mechanics that remove player agency and puts you at the whim of luck. It offers a very unique PvP tactical problem generator, it may not be fair, it may not be all that enjoyable(?), but I find it very entertaining, challenging and fulfilling (when you pull it against the odds). 

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31 minutes ago, Arcusaesopi said:

I really like their new DevStrike! forum 🙂


I guess the "check is in the mail".  (I just checked the mailbox again today...still not there...maybe tomorrow 🤣

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I really like that they are no longer ignoring the PvE aspects. Opening operations to tier8 actually kept me from just leaving the game, and now asymmetric battles are real fun and I hope they will be back soon, and maybe to stay. Also the plans to open ops to even higher tiers excite me.

And I also liked that WG did not nerf the Satan boxes as I had expected. In fact they boosted them by changing the ship selection. And I really can't complain, I got three great rare ships and 13 others out of 84 boxes, plus 20K dubs and a huge load of boosters. Best return on investment possible.

Edited by Kruzenstern
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25 minutes ago, HogHammer said:


Well........I guess he tried.........to say somethin'......positive ..... A48E2DD6-327E-4E69-B995-CD0955AA6217.gif

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1 hour ago, AdmiralThunder said:

Ok, I am as guilty as anyone of being pretty negative of late. Nothing but negativity however gets tiring after a while, to post and read, even if earned and deserved.

Yes that's true.

1 hour ago, AdmiralThunder said:


Starting with this as it is the most difficult for me. But I feel they actually did a really good job this year on the Christmas events. Considering all of the challenges they have faced losing so many staff to the RU version (or they didn't come with them at the split and stayed with Lesta is a better way to say it I guess) I think they put out a good holiday series of events for us. Perfect? No. Pretty darn good? Yes. The crown jewel of that would be the free Scharnhorst 43 from the holiday battlepass. It was easy to get just like they said with no funny business once it actually was here. Even the most casual of players could easily obtain it, AND, on top of that, they didn't nerf it into crapdom and it is a decent ship. We also got a LOT of free Santa crates which was nice. So WG was a "Who" this year and not a "Grinch". Well done WG.

Yes, that mirrors  my impression too. Also it seems that they pay more attention to the playerbase. Still not a lot, but more.



Maybe I'm dreaming, but the artillery bugs got seriously reduced, compared to the previous update. The accuracy  is incomparably better. To a degree i can, again, aim for specific parts of the ships vs the last 4-5 updates . 

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The initial concept and execution were superb. That may sound like damning with faint praise, but I'd point out that this ox has survived immense subsequent burdens.

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41 minutes ago, Andrewbassg said:

Well........I guess he tried.........to say somethin'......positive ..... A48E2DD6-327E-4E69-B995-CD0955AA6217.gif

I'm still here an hour later and having considerable trouble myself.

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I've enjoyed Asymm and clan battles

Clan battles with no restrictions beyond "only 1 BB" was interesting, although I actually preferred the T8 with up to 2 T9" clan battles that preceded it. 

The volunteer team, particularly the support team (I'm looking at you and the Wiki Team @iDuckman) have been consistently awesome at catching all of the curve balls sent their way (although the "smoke" section still lists Kitakaze in the "standard smoke" list as well as the "exhaust smoke list - I suspect that's a relic of testing)

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Asymmetric Battles is honestly fantastic, hope it sticks around as a permanent game mode to complement Co-Op and Operations. Also, been really enjoying Operations recently. World of Warships is still, at its core, a SOLID game, despite the blemishes and cracks (balance issues/company decisions). 

And of course, Wargaming Art Dept.....


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It may only be me but i love the maps, seeing a mining site or city or even a ship tied at port, a sunken merchant or warship makes my battle.  I would like more things like the face, castles and light houses, maybe some Roman or Minoan ruins like an aqueduct or amphitheater.  But even basic terrain is top notch making the land more than an obstacle to shoot around or over.

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2 minutes ago, kriegerfaust said:

It may only be me but i love the maps, seeing a mining site or city or even a ship tied at port, a sunken merchant or warship makes my battle.  I would like more things like the face, castles and light houses, maybe some Roman or Minoan ruins like an aqueduct or amphitheater.  But even basic terrain is top notch making the land more than an obstacle to shoot around or over.

Well, the other day I spotted something like a Mayan pyramid.

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Of the PC games I do play, and really just a few, I do admit I really enjoy the game.  I've looked at other possible PC-based naval games, and honestly, nothing compares.  The graphics are incredible, and the attention to detail of the ships is stunning.  I've met many players over the years that I have come to respect not only for the gameplay but also for just being fine individuals - and the list even after all these years continues to grow.  I don't play submarines or carriers, mainly because I've never really attempted to.  I do, however, respect a good CV player and what they can do individually, but also for the team as a whole.  I do have my issues with the game, but at the end of the day, at least for me, are pale compared to the overall enjoyment the game has delivered over the years.

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one thing for sure,, playing pretty much only this game and Elite dangerous & Rift in the last 8 years, has saved me a fortune in having to upgrade my computer...   if it works dont eff with it.. lol

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It still amazes me that I can play a real time game with people thousands of miles away. The programming is very reliable, very rare to have a glitch.

Overall a fun game.

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My crew leaves me cookies on my Captain's Chair before we leave port.


Oh, wait....WG?  They made a game with super-detailed modeling of historic and para-historic naval vessels that they offered for free to anyone who wanted to play it, put together numerous articles and videos highlighting naval history and naval traditions for those who may never have stepped foot on a warship before, and kept gameplay accessible for a wide range of players.  They even offered free in-game items to the playerbase without requiring a subscription.


WOWS?  It's still here, still going, still offering new challenges, and hasn't given in to the temptation to repeat the mistake of introducing premium ammunition or consumables to tilt the battles towards those who spend to win.



Edited by Jakob Knight
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Being honest I love the new Dev Blogs and I'm excited for the changes that are coming. Sure WG can mess it up but if they manage to do it correctly I think it'll be great! I've also loved some of the new ships that are in development and also how generous they're being with all the free ships we can get.

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That I'm still playing this game after six years says a lot. That I've not had to pay a penny to play it says even more. I do appreciate all the people who have invested money into the game though.

Compared to what it was six years ago, the game is a much richer experience. I haven't even begun to research all the tech lines and there are more and more being released every few months. Just the "ins and outs" of the game are richer than they were, too. I just noticed yesterday that the settings menu has changed considerably and I think that it probably makes settings a bit easier to find.

The thing I like most about the game though is the community. I got fed up with the censorship on the official forums and the wishy-washy and arbitrary nature of some of the official WG moderators. Interestingly, I've actually had better experiences with WG itself than I've had with their WOWS "community leaders" and every time I received a nonsensical forum ban (like when I mentioned that a certain match had looked a lot like the Battle of Savo Island) I'd send it up the line and receive an apology from a WG higher up. I'm really enjoying this more laid back member-run forum where you can discuss history, current events, or even other games without being banned.

Edited by Snargfargle
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I grew up in Tasmania in the 1950s and 1960s. My father instilled in me a love for games - we played chess, draughts (checkers) and Stratego viirtually every night. We listened to the radio at night until our black and white television arrived around 1964. I went on  to become a serious chessplayer (International Master, etc) whose progress in that game was only constrained by my demanding career as a research scientist.

Now entering my second childhood, having fun is the priority. To be honest, WOWS is way more fun than chess, though I still love that game deeply. Back in the days of my youth, it was entirely inconceivable that a game such as WOWS, with its beautiful depiction of ships and the sea, its unimaginable dynamism and complexity, would or could ever exist.

I have always had a great love for the sea and for ships. Unfortunately, I have not been equipped with good sea legs, such that sea sickness prevents me from indulging this passion in real life. However, with WOWs, I can sail the seven seas without even a hint of motion sickness.

Yes, what a delight it is to set sail in one's chosen ship, regardless of game mode and regardless of outcome.

Despite all the controversy around WOWS and WG, this game is a real gem. Gratitude to all who have contributed to this great game.


Edited by Bumblegoose
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WG:         Well, as I have said before, this in the best Holiday season I've had in the game since 2017. 

WOWS:    I am struggling with "where this game is going..."  I'm a PVE main (and NO, I am not going back to PVP even if I am bored...) and Asymmetrical Battles is a savior to me.  I love Operations but ASB's are a lot of fun and keeps me playing....  When the cycle ASB's out in a week of so, I am going to be hard pressed for something to do.  If I start a new game, I will focus on that game and this game will get played when I am bored.  As we have heard in Star Wars many times "I have a bad feeling about this" because I am expecting the "other evil shoe to drop" and all of this good Holiday cheer will simply go away.....

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I get the feeling that the daily grind is becoming less so. Asymmetric battles seem to be hitting the spot for most people, I play them occasionally but I still like the bare, naked, 4 minute aggression in COOP. This year's tasks and events were a lot more transparent and less of a time consumer I felt. Take that with a pinch of salt as I have no intention of finishing Dockyard. Hey, they must be doing something right I'm still here after 8 years. Is everything hunky dory? No, but then when is it ever. WG still needs to improve in some areas, communication... clear communication is still #1.

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